
Rogue Tycoon

Framed by a friend and imprisoned, he was released today. The story takes place in China around 2000.

TakeItEasyImStupid · Urban
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10 Chs

A woman who is ruthless after the fact

  Women are sensual, even if it is a woman who is dating, not just look at the cock big inserted comfortable with you about. Unless it is really a woman who is starving for food, it is difficult to fill the gulch. Even though this kind of woman is also a sensual animal. In order to meet her sexual needs on the basis of if then to meet her on the appearance of the expectations, that a fire easily extinguished. Men who are dating should be careful about their kidney function.

  Of course, if the appearance to meet her expectations, and then let her feel the warmth in the human behavior, can be trusted and even heart. Men who are dating you need to understand that your last drop of semen is not left today.

  Dating stems from a sexual need, but so does caring for looks and heart. If these are met, this short date and one night stand could very well turn into a long term fuck buddy. What Lin Si-Dog did was all learned from torturing a flirtatious old liar in prison. I didn't know what it was good for at first. Today is just a small test. The routine combined with the sweet words online, the attack came down, and Lu Fangyi, who had long had a need for him, collapsed at once.

  After playing a trick of desire, it was followed by a sudden attack. Lu Fangyi had completely fallen. After a passionate kiss Lu Fangyi felt her pussy running and went limp.

  "Did you get a room?" Lu Fangyi asked as she hugged his waist, her face pressed against his chest.

  "No ..." Lin Sigou said.

  "My home is not convenient, I will go to open, there should be a hotel nearby ..." Lu Fangyi can not wait.

  "Look at you in a hurry, go to where I live, the distance is not far." Li Si dog said pulling Lu Fangyi on the go. Direct taxi to the Royal View Huacheng.

  Lu Fangyi is a little shy, as if it really is a little anxious, but show so obvious? A moment will not lose the initiative? Not so good. For the first time to date someone other than her husband, it is hard to avoid thinking too much in her heart.

  Looking up at Lin Si Dog, he felt satisfied in his heart.

  After getting off the bus, Lu Fangyi is even more satisfied, this is a high-grade neighborhood. The environment is very good. At least this person in front of me is a person who lives a quality life. Followed him into the elevator, to the tenth floor. Open the door and come in. Two rooms and one hall is not big, but the house is simple and clean. There were no clothes lying around or garbage not taken out. Clean not like a man's room.

  "Sit ... down," Lin Si Dog wanted her to sit down and start slowly.

  "Uhm ... come on ...," Lu Fangyi nodded shyly even though she felt that the water from her pussy had already wet her panties. She heard sitting as doing.

  Lin Si Dog reacted for a moment and suddenly understood. The desire churning in his heart couldn't help it. This little lady is really tender and white to eat, what are you waiting for. The spermatozoa's first thought was to rush up and strip it naked and then pump it.

  But the old liar had told him that as an advanced point liar one must have a beginning and an end. So he once again resisted his urges and suppressed his hot blood. Gently walked over. Gently caressing her ears, then his face slowly came over and kissed her lips.

  These are these two days to investigate Li Shunshui from the Internet to learn, do not know whether it works or not. But at least it's better than tearing clothes and going hard. The fact is better than he imagined, Lu Fangyi took the initiative to embrace him and kissed passionately.

  After two minutes, Lu Fangyi let go of his head and separated her lips.

  "Do you want to keep kissing like this ...," Lu Fangyi said with a red face.

  The spermatozoa-ridden Lin Sigou once again entered a state of downtime, all of his preparations and performances to just now the script has ended, what next? Fortunately, after having been coached by Yao Lanxi, he suddenly remembered that he should take off his clothes next.

  A reach to find the zipper of the dress from her back slowly pull open, Lu Fangyi from the clothes inside pull out their white tender arms, Lin Si dog saw her white bra, but this thing he will not take off. Instead, he saw Lu Fangyi standing up and her dress sliding down.

  Lin Sihou felt so beautiful. It was different from Yao Lanxi. Yao Lanxi was tall and slender, her breasts were not small. And this woman is a bit fleshy. Her breasts weren't big but they were full. The belly and waist are a little meaty, not too much, just right. Legs are white, not slender. But also not thick. The white snug, non-marking triangle pants outlined the perfect shape, and Lin Si Dog swallowed his saliva and reached out to touch the smooth, soft and elastic buttocks.

