
Rolling the Heaven's Dice

Miles O'Connor overslept the morning the apocalypse came. Everyone in his dorm and most of humanity were turned into zombies. Also, those who were alive awakened a system like a player to strengthen themselves for the new coming age. However, Miles did not receive a system. He killed zombies to try to awaken a system and after killing a thousand zombies, it finally arrived. But it was different from what he imagined. [ You have accumulated 1,000 points. You can now roll the Heaven's Dice. ] Cover credits to the owner.

ArchionFate · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Leaving and Arriving

The Administrative building, its separate cafeteria and the Broadcasting building, which was the goal of Miles and the others, were all in the same area, separated only with about twenty meters of space from one building to the other.

Both the Administrative and Broadcasting buildings have five floors each while the cafeteria was in a separate building and has only a single floor.

On the fifth floor of the Administrative building, a muscular man woke up from the call of one of his men. He grumpily stood up and opened the door of his room that was used as an office before.

"What is it?" he asked. If one was going to look at him, the first thing they were going to notice was the cut scar on the left side of his lower lip.

Since his eyes were always sharp, he gave a menacing look.

"Sir Hans, there's a man killing the zombies outside the building." the man reported.

"Huh? Isn't that a good thing? Why do you have to report it to me?" Hans asked, then yawned.

"Well, sir, he is alone yet he's slaughtering the zombies outside. And he's approaching in our direction." the man added.

Hans frowned. "Alone and slaughtering zombies? That means he's strong. Do you have any idea why he's approaching our direction?"

"No, sir. What are we going to do?"

"We'll meet him at the gate. Wait for me, I'll come with you." Hans went inside his room and wore a leather jacket.

He walked to the desk and took a Glock 19 pistol and put it behind his pants.

After lighting a cigarette, he went out of the room.

"Let's go."

Meanwhile, Miles eventually reached the Administrative building.

The first thing he discovered was the fence that the people created.

It was not high but still higher than the average height of a person at two meters high. And the materials they used to build this wall were the huge cabinets and tables from the Administrative building.

It also stretches long from the corner of the Administrative building to the entrance of the cafeteria.

This kind of setup allows the people inside the wall to access both of the buildings safely.

Seeing the wall, Miles thought that they must have had a hard time building that wall because of how difficult it would be to move down each of the shelves, cabinets and tables.

Still, it was proving its worth because the zombies were contained outside the wall.

As he approached the wall, a man stood up on top of one of the cabinets.

He pointed his spear made from a knife and long rod at Miles.

Miles remembered the DIY spear that he made which was almost the same as the one pointed at him.

"Who are you?" The man asked.

Miles looked at the number above the man's head and it said 40 meaning the man was at level 8. Way lower than his team's levels which were now at least 15.

'But just this guy on the fence is at level 8. The people leading this team should at least double that. If that's the case, then I can fight them. I just need to be careful not to implicate Sammy and David.'

"I'm Danny. I hope that you can open your gate for me."

For now, he gave a false identity.

The man stared at him and looked inside as he was waiting for someone's order.

He turned to Miles and nodded. "You can enter. Just walk a few more meters to that side and we'll open the gate a little. Just fit yourself in that gap." the man pointed in a direction.

"Thanks." Miles followed and saw the small gap and a man was signaling him to quickly enter.

He entered the gate and arrived at the other side.

However, the first thing he saw was the ten spears pointed at him and the man smoking a cigarette.

Miles observed the men. While most of them were either level 7 or 8, the one smoking the cigarette was at level 18, the highest level he encountered.

He just stood still, unfazed to the fact that the men were pointing their weapons at him.

"Danny, right? I'm Hans and I am the leader of this group. Sorry for this but we're just protecting ourselves from those that have ill intentions against us. I hope you understand." Hans explained.

Miles smiled lightly. "It's fine."

'So you're the leader? Should I just kill him now? Nah, I'll secure Sammy and David first.'

"Mm. Thank you for understanding. In that case, let us inspect your bag." Hans said.

Miles raised his brows. "I'm sorry but I can't do that."

'You'll just take my stuff right away.' he thought.

In his bag were all the things that he earned with Julia and Michelle. It was filled with items from skill books to accessories. Although he could not inspect any of the items and know their functions, he won't just give them away easily.

"Please understand. We are doing this to make sure everyone is safe." Hans explained righteously.

Miles lightly shook his head. "I don't want to, sorry."

One of the men became angry and shouted. "We're already being generous to you by letting you in but you won't let us inspect your bag?"

Hans raised his hand and silenced the man.

"You can keep the bag. Then at least, tell us your level. Seeing how you slaughtered the zombies outside shows that you're at least level 15 or above." Hans commented.

"Level is not something that you can ask and tell others." Miles rebutted.

Hans sighed and smiled. "You're making it difficult for us to trust you, Danny. If you're going to stay here, we should learn to trust each other."

