
Roland's odyssey

Roland, an ordinary otaku, tragically lost his life. Filled with regrets he is determined to live his new life to the fullest. unexpectedly he arrives in the new world already at deaths door. with the help of a system and his intellect he tries to survive. Author note: This is my first work that I'm going to put my heart into, so I hope you like it. (PS. I couldn't find a proper cover but as I always say screw the cover, I judge a book by its author)

The_Lazy_Author · Fantasy
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47 Chs


Up until now, all the chained prisoners Roland had seen, looked extremely dangerous and looked like the unreasonable type. 

However when Roland look at the old lady in front of him, he couldn't help but think of power, irrefutable power. He had already felt this feeling before, and that was when he met Erebus. 

That was undoubtly the scariest person he has ever seen, there was still a lingering fear in his heart. With that thought, Roland realised that Erebus also needed to be distracted, and he immidiatly thought of this old lady. A weird light flashed in his eyes.

At this time Fifi had woken up and was in a much better state, meanwhile Artic was currently being carried by Aeliana

'Why in such a manner!?' Roland pondered as he looked at the way the old lady was imprisoned. Both of her arms were fully stretched out behind her, shackles on her entire arms and around her neck, and also her feet.

After realising that she was chained, he calmed his heart and opened the door. When the door opened, the old lady's eyes became sharper and strong winds got kicked up, Roland and the other's were forced back a few steps.

Roland felt nervouse, that deadly stare he was receiving made him feel extreamly uncofortable. Did she just use her strength! Are the restraints on her body just for decoration?

So far, Roland knew that; the restraints suppressed everyone, regardless of strength, even his master wasn't an exception to this rule. Is this lady stronger then my master? Roland started having doubts about this gambled.

Roland quickly suppressed his thoughts and greeted, "Hello Ms." 

Awkward silence filled the room. Roland tried again a few time but there was no response. Roland couldn't do anything, plus he didn't have time so he opted to leave.

"What do you want!" 

Just then, Roland heard an elder woman's voice in his head. From the old lady's expression, Roland knew it was her. The others also heard her as well..

"I was wondering if Miss was intrested in leaving this damn place? If so, I would be willing to free you from your restraints. I don't want anything in return, I just want you to be free" Roland didn't beat around the bush.

"And what do you want in return?" The voice of the old lady was swift, the words sounded terribly sweat. "And don't you dare say you want nothing!"

Any veteran who had survived in this world, understood that, there was no such thing as a free lunch in this world, it usually involves a trick or a hidden obligation.

Hearing the last sentence, Roland disregarded the words he was about to say. He thought for a bit and said, "How about helping us leave here safely!" 

This old lady, was the type of person, who was cautious and cunning. They were generally skeptical of everything, and believe people do everything for benefit. 

So Roland gave her an alluring offer, which was freedom and in return, she has to safeguard them. 

The old lady's next words undoubtedly shocked Roland, she snorted and said, "Hmph! You posses the tongue of a snake at such a young age! I'm not intrested in dealing with you! leave here now!" 

Roland was surprised by this, who doesn't want freedom? Which weirdo would willingly stay in a place like this? Well there was his master, he also seemed to be a weirdo or had his reasons!

Tongue of a snake? Did she perhaps mistake me as a person who manipulated people? I did do that but I meant no harm! Roland stood there wracking his brain. 

Just as Roland wanted to defend himself, he suddenly felt five sharp claws, pressing sharply against his skin. The restraints on the wall slowly fell due to inertia.

Just as Fifi, Ash, and Aeliana wanted to make a move, they felt a strong power wrapping around them, holding them in place, they weren't able to lift a finger.

Roland gulped down nervously. The old lady got close to him and her voice sounded in his head, " I Don't want to hear it! I hate scheming people the worst! Truly disgusting!

The old lady wasn't moved by Roland's offer, instead she looked at his words. He wanted her to keep them safe. Safe from what? Hmph! Leave now before I change my mind.

Roland and his group quickly left, even after they closed the door, their hearts were beating in fear.

"Ok no more wasting time! Let's pick up the pace!" The others nodded at Roland's words.

They opened the door to the tenth floor and saw multiple corpses lying everywhere, they all belonged to the guards. Faint sounds of fighting could be heard, coming from up the stairs.

"How about we leave via the tunnel." Fifi also looked up and said, the shouts and screams from the top caused her to worry.