  Really elastic, Lu Fangyi reached out and unhooked her bra to free her two breasts. Not too big but not too small, very full. Lin Sigou rubbed his hands on her two ass cheeks and looked up at the two beautiful breasts already hard below.

  "I'll help you take off ..." Lu Fangyi said and went to unbutton his shirt.

  Taking off the shirt revealed a robust and powerful upper body. Angular arms and back muscles, eight-pack abs mesmerized Lu Fangyi. Reaching out, she caressed Lin Si Dog's nipples, then the eight-pack abs. Finally reaching his waist to unbuckle his belt, Lin Si Dog stood up. The pants slipped down. The panties had been stretched up wide.

  Lu Fangyi swallowed, recalling what she had seen that day, and carefully took off Lin Si Dog's underwear, and sure enough the hideous big guy jumped out. It was much bigger and thicker than what she had spied and met in her dreams.

  "I'm wet ...," Lu Fangyi whispered as she stroked Lin Sihou's dick.

  Lin Sihou bent down and picked her up and went straight to bed. Lu Fangyi just lay on the bed, Lin Sigou reached out and yanked her panties right down, still sniffing the wet place on the tip of his nose.

  "Don't ... be so shy ..." Lu Fangyi hurriedly stopped.

  Lin Sigou couldn't wait and spread her legs apart with both hands. The big cock was right at the entrance of the pussy. With a hard poof from his waist, the glans plunged in.

  "Don't, wear a condom ... ah ... don't rush ... wait ... ah ... hmmm ... how did you ... get in ... oh... ...Oh ... "Lu Fangyi was fooled by Lin Sigou's restraint from the beginning to the end, this guy at this time the spermatozoa where there is still sanity.

  The big cock directly brutally inserted into the pussy. Lu Fangyi although wet and usually their own not less masturbation, but her husband is in the field seldom fuck her, where can stand to suddenly insert such a big guy. She also fantasized about some foreplay. But foreplay this script in the Lin four dogs here has ended. The next is the real deal.

  "It hurts ... ah ... . Gently ... " Lu Fangyi couldn't stop Lin Sigou's forced entry and could only plead.

  Lin Sigou remembered Yao Lanxi's conditioning, his cock was only inserted halfway, no longer thrusting brutally. Just slowly thrusting. Let Lu Fangyi get used to it. Sure enough this thrusting Lu Fangyi did not cry out in pain.

  "Ah ... oh ... so big ... oh ... hmmm ... Don't ... don't cum in it ... oh ... not safe... ...Ah...Hmmm...Great...Satisfied! ... "Lu Fangyi bit her lips and said with a red face.

  Saying that, she began to enjoy herself. Lin Sihou had been thrusting like this for more than three minutes. Feeling that the inside of the pussy was getting smoother and smoother, he couldn't help but go a little deeper. Lu Fangyi stretched her waist, and her mouth let out a more unrestrained moan.

  "Wow oh ... so deep ah ... come again ... ah ... hissing ...Eat my nipples...Eat my ...boobs... "Lu Fangyi bit her lips while her lips to enjoy the pleasure brought by the big cock thrusting while making her request.

  Lin Sihou readily accepted the request and adjusted his position, opening his mouth to suck and even gently bite Lu Fangyi's nipple while thrusting. Lu Fang Yi only felt her whole body tingling, pleasure like a tide. Than she wanted to the middle of the much cooler, much happier. Her pussy became even more moist. It even started to run.

  "Plug me ... plug me ... so comfortable ... plug in the end ... oh ... ah... so good... uh... in the end... ...Oh ... so much water ..." Lu Fangyi shouted, Lin Sidou violently and completely inserted to make her more stimulated, a small orgasm came.

  While thrusting Lin Sigou realized that more water flowed out from inside her pussy, even the bed sheet was wet. And he inserted also smoother. Can't help but shrug his ass and thrust vigorously.

  "Is this okay, is this force okay?" Lin Sigou said while thrusting.

  "Good great ... just like this ... just like this ... just like this ... good Comfortable...Plug me...Plug me so comfortable...Ah...Coming... ...coming ... harder ... faster ..." Lu Fangyi's first orgasm arrived.