'I won't trust any of you.' Miles thought to himself.

"Can you please take me inside first? I'm tired and I want to rest for a few hours." requested Miles.

Hans stared at him and nodded. "Of course. We'll talk after you get enough rest. Ricky, take him to the quarters."

A man with black face mask nodded. "Follow me."

The men lowered their weapons and let Miles walk behind Ricky.

"Thank you."

The two walked into the Administrative building.

Seeing them, the other men asked Hans.

"Is it alright boss?"

Hans waved his hand. "It's fine. What can he do to us? He's just alone. Fighting humans is different from killing zombies. We'll just do it like we always do."

"Right. And although guns are wasteful to use against zombies, it's still very effective against players." the man added.

"Mm. Just observe him for a while. Break his legs the moment he falls asleep. He should increase my level, even just one." Hans said casually.

"What did you say!?" Dante shouted at Brian. "Repeat that name!"

Brian was surprised by his reaction but still repeated what he said.

"The name of the leader is Hans Oslo."

Dante frowned and cursed. "Damn!"

He leapt into the air and grabbed his axe tightly.

"Sky Blade!"

The zombies in a small area were knocked back and those who were in the center of impact were all turned into a paste.

"You know that name?" William asked as he moved closer to Dante.

"Yeah. That guy is a natural asshole and an arrogant bastard. He owns a bar at the end of the city so what is he doing here?" Dante was confused.

However, whatever the reason, they should get to Miles as soon as possible.

"We should hurry up and go to Miles. I don't know about the others but that Hans guy is good at fighting. Miles is strong but that man is already strong before even the apocalypse came. His combat experience and strength would put him in a huge advantage against the kid." Dante quickly explained.

William clicked his tongue as he instantly understood the situation. "Let's increase our speed even more!"

They continued slaughtering their way into the Administrative building.

However, at the pace they were going, they wouldn't make it in under an hour.

As the crowd of zombies began to gather into their direction, the team felt the burden of not having Miles.

William gritted his teeth. "Just hold on!"

At that time, a shadow appeared and a woman was descending from above.

"Sky Blade!"

She shouted and killed the zombies the way Dante killed them. After their continuous raid, they received new skills and items from the drops. Although all of them were either E or D rank, these skills and items were a huge help to the team.

"What happened to you guys?" Lilia asked as she killed another zombie.

"Lilia!" Michelle shouted joyfully.

"We couldn't find you in the rendezvous building so we searched for you guys." She quickly explained.

The team was thankful for the arrival of Lilia. She was a good warrior despite being at a lower level than them.

"What about Julia?" Michelle asked.

Right then, a figure passed by the group and cut five zombie heads in a single strike.

Julia slightly emerged from her stealth.

"Julia!" Michelle greeted her.

"Mm." Julia nodded and patted her head lightly. "Is everyone alright?"


"Sorry for not meeting you at our rendezvous. Something happened." William apologized.

"It's fine." Julia calmly said and looked around and then at the new faces. "Something happened? Hmm..Miles is not here. Where did he go? Is it because of them?"

William sighed and quickly explained what happened.

"That idiot!" Julia shouted in annoyance.

"And we're on our way to help him." William said.

"We should hurry. That guy Hans, the leader of that group, is a good fighter. Miles will be in danger." Dante said.

"And we're not? I want to give that guy a piece of my mind after this!" Lilia angrily said.

"What happened already happened. It's no use crying over it." William said.

Their speed became faster with the addition of the two.

"Woah.." Sheila was amazed at how strong Julia and Lilia were.

'I want to be as strong as them.'

She leveled up a few times now but she knew that she was still far from the women from William's team. Coming from a place where the women were very weak, her desire to become stronger was burning fiercely.

After a few minutes, they thinned the number of zombies around them.

"I will go first and see the situation." Julia said.

"Will you be alright?" William asked.

"I should be fine. I'll just escape if I'm discovered." Julia said.

"Observe the situation. If Miles is in danger, see if you can help him. If you can't, just return and we'll move in with you." Dante advised her.

"Alright." Julia then leapt into the zombies and disappeared.

Miles entered the building and as he passed by the people, he saw that their levels were all 1. Their faces were observably thin and their complexion was not good.

He wanted to help them but he first needed to find his friends.

The people looked at him as he passed by the hallway.

As he followed behind Ricky, he saw a man come out of the room at the most end of the hallway, opposite from where he was walking.

The hands of the man were bloodied and he cleaned it with a cloth and threw it to the side.

Miles locked eyes with the man.

The man saw him and narrowed his eyes before smiling.

He rushed into Miles and greeted with a laugh.

"Isn't this Miles? You still alive? How are you doing?" the blonde man said.

"Dwaine Steam."

Miles was furious as he looked at the man that was the reason he got into his first street fight.