
Roland's odyssey

Roland, an ordinary otaku, tragically lost his life. Filled with regrets he is determined to live his new life to the fullest. unexpectedly he arrives in the new world already at deaths door. with the help of a system and his intellect he tries to survive. Author note: This is my first work that I'm going to put my heart into, so I hope you like it. (PS. I couldn't find a proper cover but as I always say screw the cover, I judge a book by its author)

The_Lazy_Author · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Your identity is??

"I'd like to ask you for a favor. Would you hear me out?" Leeu said, his expression and tone still stoic.

"If it's something I can do, please." Roland responded politely.

"My wife was injured in a battle trying to save me. As a result she got poisoned by a very disgusting poison. This poison is very dangerous and only one place has an antidote but the problem is that not everyone can access that place", Leeu sighed and remained silent, he seemed to be thinking of the past. 

After a while, he sighed again and said, "Only Royal dragons can enter there but due to the war, even ordinary dragons aren't easy to find much less one with royal blood."

"Thanks to you, my wife can live for another six years but I'm afraid that afterwards she might not be able to survive." Leeu looked at Roland and placed his hand on Roland's shoulder and asked, "So, will you help me?"

Roland was doubtful and hesitant, he didn't know much about this world nor the 'factions'. He wanted to say no but he couldn't when he saw the woman's face but he also couldn't agree as he didn't want to risk his new life. He turned and looked to Cyrus for help.

Cyrus saw that Roland was struggling, he sighed and asked, "What is this poison and where is this dangerous place you speak of. Also, what will be the rewards for this quest you want us to take?

Hearing him say that, Leeu released a sigh of relief, he then started explaining. 

The quest they were given... well, more like Roland inherited was that he needed to bring a type of antidote plant from a mysterious and dangerous place called rainbow valley.

Not alot was know about this place and most dragon's didn't disclose any information, and barely anyone made it out alive. Those lucky few that made it out, would lose their sanity and go mad

The quest didn't need to be completed immediately but had to be done before a certain deadline. In this time Roland needed to get strong before going to that place.

'What if I fail, wouldn't her death be partially my fault as I could have prevented it. I can't take on this mission.' Roland fidgited with his hands silently. 

"I don't think I'm fit for something this important, I don't even know if I fit the criteria." Roland mustered his courage and stated.

He didn't want to disappoint them and he didn't want to gamble with someone else's life.

Leeu looked at him seriously, he could read between the lines, he fall in deep thought before saying, "I've meet alot of dragons from the royal family and most of them are arrogant but your personality seems different."

Arrogance was a strong disease. Much less dragon, even some humans who have some ability will be plagued by it. It infects any intellectual being.

"As for being fit, we don't have much options." Leeu's mood stayed the same.

'This kid is seriously lacking self-esteem.' Cyrus thought.

"I d-"

"Sure we'll do it, but we'll need your help with something." Cyrus interrupted Roland, he placed his hand on Roland's shoulder.

Leeu frowned and inquired, "Please don't stand on ceremony, what is it that you need help with."

"Well you see we're...." Cyrus then began to explain their problem. 

Luee and his family were suprised to hear that they were prisoners, especially with their attire.

"It's those orthodox bastars, we should have taken care of them before they became a problem." One of the woman said in anger.

"Indeed, but now it's too late and there's no reason crying over spilled milk." Leeu shook his head in dismay.

"In fact, we haven't left this mountain in a long time. If we siddenly move it might cause the orthodox to set their sights on us and I don't want to endanger my family and people with this matter but regarding the barrier, I think I might have a solution." 

Leeu said with some emotion. He caressed his forhead and said, "Every full moon, for some weird reason the barrier gets weaker and there's a spot where it's completely breakable. With your streangth, if we work together we might be able to break through it.

"When is the next full moon?" Roland asked.

"In about ten days or so." Leeu answered.

During the talk, Rori, the young girl volunteered to accompany Roland on the quest. To Roland's dismay, Leeu rejected the request. They talked more and hammered out the details.

They talked for a bit before it was time to return back. Leeu accompanied them and left them halfway.

The evening sun casted long shadows, and the nocturnal predators awoke from their slumber . The forest was getting darker and the large vegitation created perfect cover for predators. 

Cyrus with Roland in hand was travelling back very quickly, they didn't have much time.

They rested atop a tree for a minute. Roland couldn't help but feel anxious when he looked at the last rays of light disappearing. 

"Master let's just not return back." Roland blurted out, he couldn't help it anymore.

"If we stay, it will alert them and they will send out a search party, if it was just your girlfriend then it might not cause much problems but Edward might send out a search party if you aren't there. Also if they discovere all three of us are gone that will undoubtedly cause suspicion." 

"My desciple why do you worry youself so much?" Cyrus inquired.

Roland looked at his master with confusion, his master's nonchalant appearance annoyed him alot. Roland thought for a while and said, "because there's something to worry about."