  Lin Sigou had been coached by Yao Lanxi to know that he couldn't slack off at this time, and immediately increased his strength, increasing the speed of his thrusts, making snapping sounds.

  "Ah ... uh ... ah ... oh ... husband ... Husband...Fuck me...Fuck me...Fuck me... ...I'm going to fly ... coming ... ah ... so good ... pussy is full ... "Lu Fangyi completely let go, and her two thighs clamped down hard on Lin Si Dog. The water in her pussy squirted out.

  Lin Sigou's cock couldn't block it, so he could only pull her to the edge of the bed and pull it out, watching her pussy clattering and spraying out. The body was shaking and trembling. He was also very comfortable and felt a sense of accomplishment. When the water finished spraying, Lu Fangyi lay on her side on the bed and breathed back. It was too comfortable. It was much more comfortable than imagined.

  Lin Si Dog also lay on his side then spread her legs apart and found the location of her pussy and inserted his big cock in again. This time it was a slow thrust.

  "Is it comfortable to fuck like this?" Lin four dogs finally a little love interest, know to communicate.

  "No ... no ... to say ... vulgar ... "Lu Fangyi felt the cock rubbing in her pussy, a burst of comfort spread throughout her body.

  "But you just shouted, let me fuck you ..." said Lin Sigou as he pumped and played with her breasts.

  "Too forgetful ... too shy ... before my husband ... oh... . well ... don't mention him .... A bit vulgar ...." Lu Fangyi said.

  "But I like to hear it ah ... you say it again ..." Lin Sigou made a request.

  "Don't ... unless ..." Lu Fangyi was fucked out of her orgasm and let go a lot. Some words would dare to say and want to say.

  "Unless what?" Lin Sihou asked as he thrust a little harder.

  "Unless you make me water again, I'll shout out ...," Lu Fangyi said as she bit her lip.

  "Fine, then I'm coming, are you ready?" Lin Sigou said to make an effort.

  "Don't, ... don't ... change the position ... I like ... Old man wheelbarrow ..." Lu Fangyi said with a red face.

  Lin Sihou was baffled, what do you mean by old man wheelbarrow. Then saw Lu Fangyi kneeling on the bed puckered up her buttocks, revealing her pussy, and said come on. Lin four dogs understand in a second, is not the back thrust it, and this name. Immediately stood on the ground holding the cock against the pussy and violently inserted it.

  "Oh ... ah ... comfortable ... so good ... in the end ... "Lu Fangyi shivering this called out.

  Five minutes later she regretted it. This position was particularly stimulating and deep, allowing her sensitive zones to be fully stimulated. According to her past experience with her husband, this position would take less than three to five minutes before she would ejaculate, and by then she was almost done. As a result, Lin Si Dog liberated his limbs and stood with a firm grip, too favorable for him to play. Waist shrugged snapping big cock directly rushed. He is cool. After five minutes Lu Fangyi water flowed, after ten minutes Lu Fangyi collapsed. The climax was repeated.

  "Fuck me to death .... I'm so cool ... dying ... pussy is going to burst ... ah ... leaking ... Stabbing and leaking ... Fuck me ... Ahh. Oh ... uh ...." Lu Fangyi grabbed the bed sheet with both hands and struggled back and forth.

  But her ass was grabbed by Lin Sihou and she couldn't escape at all. She realized that Lin Sihou's strength was so great that it was as if her buttocks were fixed to an iron frame, she couldn't move at all. With the immense satisfaction of the thrusts and the strong impact, Lu Fangyi couldn't care about feeling anything anymore. Babbling and yelling.

  She was a watery body, and she could squirt several times when she masturbated on weekdays without her husband. Now that she was being jerked around so stimulatingly, she didn't know how much water had squirted out of her pussy. But the little rascal Lin four dogs now spermatozoa there still remember what slow down, gentle things. Just focus on violent thrusting, in thrusting to enjoy the pleasure.

  Listening to Lu Fangyi's lustful moans and screams, the little rascal even more pleasure. The more Lu Fangyi screamed the more violently he fucked. As for the water that came out between the thrusts, it flowed continuously down Lu Fang Yi's thighs. Lin Si Dog's belly and thighs were also stained with a lot of it.

