
Rogue Villain

Waking up after a traffic accident, a young man realizes that he might have transmigrated into the world of one of his favorite stories, which isn't all bad. Except for a couple of things. The world and everyone on it gets destroyed at the end of the story. He has transmigrated into the body of Ackster Phileam, an infamous roadside pebble antagonist who gets killed by the original Hero of the story a week after meeting The Hero. And half that week has already passed. *The story is pretty slow paced, especially the first decent batch of chapters. But if you're intrigued by the story but not the abundance of words, check out the chapter 1-56 summary. It will be full of spoilers, but just consider it a prologue.*

armordillo · Fantasy
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423 Chs

Sooner Or Later

Tararat was reluctant. Ackster had brought him and the dragonling race nothing but trouble. But, on the other hand, Ackster had also given them a chance to make peace with the Dragon Slayer and save their race from an early extinction.

At first, the dragonlings wanted to chase Kargas down when he left the Council meeting since it was his fault the dragons were up and about. However, the way he had beaten all the challengers and even stood up against a dragon, albeit less successfully than Ackster, made most dragonlings reconsider.

Tararat was not among those. He saw the destruction and potential of Kargas. He also saw the loathing in Kargas' eyes when he looked at Killgara and some of the dragonlings. He couldn't leave such a threat alone. So, he went after Kargas.