

A teacher seems like normal,but...

Cocilo_Sam · Urban
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80 Chs

Chapter 56 Yang Guangren's subordinates

The car drove forward slowly. .

   About half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a luxury nightclub in the Zhabei area east of the city. The lights were dim and there was a lot of people.

   As soon as the two guys got out of the car, several boys came to greet them. Judging from the demeanor of those boys, Black Panther and Ahu should also be people with certain status.

   Entering the nightclub, I was hit by a wave of heat. The colorful lights, the deafening music, and the young people playing crazy were all mixed together.

   Zhou Tao half-squinted his eyes to let himself get used to the light, and then focused his eyes and glanced around. The black panther had put down Ahu and went up to the second floor alone.

   Zhou Tao's mind moved slightly, and he immediately walked over there.


   Just as he was about to go up the stairs, two young men stopped him and said, "You are not allowed to go up to the second floor."

   "Ah, I'm with Brother Black Panther." Zhou Tao pointed to the Black Panther who had just disappeared at the top of the stairs, and he said seriously.

   "Black Panther's men?"

   The two young men frowned slightly. Obviously, Zhou Tao's face looked unfamiliar, which made them confused, but Zhou Tao quickly said: "I am Brother Black Panther's new younger brother."

   "Go up!"

   Zhou Tao looked gentle and handsome in front of them, giving people a feeling of weakness. Naturally, they would not have thought that Zhou Tao would go up and make trouble, so the two of them looked at each other and got out of the way.

   In this way, Zhou Tao successfully went to the second floor. There were three rooms on the second floor. Zhou Tao first walked to the left, only to see two men in black standing at the door.

   "The guards are still very tight."

   Zhou Tao looked slightly stunned, but walked over without hesitation.

   "Stop, what do you do?"

   Two men in black directly blocked Zhou Tao.

   "I came here with Brother Black Panther, I..."

   "The black panther is in that room."

   Before Zhou Tao finished speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by the other party. Zhou Tao quickly said: "Thank you..."

   He turned around and walked to the next room.

   Yang Guangren's expression was a little ugly. He didn't expect that he sent two capable subordinates there, but one of them was disabled and the other was seriously injured.

   Black Panther knelt on the ground, holding his breath, waiting for the storm to come. He knew Yang Guangren's character very well. The more silent he was, the greater his anger would be.

   Although he greatly exaggerated Zhou Tao's abilities, this could not cover up his failure.

   "Ah Hao, I'll leave this matter to you." After a while, Yang Guangren turned his attention to a young man next to him and said coldly.

   "Yes, boss!"

   Ah Hao's face remained unchanged and he said calmly.

   "No need to bother, I'm here."

   As soon as Ah Hao finished speaking, the door opened. At this moment, Zhou Tao was seen lazily standing outside the door. At first glance, it seemed as if he had been there for a long time.

   "Zhou Tao."

   When he saw Zhou Tao, Black Panther's body trembled violently. He never expected that Zhou Tao would find him here.

   "You are Zhou Tao." Yang Guangren raised his head and looked at Zhou Tao carefully. He was young, handsome, and gentle without any aura of master.

   "Yes, I am Zhou Tao, and it is me you are looking for." Zhou Tao smiled playfully, and he noticed that there were four young people beside Yang Guangren in front of him.

   These four young men are all very young, but from their expressions and momentum, Zhou Tao can tell that the strength of each of them is not inferior to A Fei.

   "Young man, you are very brave. You dare to come here alone." Yang Guangren half-squinted his eyes with amusement in his eyes. When he said this, he changed the subject slightly and said: "Unfortunately, bravery cannot represent everything."

   "I think so too." In fact, when Zhou Tao came here, he had already thought out all the consequences.

   "Ah Hao, destroy him!" Yang Guangren was too lazy to talk nonsense to Zhou Tao. He gestured to the young man behind him. That was Ah Hao who Yang Guangren ordered.

   Ahao's skin is fair, his appearance is gentle, and his figure is of medium height. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is his hands. .

   His hands were very slender. At first glance, they looked like bamboo poles. They looked extremely refreshing. In addition, Zhou Tao also noticed the faint sparkle in Ahao's eyes.

   This made Zhou Tao a little wary. This was not as simple as an ordinary three-legged cat. Thinking of this, Zhou Tao clenched his fists slightly.

   "So fast!"

   Zhou Tao only felt a figure flash in front of him. In an instant, the other party had closed the distance to him, much faster than he imagined.

   From charging towards the opponent to punching him, it was a matter of seconds. In a hurry, Zhou Tao nimbly dodged to the side.


   The fist crossed his face, causing a burning pain.