  "Is it comfortable to fuck you so ..." the little rascal asked while thrusting hard.

  "Comfortable ... too comfortable ... ah ... so good ... fuck me good Comfortable...Pussy is so comfortable...Fuck me...Ah...Great... ... "Lu Fangyi lazy feel this reply, she really feel cool fly.

  "You called so wave, is not a tart, are you tawdry ..." The little rascal feel stimulation, feel a feeling of conquest, this feeling is more cool than the ghost head on the pleasure that often comes. The more Lu Fangyi screamed slutty, this sense of conquest is more intense.

  "I'm a slut ... I'm a little slut ... fucked to death ... ah ... little slut is going to be fucked to death by you ... ..." Lu Fangyi shook her head and answered with a wave of screams.

  "I'll fuck you to death you little slut, did you leave me WeChat at the internet cafe just because you want me to fuck you like this ..." Lin Sidou asked while pumping.

  "Ah ... ah ... is ... just want ... want your big ... big guy plug me ... like ... ah ... plug me like now. ... plugging my little slut hole ... plugging me so comfortably ..." Lu Fangyi replied as her waist ached and wiggled her head.

  "How do you know I have a big dick, is my dick big?" Lin Sigou said while thrusting.

  "Big ... so big ... bursting ... so comfortable ... so like your 's big guy ..." Lu Fangyi said.

  "How do you know my dick is big ..." Lin Sigou felt he was coming and asked while pushing harder.

  "Ah ... ah ... can't ... say ... it's so shameful ... "Lu Fangyi said embarrassed.

  "I fuck, still dare to resist ... say not to say ..." Lin Sigou thrusting more violently.

  "Ah ... don't ... fuck ... please ... ah .... Can't stand it ... please ... rest for a while ... I can't stand it ... baby's pussy is going to blow up ... You're fucking it up ... Wait a minute ... Please ... Ah... ...."

  Lu Fangyi's hands were tearing the sheet in death, biting her own pillow head and rubbing it on the bed. Her mouth was constantly wailing and begging for mercy. She felt herself floating, flying, the water in her pussy had squirted again and again, another orgasm came, her pussy began to contract she began to beg for mercy. But the little rascal had no intention of stopping.

  "Comfortable, I'm going to ejaculate ..." Lin Sigou felt himself bursting with pleasure to ejaculate.

  "Don't ... don't ... shoot outside ... not safe ... "Lu Fangyi heard the spirit, which remembered that he did not bring a condom.

  Lin Sigou violently thrust a few Lu Fangyi also climaxed, pussy contraction spray. Lin Sigou suddenly pulled out the big cock, pussy water sprayed out. Lu Fangyi did not forget to reach out and knead her clitoris and labia, and the water sprayed even more. Her body trembled and convulsed. The orgasm was to the extreme.

  She was still enjoying her orgasm when Lin Sigou's big cock bar had already reached her.

  "Open your mouth ... I'm going to cum inside ...," Lin Sigou held back and said.

  "Don't ... it's too dirty ..." Lu Fangyi shook her head and refused, her husband hadn't even done this.

  Centralized her several times, have not done so, even oral sex is less.

  She did not open her mouth Lin Sigou is very dissatisfied, but could not help but quickly jerked two sprayed, sprayed Lu Fangyi all over the face, hair is also.

  "Aiya, you bad death, so dirty ... nasty ..." Lu Fangyi is very unhappy.

  "I shit, dirty what, shooting in your cunt is not dirty?" Lin Sigou didn't have a good mood.

  "I'm not talking to you, it's too rude." Lu Fangyi lay on the bed gasping for breath. Lin Sigou's IQ once again took the high ground after he ejaculated, remembering Yao Lanxi's words, a woman should be soothed and pacified after her orgasm. To be hugged.

  Lin Sigou tried to hug Lu Fangyi, Lu Fangyi pushed her to show her dislike and impatience, then staggered up to go to the restroom to wash her face and fix her hair. While doing so, she was unhappy. Originally quite good, quite comfortable, now so disgusting look.

  It is said that men are ruthless in pulling out their dicks, and this woman is the same. Lin Sigou shook his head and thought.

  Sparse sounds came out from the restroom. Apparently Lu Fangyi was taking a bath. More than ten minutes later came out, still beaming with an unhappy look.