"The problem, is that elder Lu could still be in that cell, but it might be the only chance we have left." Roland shook his head, they continued their way up the stairs. He didn't want to get involved in the fighting, if he could pass by unnoticed that would be better.

They entered the 9th floor and Roland repeated the action, but this time Roland also removed their restraints, in order to send in better reinforcements.

_Thirty minutes later_

Roland had almost emptied the 9th and 8th floor of it's prison population, all of whom ran towards the staircase with the intention to fight with their lives on the line.

Obviously there had been a few unwilling participants, but Roland didn't care and left them in their cell. There had also been, a few guys who had violence as their default selection, but Aeliana was more then happy to put them in their own place

Among the inmates, there were tons of battle veterans. 

*Pant* *Pant*

The group were slowing down bit by bit, because of Roland being exhuasted. His amazing body had great recovery so he quickly recovered but not to peak health.

"Are you sure you can take on that old lady?" Roland asked, looking at the door in front of him, he was a little hesitant. 

He initially didn't want to pick unnesasary fights, but he also didn't want to get involved in fights with strong people. But the way out was blocked by fighting and Aeliana said there wasn't any problem.

Currently there was about forty five minutes left before his contract ended with Aeliana, so he might as well make use of her.

Roland opened the door and stood aside, Aeliana came forward but they saw an empty room. On the floor, a trail of blood was leading towards the tunnel, that led to Roland's cells.

'So she didn't go outside! This was undoubtedly a great choice!! Roland was glad she wasn't her. "Quickly into the tunnel."

Aeliana led the way, they climbed down the tunnel at a fast rate, and quickly came to the mining area, Roland had seen before. The mine was empty, so the quickly came to the entrance.

The temperature was abnomarly higher then the sun, and the winds whistled a bit loudly today. 

"I haven't seen the rays of the sun in years!" Aeliana was the first to comments when they got out.

"Hmm but I appreciate the breeze more." Artic commented, he had woken up a while back.

Fifi and Ash were also enjoying the outside. They all took a very deep breadth. 

They were surprised by the large mountains, in the distance, a bit of forestry could be seen. The cave was quite high, it was definitely a hassle to get down from here

In the not so far distance, sounds of fighting and explosions sounded. They followed the sound and saw it was in front of prison. A large group of guards and a smaller group of prisoners were locked in a stalemate. 

The prisoners used the terrain to their advantage and fought in a narrow space, but this ment that they couldn't push forward or they'd be surrounded.

"You, move to the back and rest! Decrease the formation by one! The rest cover up any empty positions! Use the mountain and keep it behind use!" In the chaotic battle one man seemed to bring order, he and a small group quickly pushed their way forward, while the rest fought in a chaotic manner. 

The others saw this and adopted his strategy, very soon, multiple groups were doing that.

Roland was impressed, he had freed most of these people, so he understands that they wouldn't cooperate with each other even if their house was on fire, they were caution and unreasonable.

One of the prisoners had asked Roland, Why should he escape, but currently he was among those who fought the hardest. Roland's focus wasn't on that though.

In the further distance, Roland, a layman in this world, was faintly able to sense that presence from earlier, a presence that physically revolted him. He couldn't help asking, "What's going on over the there."

Aeliana frowned when she looked in that direction, " It's a very strong person, I think he's running around or maybe he's chasing some. But I can't sense another presence."

Could it be the old man? Come to think of it, that guy did seem like he was visiting master's cell earlier. What could be their relationship? 

"There's still twenty minutes left, what do you want to do?" Aeliana asked when she saw his ugly expression

"The forest is where we can find shelter and possibly my master, but it's that way" As soon as Roland pointed towards the forest, everyone suddenly understood.

"What do we do now?" Ash inquired, and they all looked at him.

Subconsciously they considered him the leader and this placed a lot of pressure on Roland's body.

"Mom, dad who are those people."

Just then, Roland and his group heard the voice of a child coming from besides them.

Just on the neighbouring mountain, was another group, the group was dressed in fancy clothes. Turns out the group was enjoying the show as well.

From the group of elves and humans, Roland spotted a few familiar faces, and it turns out that those familiar face had spotted him.

Edward and Nemisis also spotted Roland. Edward was looking at Roland with a beaming smile on his face, as if he saw a million bucks. 