   Ah Hao didn't expect Zhou Tao to be able to dodge. He was slightly surprised, then he snorted coldly, clenched his fist and charged forward again.

   Speed and body posture are completely integrated. This is indeed Ah Hao's advantage. Zhou Tao was naturally prepared this time, and he quickly dodged to the side.

   "not good."

   When Zhou Tao thought he could dodge, he felt a little uneasy. It turned out that at the critical moment, Ah Hao's fist just passed by Zhou Tao's face. Suddenly, Ah Hao's fist loosened.

   If it were just the fingers, it would be very simple. However, there is a long and narrow blade on the nail, which looks extremely dazzling and sharp.

   Moreover, when Ah Hao's hand fell on Zhou Tao's throat, his wrist suddenly made a strange twist, and the target was Zhou Tao's throat.

   With just a little force, Zhou Tao's throat would be cut.

   If it were someone else, even one slightly more powerful than Ah Hao, the result would probably be the same - death. However, it was Zhou Tao who he encountered.

   With Ahao's intuition, the blade had cut Zhou Tao's throat just now. Logically speaking, he should have heard Zhou Tao's miserable scream.

   However, none of this happened, and he also noticed that when the blade and Zhou Tao's throat came into contact with each other, there was a faint friction sound between the two.

   This made Ah Hao look stunned, and his movements were instinctively delayed. For Zhou Tao, this delay was enough.


   Zhou Tao's attack method was very simple. He hit Ah Hao on the head cleanly. Ah Hao felt a pain in his head, then he shook back and forth and fell heavily to the ground.

   "Good skills."

   Looking at Ah Hao lying on the ground, twitching continuously, Yang Guangren's expression did not change at all, as if the person who was knocked to the ground was not his own subordinates, but a stranger.

   "You guys come together."

   Yang Guangren knew that Zhou Tao was in some trouble. Of course, this time he turned his attention to the other three subordinates. Three of them dealt with one of them, which was far easier than Ah Hao alone dealing with Zhou Tao.


   When the three people just moved, Zhou Tao's mind moved. He clearly caught the pace and momentum between the three people changing in an instant.

   Indeed, these three guys seem to have a tacit understanding. Obviously, they have faced off against each other more than once, and the momentum and pressure released by the three of them far exceeds the three of them themselves.

   One plus one plus one is far from being as simple as three.

   Among them, the slender young man faced Zhou Tao directly, and the other two people, one of whom was thin, stood on the left side of Zhou Tao.

   Another young man with a slightly shorter stature stood on the right side of Zhou Tao.

   Three people, standing at three different angles, as long as Zhou Tao attacks any one of them, the other two people will attack Zhou Tao with thunderous force.

   They all stood there silently, waiting for Zhou Tao to make a move. As long as he moved, there would be a flaw.

   However, Zhou Tao stood there quietly, as if he was competing with them for endurance.

   Yang Guangren frowned. He was very dissatisfied with the performance of his three subordinates. He couldn't help but said coldly: "Don't do anything yet!"

   Originally, this situation was going to remain a stalemate, but with Yang Guangren's order, the three young men had no choice but to take action. Among them, the thin man on the left was the first to make a fist and rush over.

   At the same time, the right and front also attacked at the same time.

   It can be said that the joint attack of the three people has almost no flaws. However, due to the slight difference in the order of their actions, this creates a gap.

   According to normal principles, Zhou Tao should first face the attack from the left side, but in reality, Zhou Tao dealt with the slender man in front.


   The left fist attacked his body. Zhou Tao didn't even frown, but he rushed in front of the young man in front of him.


   The fists were so fast. The speed at which Zhou Tao punched was beyond his opponent's imagination. The young man in front of him didn't even have a chance to react.

   As soon as his fist came out, he felt a pain in his abdomen. Then, with that crazy fist, he had no chance to fight back.


   After receiving several punches from Zhou Tao, he fell heavily to the ground, leaving only the young people on his left and right sides.

   When Zhou Tao turned around, the two of them looked at each other. Apparently, they realized that Zhou Tao was stronger than they thought.

   One started to move his fists, attacking quickly with his fists, while the other started to attack Zhou Tao's lower body, moving his feet like the wind. The cooperation between the two seemed to be more tacit than the previous three.

   "Bang-bang!" Zhou Tao instinctively took two steps back, but still received two blows on his chest and legs.


   Yang Guangren's eyes revealed a light of satisfaction.

   "Hmph!" A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhou Tao's mouth. He stopped and stood there as if he was about to forcefully fight.

   When the fist hit him, Zhou Tao clenched his fist and faced it fiercely, but at the same time, he did not dodge.