  "Why are you unhappy ..." Lin Sigou asked softly. Trying to want to embrace her.

  This time there wasn't much resistance, but her face was not very happy.

  "I don't like this, it's too dirty and disgusting ... " Lu Fangyi said with a beak.

  "OK, I promise not to do this next time, next time shoot inside." Lin Sigou said jokingly.

  "Don't, I'm going ..." Lu Fangyi pouted and started to wear clothes.

  White fitted panties, bra, floral skirt. It was rather simple. Lin Sigou naturally followed suit and dressed, then sent her outside.

  "Don't you send me away, it's not good for people to see." Lu Fangyi said at the door.

  "Fine, you go first, I'll go the other way." Lin Sigou is a little upset and said that you this before and after this little thing to it, the tone of nature is not too polite. Lu Fangyi heard more angry, a stomping foot turned around and walked quickly.

  Go away Lin Sigou also lazy to send her, no wonder that the prison to teach themselves to cheat the old liar said, the woman's heart under the sea needle, you never know which of her clouds have rain. It may be because of a small thing that destroys all previous efforts. It seemed right now. But Lin Sigou didn't care, tested his own deception, as for women. He did not intend to do anything, you pull out the cock mercilessly, I put on my pants and do not recognize people.

  Dating it is not like this.

  Lu Fangyi was angry and left. Shooting her in the face is one aspect. It's true that she doesn't like it too much, but it's not unacceptable. It's just that she can't get over this hurdle in her heart. After the cool release of passion naturally have a period of time is rational. This time will be for their own do something wrong regret.

  Have a family man to go out to play, not play before will give themselves to find all kinds of reasons, play time will be all kinds of tricks, wait until a cannon shot finished. After leaving the goblin, he smoked a cigarette and smacked his mouth to feel sorry for his wife and children, so he will try to make up for his wife and children.

  After a while you may not be able to resist going out to spend. And then regret.

  Lu Fangyi is also this kind of psychology, after a gun cool Lu Fangyi naturally get what they want, physical and psychological needs to be satisfied after relief. In fact, began to regret, feel sorry for their husbands. This kind of regret will be emotional because of a small thing.

  Along the way more and more regret, decided to never see this person in the future. Go back and delete him.

  Waiting for Lu Fangyi to go Lin Sigou put on his clothes and touched his pocket. There is not much money left. Recently spent a little hard. Renting a house, pretentious clothes. Also want to add some props, plus all kinds of expenses, the pocket is left with a thousand dollars.

  Saving a little naturally can be used for a long time. But he is not that person. So he turned around and tried to get some money. After lunch, he turned around and saw a mahjong parlor outside the neighborhood. He went inside and found that there were not only old men and women playing mahjong, but also some young people. Mahjong this thing is suitable for young and old, some as entertainment, but also some people use it to make money to support their families.

  Chess room is a fun, no big bet. One or two dollars to play a fun. A day's winnings and losses are not more than one or two hundred. The public security bureau police will not control. But there is also a learning curve here. Lin Sigou learned not only the art of cheating, but also the art of gambling. The old gambler had told him that the gambling table could be small to big.

  He turned around a few times to observe, the old man and woman excluded is not his goal, honestly raiding the old man and woman's money are a little conscience, his goal is those young, dressed in more upscale, a look not bad money.

  Soon he found two tables, a table are elite people, three men and a woman dressed more exquisite. Especially the woman, wearing is not brand-name with is not expensive things Lin Sigou do not understand, but he knows to look at the temperament of the people, is a kind of life is good and pampered temperament. Female twenty-five or twenty-six years old, goose egg face, long hair, fingers slender red nail, a black dress, coated with flaming red lips. Get the card is not much to see the hand on the fight, playing the lost money out of pocket simply not a moment.

  Lost without any complaints won't be excited, as if this mahjong is a dispensable pastime, but occasionally a flash of light in the eyes on the Hu apparently proficient in this way. Lin Sigou judged that this person is not will not play, also not care about money. Rather, he doesn't care about this small amount of money. This should be a big poker game did not form to come here to enjoy.

  His target was another table, two men and two women. One man was in his fifties with an emerald string, which was worth a lot at first glance. The other one was in his mid to late thirties with glasses. Dressed very clean. Carrying a watch on his hand. Lin Sigou probably remembered a habitual thief told him the brand of the watch, judging that the watch was less than one hundred thousand.