Cyrus looked at Roland and then the setting sun, "There were many terrible things in my life and most of them never happened." (Michel de Montaigne)

"So fret not, good things will happen and so will bad things, worrying doesn't help you in any case. Anyway there's not much time left, so let's go."Cyrus got up and grabbed Roland before they disappeared again.

Roland forgot how to breath for a second. He remained silent, his master's words rang in his head.

Although he didn't say it, Roland was still fearful of staying in that prison but after hearing his master's words, he couldn't help but relax a bit.

'His right I guess.' Roland thought when he recalled a few moments from his previous life. 

A scene played in his head. He saw a girl he liked but he didn't approach her, out of inconvenience. Weeks later after thinking of the 'perfect words' to say, he saw her laughing with another guy.

This happened repeatedly over time and in Roland's life but he never seemed to learn.

They quickly arrived by the mountain and quickly entered the cave. It was already dark out and the guards didn't see them, plus Cyrus was running at an incredible speed.

"I think you might make it in time, if you leave now." Cyrus's voice brought Roland out of his stupor. 

Roland looked around and realized that he was already in Cyrus's cell, he was confused but he quickly remembered. His master helped him up and into the tunnel. 

Just as Roland poked his head through the tunnel he heard his cell door opening, he left the cloak in the tunnel and threw himself onto the bed.

The guard opened the door and saw Roland throwing himself head-first on the hard bed, he looked at the boy in confusion. 

'Poor kid has probably gone crazy already.' the guard thought.


Roland sat down and ate his food. Althought it wasn't as extravagant as it was this morning, it also wasn't as revolting as the other time.

After the guard left, Roland heaved a sigh of relief, 'Things worked out!'

A lot happened today and Roland got to learn some interesting stuff, he spent some time arranging his thoughts.

'So I'm actually apart of the dragon royal family! I'm guessing I'm a distant relative, probably not directly linked into the direct family.' Roland thought, he lay on his bed.

'Well whatever, the war has nothing to do with me, I just want to live a peaceful life.' Roland shook his head at some unwanted thought.

'That lion guy was easily able to see through me, while my master and Edward weren't, so it shouldn't be easy to tell. I doubt people will let me live a normal life if they found out so I gotta keep it under wraps and get stronger, strength.' Roland twisted and turned on the bed.

He sat up and started doing exercises; push-ups, squats and some random punches and kicks. 

He had been too lazy in his previous life to get in shape or study any of the arts. The fight from earlier left a deep impression on him and this motivated him a lot.

Although he wasn't training according to some technique/manual, it was better to start somewhere.

After his 'exercise', he heard Artic call for him and the two spoke for a bit until Roland went to sleep.

_The next morning_

Roland woke up, his body was slightly stiff, but he did some stretches before starting his exercises again.

He remembered a quote from his previous world which told, "The only way you see results is if you stay consistent". So Roland made a decision to walk on this path.

The door opened up and three figures emerged from the door, after Roland had his 'Food', he was taken away by the two men. 

Just like last time they brought Roland to the wall and he started doing his thing immediately. 

[Absorbing Pure Fabric Substance, system booting process at 63.20%]

[Absorbing Pure Fabric Substance, system booting process at 63.21%]

[Absorbing Pure Fabric Substance, system booting process at 63.22%]


After a few minutes of standing there one guard left, when leaving he said to the other guard, "Make sure everything goes smoothly."

After the guard left, the kid removed his cloak and started complaining and cussing, "Why don't you do it yourself! That bastered! I have better things to do! I'm the boss here, I call the shots ! And you kid, why aren't you working faster?"

The boy had bright blond hair, his hair looked overly pampered and looked more like a big wig, he had a handsome face, which Roland thought was the source of his arrogance.

'How do you expect me to go faster on a wall even you can't damage.'

Roland already didn't like the boy, after what happened yesterday, Roland had become calmer and more confident but the boy could kill him so he had to be cautious.

"I'm sorry, I think it's because I'm still hungry so my ability is slow and my arms get tired faster and that's why it's slow." What Roland said was obviously a lie.

If it wasn't because the system needed to be rebooted and could be directly linked to his training, Roland wouldn't help these people. He'd simply not do it or just take his time. 

He also didn't know if he'd find this supposed fabric substance in the outside world.

"So if you got some food it would be faster?" Seeing Roland's fearful expression, the kid, who was in his late teens asked.

"Yeah I think nutritious food would do" Roland looked at the boy cautiously. "I'm very weak and don't have any strength so my ability is limited." 

"How about this, sir can go do whatever he wants, I'll continue my work here and if anyone asks, you were supervising me the whole time. But it's your decision to make." Roland earnestly 'suggested'.

The kid remained silent for a second, seemingly in thought, he snapped out of it and said, "Alright, I've decided. You stay here and do whatever it is your doing and I'll be gone for a while. I'll be back in thirty minutes." 

"Your the boss" Roland placed his hands on the wall, he looked at the boy as he left.

'I'll remember this and I will forget nothing.' Roland thought as he closed his eyes and concentrated.