
Rogue System: False Utopia

Within the perilous and corrupt confines of Hope City, a metropolis marred by crime and deceit, a swiftly evolving virus runs rampant, threatening the very fabric of society. As five seemingly ordinary individuals fall prey to its symptoms, an urgent quest for a remedy to stave off a potential epidemic ensues. Nevertheless, the pursuit of a solution takes an abrupt detour when a catastrophic accident obliterates the clandestine research facility where they were held in quarantine. The aftermath of the explosion not only claims the lives of the majority of researchers and officials but also ushers in a new era of extraordinary beings with powers and capabilities transcending the bounds of conventional science.

ParzimalWade · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

CHAPTER 1 – Amnesia:

Location: Advanced Research and Isolation Facility (ARIF), Hope city.

  In a hidden laboratory setting, a team of scientists, conscientiously donned in protective masks, carry out series of analytical procedures and experiments. Within the laboratory, there are interconnected, chamber-like pods adorned with a complex network of tubes. These pods contain individuals who appear to be in a state of unconsciousness, suspended in a dark, enigmatic fluid. This extraordinary scene unfolds as a response to the recent discovery of a highly contagious and potentially lethal pathogen within the city. Swift and decisive government action has led to the successful identification and isolation of infected individuals, who are now being held within this specialized facility for quarantine.

"Round up all subjects who have exhibited generative responses," one of the men ordered. "We've received instructions to narrow down the selection criteria; it appears we have sufficient subjects to proceed with further testing," he conveyed through the facility's intercom from a control room enclosed by glass, resembling a command center.

"Mr. Malik, sir!" a scientist urgently reported in the command room, "Case X55 from sub-sector 010 has been found unresponsive. We've initiated the necessary termination protocols, sir." As he spoke, the scientist promptly handed over a detailed report slip to Mr. Malik, who, in contrast to the others in the lab, was not wearing protective gear or masks but was dressed in a suit. Mr. Malik appeared to be overseeing primary operations.

"How many of them have exhibited such a reaction to the recent testing?" he inquired as he reviewed the clipboard. "Just 7, sir," the reporting scientist responded, delving into scientific jargon. "Interesting. I understood none of that. Could you please translate it into English?" Mr. Malik requested with a composed expression as he fixed his gaze on the scientist. The scientist hesitated before replying, "Umm it's been projected that at least 70% of the early quarantined will show such a response to further testing, sir."

  (Operations had long been underway to investigate and contain the virus, which had been discovered several months ago but deliberately kept hidden from the general public. It appeared to have been under control for the most part, as all those displaying symptoms were quarantined for testing and evaluation in a laboratory, albeit controversially not of their volition.)

An alarm suddenly blared, prompting all the scientists in the laboratory to spring into immediate action. "What's happening!?" Mr. Malik inquired, his voice laced with panic.

"Sir, one of the pods has become unstable and malfunctioned, overloading the Energonium Core," a frantic scientist explained as he hastily retreated. "We must evacuate you immediately; there's a risk of an impending explosion," another scientist cautioned.

Various laboratory fluids and concoctions began to spill as the facility shuddered and quaked. The pods ruptured, disgorging their contents, including the enclosed subjects. Sparks flew as cables and wires disconnected from their ports. Mr. Malik quickly realized that nothing could be rescued amid the impending implosion, and he hurried towards the emergency exit. Just as he grasped the doorknob, the warning of reactor overload reached its critical point, and a cataclysmic explosion, reminiscent of a nuclear detonation, obliterated ARIF, reducing it to rubble and leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.

("Almost 5 months transpired following the impactful explosion that profoundly shook Hope City, irrevocably altering the existence of its residents. Amidst the prevailing tumult and devastation, a lady lies in an unconscious state within a debris-laden environment.")

"Government officials continue to caution the public about the high levels of radioactive substances detected at the explosion site. It has been five months and counting since a clandestine facility conducting undisclosed research suffered a catastrophic explosion, leaving no survivors and contaminating the surrounding area with radioactive materials. Trespassers will face detention... This is Hope City Press. Please stay with us after the break," the woman on the city's central jumbotron near the restricted site announces as the news broadcast segues into a commercial break.