  The two women, one is forty years old and above, exquisitely maintained. Dressed casually, playing cards is very lazy, but calculating to lose less and win more. Another more than fifty years old face full of horizontal meat, wearing beads and jewelry. Losing money low voice cursing mother, winning money full of red face. Unfortunately, she is the one who loses the most.

  This poker table is full of rich people but no social atmosphere. It's a good place to start. The other table was not so simple to watch.

  Originally, he was staring at this table, intending to add to it if there was a vacancy, and then wait for an opportunity to make a move. However, this table did not wait for a vacancy, but another table became vacant. The table of three men and one woman, a man took a phone call to play the last hand withdrew.

  The woman looked a little impatient.

  "Brother Liu you can not, this just played two rounds not addictive you leave, play another round." The exquisitely dressed woman opened her mouth to tease.

  "No no no, it's really serious, company matters. I'll be here, get together again, get together again ..." The one called Liu stood up and left, as if he was really in a hurry.

  Beauty gas a push mahjong some not happy.

  "Hey ... that little brother, see you turn half a day, to get a hand ..." the same table of a forty-something years old a little bald slightly fat man toward Lin Sigou beckoned.

  Lin Sigou pointed to himself to show a questioning expression, the man nodded toward him. Lin Sigou thought to himself, "Is this the east not opening to the west?

  But in order to not be too abrupt he still walked over.

  "Little brother, you look strange." The other male asked.

  He was also in his forties, but he wore a shirt and pants and sat straight. Looking at Lin Sigou, he asked. People who start talking like this are very vigilant, maybe he didn't realize it himself, but Lin Sigou felt it. This is also the reason why he is not willing to go to this table, all have money, but it is not good to get. It wasn't that he was afraid, the same was getting money, naturally the less hassle the better.

  "Recently just moved here, have not had time to familiarize with the environment, this is not an itchy hand to come up to see ..." Lin Sigou said with a smile.

  "I didn't think it was still a little handsome, said a good little handsome, not to fight until the night can not withdraw." Exquisitely dressed woman said.

  "Aiya, Lulu, you're being difficult. In case people have something that." The man in his forties said hitting the color. Speaking amiably but his eyes swept over Lin Sigou intentionally or unintentionally.

  "It's fine, it's fine, I'm all fine today, I also have itchy hands. Accompany me to the end." Lin Sigou said while grabbing the cards, acting very naive.

  Since they sat down everyone started playing. Soon after the round, Lin Sigou lost more and won less. However, he only lost about two to three hundred dollars. The old gambler warned him not to be in a hurry when he went to the casino to get money. To observe the situation. This round Lin Sigou is observing the situation, see what a few people temperament. Probably what set of rules.

  Opposite the goose egg face beauty poker skills in general, is to dare to play, and will not act, the card is good on the spirit, not good on the withered. The man in the suit is very shrewd and is intent on making a big hand, so he can't see the little fart Hu. The bald man is the most shrewd, the size of the card up and down the house are calculated very clearly, rather than Hu Hu not point gun.

  The most important thing is that he can see that these people do not have a set, no cheating people. The next second round he is not polite. The old gambler handed him the cutting technique can not be used, because now shuffle without hands are mahjong machines wash themselves.

  But there are other ways to steal cards, change cards, hide cards, remember cards are used. And you can easily memorize the routines and playing habits of the three houses. Although in the jargon of the tazza it was three tiles, he was still careful. Six years out of prison made him let go when he should be bold, and not show his hand when he should be careful.

  After another round, Lin Sigou not only recovered his capital, but also won a small amount of four to five hundred dollars. The beauty called Lulu felt that the wind of the cards was not good and wanted to change the wind. This change she became Lin Sigou's next, the suit man became the upper, bald and chubby people into the opposite.

  Continue to play Lin Sigou began to take the strategy, pressure on the top hand down. Slowly the suit man is a little difficult, the lower house of Lulu beauty is repeatedly open hu. People are also getting excited. But Lin Sigou did it very carefully, a little bit obvious, and even deliberately cut off the hu twice.

