
Spiritual Class Hidden Power! (part 2)

Really? Ye Ruoxie was excited, the Headmaster 'Wu ZiQing' gave a sly smile, Ye Qingya silently shakes his head.

Ye Qingya said good luck to Ye Ruoxie and left to his room. Ye Ruoxie asked him to join but he rejected while saying 'I will be useless' so you enjoy.

The Headmaster pretended like she didn't understand his meaning.

The Headmaster left after leaving a sentence ''I had work to attend, I will teach you at night'' meanwhile you study those books.

Ye Ruoxie went into her room to study those books.


Inside the room, Ye Qingya was checking his Stats/Skills.

Stats Bar.

Name: Ye Qingya/?/???

Cultivation: Ring Qi condensation 1st stage, Immortal: Sealed


Skills: Telepathy(unique), Spy(low-grade), Concept(mid-grade), Absolute panty Plunder(high-grade)

Rogue points(RP): 100 points

*Rogue Shop*

Skill List: currently available skills Low Grade.

Rogue Skills

1. Lust: 100RP

Lust= Something like Aphrodisiac. Ignites lust in any living creature. The Hosts strength should be on the same level or above that of the victim to work. skill: Growth Type.

2. Steal: 100RP

Steal= steals one of the random items on the target.

3. Voice Mimic: mimics the voice of the target

4. ''...

General Skills

Sword Skills, Mage Skills, ''... 100RP


Soon Night came.

The Headmaster returned back to the house. The three of them had dinner, Ye Qingya chatted with them and left for his room.

Time for the Headmaster to teach Ye Ruoxie.

Ye Ruoxie was so eager to learn, The Headmaster saw her enthusiasm and felt pity for Ye Ruoxie but she didn't feel any guilt after all it's her fun time.

The Headmaster licked her bottom lip and took Ye Ruoxie into her room.

Inside his room, Ye Qingya opened ''Spy'' and watching everything, Hehe, before he left he cast spy on Ye Ruoxie. It will be a pity if he didn't exploit this awesome skill.

Back to the Scene.

The Headmaster Wu ZiQing brought Ye Ruoxie into her Room. The Room was Full of pink, the entire room was pink, all the items were pink, the bed was pink, the bed's curtains were pink, it's a pink world. (Fuck! even I don't understand it, why pink? girl=pink? panty=pink? bullshit)

Ye Ruoxie was smitten like a kitten by the entire pink, she liked it very much. The headmaster was satisfied by Ye Ruoxie's reaction.

After that, The Headmaster let Ye Ruoxie check the entire room, Ye Ruoxie sat on the Bed and ... she checked the room, she decided to decorate her room with pink too.

''Now, its time for the lesson'' said the Headmaster.

Ye Ruoxie obediently sat on the chair to listen. The Headmaster didn't disappoint her and started explaining the basics, just as what Miss Yukino said earlier. The Headmaster explained in Detail. 1hour passed, 2hour's passed, let's stop here for today ''said the headmaster''.

Ye Ruoxie thanked the Headmaster and turned to leave.

''leaving? is it easy to leave? my real lesson was about to start'' thought the headmaster.

Before Ye Ruoxie could move out, she found herself unmovable, she tried to move but was unable to move even an inch. The Headmaster made her demonic move, She stood in front of Ye Ruoxie and let Ye Ruoxie's upper body move freely.

Ye Ruoxie Stuttered, 'W-what are Y-you D-doing?' ''Don't worry and relax, I am going to make your body feel good'' Replied Wu ZiQing.

''N-no I don't want to, don't want to feel good. Release me'' Said Ye Ruoxe.

Inside the other room, Ye Qingya was shaking his head. which idiot will release a fresh fruit? only if my Dragon was not in hibernation I would have jumped in'' Thought Ye Qingya releasing a big Sigh.

''Wu! Zi! Qing! release me right now'' Shouted Ye Ruoxie.

''Wow! not bad, when we are alone call me by name'' Replied the headmaster.

The headmaster moved her demonic claws and started caressing Ye Ruoxie, Ye Ruoxie was shouting. She started squeezing Ye Ruoxie's breasts, Ye Ruoxie opened her mouth to shout but got sealed by Wu ZiQings mouth.

The Beginning of the True Lesbian Act.