As the sun rose over the city's skyline, a young woman named Mia found herself lying in the rubble, groggily waking from what seemed like the aftermath of an explosion. Her cerulean eyes scanned the unfamiliar surroundings, a sense of confusion gnawing at her mind. "Where am I?" she slowly muttered, trying to shake off the dizziness that clouded her thoughts.

Mia sat up, her hand instinctively reaching to her forehead, where she noticed a peculiar tattoo-like mark she had never seen before. Panic and questions swirled in her mind, but her memories remained all foggy and shrouded in confusion.

As she attempted to stand, she noticed a tall figure approaching her from the shadows. The man's penetrating gaze locked with hers, his expression a mix of concern and relief. "You're awake," he said calmly.

Mia's eyes widened as she tried to recall the stranger's face, but it was futile. "Who are you? What happened?" she asked, coughing with her voice tinged with both fear and curiosity.

"Here!" The man extended a hand towards her, offering assistance and draping his leather jacket over her shoulders. "My name is Alex," he introduced himself. "It seems there are more survivors out here than we initially thought," he remarked as he helped her to her feet. "Do you remember anything?"

Mia grasped Alex's hand, feeling a strange surge of energy course through her. "I... I don't remember anything before waking up here. What's happening? What's wrong with me?"

"It's alright," Alex reassured her, his voice calm and steady. "You're not alone in this. We're all in the same boat. None of us remembers what happened after the explosion. First we need to get you out of here the radiation in this bitch is a code red"

A sense of camaraderie washed over Mia as she came to the realization that amnesia was not a burden borne exclusively by her. "Who are the others?" Where are they?"

Alex nodded towards the edge of the rooftop, where three other figures stood, seemingly lost in their thoughts. Among them was a man with disheveled hair and glasses, a resolute and athletic looking woman, and a guy who appeared in a gothic style.

"They are other like us, the ones affected by what I'd call a virus," Alex explained! Don't get cranky when I say this. We no longer seem to be entirely….. Human"

As Mia observed the others, a sudden realization struck her. "I... I can't remember my own name. How is that possible?" Her voice quivered with confusion. Then, she blurted out, "And why don't I have clothes on!!!"

"Walk with me!" He says humbly looking away from her like a gentleman, "we'll find you new clothes, and yeah amnesia is one of the side effects," Alex replied sympathetically. "The virus alters our memories, perhaps to protect us from the trauma of what happened….we're still figuring it all out. The "who we are and how we got here." he says with his voice tinged with a touch of amusement. "The virus seems to have a sense of humor, you see. It's decided to give our memories a little twist, like a real-life sitcom. Maybe it thought we needed some entertainment – 'Memory Makeover: Amnesia Edition' or something along those lines." He chuckles but slowly stops as he awkwardly realizes she wasn't finding the joke funny

Mia's mind swirled with questions, but she knew there was no time to dwell on them now. They needed answers, and the city was not a safe place for them anymore.

"We need to get out of here," Alex urged. "We can't afford to be seen, or we'll end up in the detention center."

(Law enforcement personnel scoured the city, searching for survivors within the vast expanse of square miles of land that had just imploded)

(And so, with Alex, Mia joined the three other figures, united not by friendship, but by the shared goal of survival. They embarked on a journey to reconstruct the fragments of their lost memories and unveil the truth. Unbeknownst to them, their pursuit of answers would thrust them into a world of crime, corruption, and unimaginable peril as they unraveled the mysteries of their past and confronted the covert forces determined to manipulate them.

Thus, their extraordinary adventure commenced, where amnesia would not deter their quest for identity and justice in a city teetering on the edge of chaos).

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

This is my first novel,kindly support this up coming author with gifts, votes, power stones and what not! Your opinions really matter.

Stay tuned for more chapters to come.


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