
Roland's odyssey

Roland, an ordinary otaku, tragically lost his life. Filled with regrets he is determined to live his new life to the fullest. unexpectedly he arrives in the new world already at deaths door. with the help of a system and his intellect he tries to survive. Author note: This is my first work that I'm going to put my heart into, so I hope you like it. (PS. I couldn't find a proper cover but as I always say screw the cover, I judge a book by its author)

The_Lazy_Author · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Annoying kid

Roland sat crossed legged and released a deep sigh, he couldn't feel the mysterious power inside him, which was the first step. 

'Don't tell me, I'm one of those people who can't train! I don't want to be ordinary in an extraordinary world.', Roland's body slumped down, negative thoughts invaded his mood.

His master told him that not everyone has that mysterious power inside of them.

Instead of feeling a boulder, Roland felt an empty space inside his body.

He opened his eyes and sat up straight. It had been a day already and he still hadn't made any progress in his training.

"Still nothing?" Fifi who was sitting not far from him asked. She felt bad for him. She had also received a technique and she seemed very happy as she spent all her time on it. 

Roland shook his head in disappointment, he was getting frustrated as to why it wasn't working. 'Just my luck! If this doesn't work, I'll just have to put all my hopes on the system! Today I'll try to absorb as much as I can!'

His master was also confused by this as he hadn't encountered or heard about it. He had speculated and said, "I can sense some power inside of you. I've never seen such a situation."

*click* *clip*

Roland's thoughts were disturbed by the opening of the door. Fifi on cue, got up and quickly hid in the tunnel, moments later a light shone in the tunnel and it disappeared. 

This was one Fifi's new technique, Roland didn't know how it worked but he knew that it created a physical illusion using ice. Although the entrance of the tunnel looked exactly like the floor around it, it wasn't as durable or had the same properties as the floor did.

The door opened and lit up the room, from the veil of light, three figures cloaked in robes emerged. 

One of the figures carried a tray of food and passed it to Roland while the other two stood at the back and watched. 

Roland didn't ask and just ate his food before passing the tray back. 

Afterwards, he was blindfolded and taken away by the other two figures. He was walking in the middle of the two guards, after a series of twists and turns they arrived in front the huge crystal-looking wall.

Roland didn't wait for commands and placed his hands on the wall and...

[Pure Fabric substance was found. Do you want to absorb and boot up the D.F.R system?]

Roland accepted....

[Absorbing Pure Fabric Substance, system booting process at 33.79%]

[Absorbing Pure Fabric Substance, system booting process at 33.80%]

[Absorbing Pure Fabric Substance, system booting process at 33.81%]

The system started absorbing and the progression bar in Roland's vision started moving. The more Roland absorbed the slower the progression went up.

The other two looked on in silence. Roland couldn't see their faces but he guessed that they were shocked. 

After a while the taller figure looked at the other guard and said, "ok, your job is to guard him and make sure nothing goes wrong and if anything happens, you call me, understand?"

The shorter guard nodded, the taller guard glanced at Roland before he disappeared. 

Silence echoed in the air for a while before the guard raged and said, "Che... who does he think he is giving me orders? Wait until my grandma returns, I'll ask her to make him wash my feet and then, I'll force him to drink the water!"

Roland looked at the guard, he couldn't see his face but he could tell that it was most likely a young man as his voice was filled with youth and entitlement.

Just then, the guard noticed Roland's gaze and approached him, delivering a stinging slap to his face while saying, "What the hell are you looking at? I can't believe they made me babysit you!"

Roland's face stung as he was sent stumbling sideways by a seemingly trivial slap, he didn't even see it coming. 

'Just you wait, you bastard! As soon as the system boots up and I get my golden finger, I'll repay this debt.' He thought.

Roland seethed with anger, furious that this wretch would vent his rage on him, seemingly without a reason, this bastard was clearly angry at someone else but chose to beat him up.

Roland had been attacked by a lot of people ever since he arrived in this new world and among them, this guard was the weakest.

"I don't know what's so important about you. You dont even have strength." the guard walked up to the wall and looked at the palm size dent on the wall. He touched the small black sand and said," Your just turning the wall into sand! This is gonna take forever!"

"I'm sorry." Roland picked himself up and said with a fearful expression. 'I don't have enough strength but when I do I'll make you regret it!'

The guard angrily punched at the wall, he aimed at the dent. The fist landed and sparks flew from the impact a. He looked at the wall and then his fists in confusion. When he saw the surprised expression on Roland's face he smugly said, "I barely used any strength. Anyway get back to work."

"Yes sir" 

Roland quickly nodded and got back to absorbing the wall. Time slowly moved on. 

_Forty Minutes later_

[Absorbing Pure Fabric Substance, system booting process at 40.79%]

[Absorbing Pure Fabric Substance, system booting process at 40.80%]

[Absorbing Pure Fabric Substance, system booting process at 40.81%]

Roland was sweating profusely and his entire body was trembling but more noticeably were his arms, they were bloated and trembling so much that they looked like wiggling noodles.

"Aggg can't you hurry it up? What's taking so long" The guard said in anger and annoyance

Behind Roland was the guard, and for the past forty minutes or so, he had been growling and moaning.


Just then, Roland fell down in exhaustion, his clothes well.... rags were drenched in sweat. He was in so much pain that he couldn't move a muscle.

"Che! Tired already! Your weak!" The guard said with contempt. He walked up to Roland and kicked him on the side and said, "Get up! An hour has almost passed anyway, get up and let's go!"

The guard kept kicking Roland on the side. Roland was in pain already and his body was barely healing but not fast enough. He clenched his fists and slowly got up. To say that he was livid would be an understatement. 

He had know this guy for less then an hour and Roland already hated him with every fibre of his body.

Roland picked himself up and dragged himself away, he followed behind the guard and along the way the guard had kept on kicking Roland, telling him to move faster.

Roland returned to his abode and sat on the bed, with tears in his eyes he covered himself with the blanket and fall asleep. Maybe it was because of exhaustion but it didn't take long for his consciousness to drift away.


A mere ten minutes after Roland and the guard departed from the cave, two mysterious figures materialized before the crystal wall.

One of the figures was wearing a cloak while the other was Edward, the man who struck a deal with Roland.

Edward ran his fingers in the small hole that had appeared on the giant dark wall. He had a surprised expression on his face.

"After so many years we can finally pass...!" He muttered softly under his breath.

After a moment of silence, Edward turned around and said, "I'll leave this to you, Reward him and tell him to keep it up."

"Yes sir, but sir the jurisdiction for this operation doesn't belong to us!" The cloaked figure said after some hesitation.

"Hmph! Don't worry about that I'll deal with It" Edward clutched his fists, determination was written on his face and seen in his eyes.