  "Little brother, are you looking at Lulu looking good and deliberately feeding her. That's not polite." The man in the suit finally got suspicious and started complaining after giving Lulu a nod.

  Lin Sigou thought to himself, "You're too slow to realize this now. Just waiting for you to say this. In his heart, he naturally couldn't admit it like that.

  "Brother hey, Lulu sister is beautiful, but this casino no father and son, I also want to more Hu two hand, but you see my card ..." Lin Sigou bitter face spread out his own cards for everyone to see.

  The man in the suit looked at the same pondered for a while naturally can not see anything, as if the change of their own also do so. Can not help but shake his head.

  "Lulu ah, it seems this little brother wang you." Suit man flirted a sentence.

  "What prosperous or not, today's hand luck is good. Come on continue ..." Lulu got excited and her cards flourished. But still looked at Lin Sigou a few more times.

  "Little handsome boy, how to call?" Lulu asked while grabbing the cards.

  "Lin Si, Lulu sister just call me Xiao Lin." Lin Sigou said.

  "Little Lin, this fat guy named Lao Wen who runs a bath center is rich, win his ah. This man with a dog-like face is named Fang, and he's a big businessman. All rich people, don't be polite." Lulu happily introduced the two men.

  "Hello big brother Wen, hello big brother Fang." Lin Sigou was polite.

  "They're all card hitchhikers, what with or without money. Keep going, I don't believe that your hand can be good all the time." Old Wen shook his coloring and said.

  "People say that three men and one woman playing mahjong is purely a gift field. I don't believe it either, come on and continue." The surname Fang also came to the spirit.

  The atmosphere was almost ready to collect a wave. Lin Sigou didn't move and started making cards. Quickly hoarding a big hand. Then he would immediately release the water to let the upper or lower hand hold a small or similar hand.

  After four or five rounds he basically mastered the rhythm. It was almost eight o'clock in the evening. The beautiful Lulu's cell phone rang.

  "Husband rushed, after playing this one scattered, another day to make another appointment." Lulu said.

  Other people naturally nodded, this hand Lin Sigou put water so that Lulu happy to collect money and stand up twisting the butt carrying a bag to go. Three people also tired do not want to fight on. On their own dispersed, politely said that day again about, but who did not give Lin Sigou left contact information. It's all just talk.

  This afternoon Lin Sigou won more than three thousand. But the card game control is very good, let them win or lose are not much, and very excited to have a tug of war. This is to leave the ambush for the future. This poker game even if it is done, put a long line to catch a big fish meaning. Lin Sigou went to the restroom to put the inventory and washed his hands. Then left.

  But when he came out Lulu came out of the women's restroom, wiggling her ass and hurrying downstairs. He slowly followed behind, originally thinking he was on the same road, when he came out he found an Audi car parked on the side of the road Lulu pulled open the door and got in. It should be the husband she said came to pick her up.

  But the moment she pulled open the door Lin Sigou saw a familiar figure. Zhao Lang's father, Zhao Hongjun, Accountant Zhao. Now the richest man in Yulin Town. Accountant Zhao, who owns a company in Fengcheng City. The Audi sailed away, and his eyes went with it, but his heart was drumming frantically, and then he looked at the sky.  It was hard to find a place to get it.

  "Don't stare, not your cup of tea. The rich man's caged bird." Old Wen who was smoking by the road at this time watched Lin Sigou's eyes staring at the Audi and thought he had his eye on Lulu couldn't help but enlighten.

  "Oh, think, just think. Pretty woman." Lin Sigou revealed an expression that men understand. Smoothly mentioning this topic.

  "Don't think, let alone reach out. Brother told you, Lulu's man is not simple. He's a man with his hand in the sky. The old boss of Dingfeng Grain Industry, known as Zhao Tongtian." Old Wen said.

  "Thanks to Brother Wen for reminding me, I don't want to in the future. Stay away from it." Lin Sigou laughed.

  Old Wen nodded, turned around and got into his car and drove off as well.

  Lin Sigou's mind was thinking, how is it possible to be distant, to be close and intimate ah. Accountant Zhao will be divorced? I have not heard, or else it would have been rumored all over the countryside. Since there is no divorce then how to deal with the tigress in the family. Zhao Lang's mother is the shrew of the countryside. So this Lulu could only be a canary in a golden house.

  This is interesting.