

During my school years, I used to be taller, but now her slender figure enclosed me and I pouted at the apparent height difference. This was a daily routine...no matter the circumstances. Be it getting drunk or a hangover, late-night work, or after workouts, there was comfort in our embraces... Her hugs were something I always looked forward to. Be it drunk, hungover, late at night, at the break of dawn, after a long busy day at work, or the weekend, her hugs made everything better. It felt as if summer had personified herself into this person in front of me. The warmth was extremely welcoming. Especially after the shitty night I had...

Twin_Gossips · Teen
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3 Chs


Morning crisp escaped into the air-conditioned space while moist butter sizzled on the pan nearby. Its misty fragrance dances along with the scent of black orchids and juniper oil dabbing the simple aspects of the apartment. Traveling through the neat argent walls, sliding across the lush fabric of the matt maroon couch resting at its arms, the silly morning was just as mellow as the rain last night. Bright rays of daylight fell on the butterscotch carpet, lightening up the entire surrounding which brought out the components of an occupied kitchen counter, attached living room plus the television, and the front door area. The apartment was one vast space with three walls and another reflecting the mesmerizing rise of the city.

Hades...hyperactive as usual, jumps and sniffs around the living room. Its flimsy steps and casual barks fill in the sweet silence and I turn to watch two little kittens follow the humongous German shepherd like they've known him their entire life. My eyes followed on to focus on the familiar city right in front, separated by only a large pan of transparent glass serving as both a wall and a stress reliever.

The noodles are done... I know that we both love it.

Instant food was never disappointing and my cooking skills were of mundane taste. But what can I do if the main food provider was in fact sound asleep after returning home late-night doing god knows what...

"Hmpf." A tiny sigh.

My wrists hurt from stirring the broth, but I wanted the food to be perfect.

"Morning bubs..."

Aaannnnd, I smiled.

She woke up?

This early?

Looking back, I watched as the other walked out of the bedroom, completely clueless about which planet she was on and what day of the week it was. Her slender arms were bare shoulder blades highlighted by the sports bra. It went well with the lofty pair of black sweatpants. Well-defined collar bone flexed while she stretched her arms up and cracked her neck muscles drowsily.

She began to walk over to the counter a few steps away from the one cooking and rested her body against it... supporting the weight by her elbows.

"Slept well?" I asked without holding back a tinge of sarcasm and a series of laughter.

She looked like shit. Sleepy and utterly confused about her own existence, but never wavering at the times needed.


"Sorry I overslept..." I rolled my eyes at her annoying habit of apologizing.

Turning around with a full pan of spicy leftover ramen, I scrunch my nose–"Just eat the breakfast and stop apologizing."

She shrugged. I snorted. She was definitely not awake. That was the reason for her to walk up to me and cuddle in for a hug as soon as she saw me settling the hot pan on the counter. During my school years, I used to be taller, but now her slender figure enclosed me and I pouted at the apparent height difference.

This was a daily routine...no matter the circumstances. Be it getting drunk or a hangover, late-night work, or after workouts, there was comfort in our embraces.


Her hugs were something I always looked forward to. Be it drunk, hungover, late at night, at the break of dawn, after a long busy day at work, or the weekend, her hugs made everything better. It felt as if summer had personified herself into this person in front of me. The warmth was extremely welcoming. Especially after the shitty night I had.

Working at a Bar had its perks. For example, meeting both guys and girls of my type and being able to grab a drink or two with them before going over to theirs or a motel. Now That was fun. But, like all things in this fucked up world, this too had a downside. Bar fights were something very common, especially on Saturday nights, and last night was no different.

After a good bar fight, a couple of drinks, and a hot chick later, I returned home, only to run to the bathroom puking. Honestly, it was a miracle that she did not wake up. She was usually a very troubled sleeper who woke up to even the slightest of sounds.

"Hey, cuddle later. Eat now, you idiot." She said, giving me one last squeeze. Whining, I let her go and walked over to the sink to pour a cup of water to drink.

Walking up behind me, she smacks my head.

"Ouch! what was that for dude!?" I ask frowning while rubbing the back of my head where she had hit me not seconds ago.

She picks up a glass of water that had a neatly sliced lemon floating on top of it and hands it over to me.

"No tap water ..."

Ouch... the full name

Thanking her, I drink it while leaning up against the sink, watching her serve our food into separate bowls as steam rises from the hot pot.

I took a good look at her. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun. She had her glasses resting on top of her nose, as usual. Like always, she wore shorts that showed off her long legs and a t-shirt so big that it almost covered the shorts she wore. She was always like this at home. One look at her and you would think she was a chubby teddy bear, but I knew, under all that was hidden, one of the most amazing figures I had ever seen.

Shrugging the lingering thoughts of my best friend away, I walk over and sit down next to her to eat the Ramen noodles she cooked.... Or at least "Attempted" to cook.

Taking a bite, I snort.

"What?" she asks, giving me a look of confusion.

I shake my head, trying not to laugh.

"Nothing nothing. Maybe you should leave the cooking to me, baby."

I reply finally, unable to control my laughter.

"Hpmf! I was hungry ok? and I waited for you to wake up, BUT! you didn't! so, deal with it!" She grumbled.


Apologizing, I continued to eat the food with her as Hades strutted over to where we were seated and plopped near our legs.

When did he get so big?

It had been 3 months ago that he was below my knee and now, he stood almost up to my waist.

"Are you sure you didn't feed Hades anything weird?"

"...Why would you think that?" She asked, puzzled.

"Nah bro, he waaaaay too big!" I replied, slurping on the noodles. Rolling her eyes, she ignored something she usually did when I was acting stupid.

I pouted and gazed out of the window.

Due to the apartment being on one of the higher floors of the complex, the lazy Sunday morning city could be clearly seen through our roof-to-floor Glass window that took up one entire wall in our little studio apartment. The sun shone brightly as the sky was blue and void of any clouds. It was a very rare but wonderful sight, something we both greatly enjoyed.

"Eat quickly and for the love of god, please take a shower and change. You stink" She ordered, standing up from her seat with her now empty ramen bowl.

" ..... is coming over. She'll be here in 30 minutes." She said, walking over to the sink.

Ah shit. She is coming over.

"Yeh yeh whatever Mum," I replied sarcastically.

"Stinks,'' She says.

"Hmph! I smell Amazing." I mumbled to myself as I pet Hades with my leg while one of our snow-white kittens strutted in meowing for food.