
Mischief! (part 1)

Ye Qingya asked the system for the answer to his doubts. System replied '' World is a stage, Life is a Play ''. Some People call it Destiny! But there is no such thing as destiny, weaklings introduced this so-called Destiny to Self-Satisfy themselves in the form of disguise to lick their wounds in Open. What, you are thinking about is the same, what script? What actor? Don't be full of yourself, if you don't like it then just do better in the future. Remember this. '' Every reason has a cause but every cause doesn't need a reason.''

'' Every reason has a cause but every cause doesn't need a reason. '' Ye Qingya mumbled this sentence a few times. As if enlightened Ye Qingya thought, ''We use reasons to live, but heaven and earth don't need a reason.'' Who will be bored enough to write a script to make me(Immortal, before seal) an actor into their script?

Ye Qingya shrugged off his own thoughts and started inspecting the changes in his body. Because of the Dragon physique/constitution, his body's strength reached the peak of ''Ring Qi Condensation Realm. His body didn't undergo any baptism, so he can't guide any spiritual energy into his body but his body became a perfect vessel to cultivate spirit energy, meridians were cleaned and expanded, Acquired the bloodline of the Dragon. He basically became a cultivation genius.

After inspecting his body, he started inspecting his newly awakened power, Ring. His Ring was Red color, generally, Red rings are the lowest grades, but if you carefully look Ye Qingya's ring was a little different from the norm. It was much pure and bright.

Ye Qingya sent his conscious into the ring.



System: detected the activation of Yin-yang Ring.

Starting merging with the Ring's Will. (1%.....!100%) Merging success.

System scanning the ring:~~~~~~~~~

Ring: Yang of the ''Yin-Yang Phoenix-Dragon Ring''

Connected with the Yin-Ring, the inter-dimension of Yin-Yang ring was separated into Three parts, the left side is for Yin holder, right side is for yang holder, the middle is for both.

Note: have access for the entire inter-dimension, separated into three parts because if the holder was in the middle of battle and wants to take the sword out, and there was no sword inside coz the other holder took it out for inspection, too avoid this kind of silly mistake or silly death, inner space was divided into three parts.

Special Skill exclusive for Yin-Yang holder: Telepathy.

Telepathy: You can speak or visualize the thoughts directly inside the mind of another holder. Grade: Unique.

Other uses: They will activate after successfully undergoing baptism and entered the path of cultivation.


Ye Qingya sent his consciousness into the ring. The inside of the ring was spacious. The other side of the ring was filled with stuff, looks like Ye Ruoxie already checked her Ring. She filled her ring with lots of things, Clothes, Jewelleries, makeup kit, perfumes... lots of useless stuff for men, he didn't know most of them. He truly felt sorry for space inside the ring. He Retracted his consciousness back.

He then opened the Spy window and started checking it, the video was still recording, he clicked on the options button and went to location folder and started playing the video. He was really fascinated by this skill.

The video started playing, he skipped the video until the previous Banquet. After the banquet, Lin Wan chatted with few people and left to her courtyard with Ye Weishan.

Ye Weishan then questioned Lin Wan, Why didn't you stop them having sex? You let our daughter have sex, Just like that? She is just 16.

''What do you expect me to do? When I heard her scream I turned back only to see Ye Qingya insert half of his Dragon inside your daughter, and your precious daughter didn't even resist, tell me what I should do watching it live?'' Said, Lin Wan,

just like that both husband and wife started arguing. Lin Wan couldn't endure and shouted Wtf are you mad about? They are engaged now, so what if they had sex? He has a big Dragon twice as yours, your daughter is truly lucky, so don't fucking get angry.

When Ye Weishan heard ''twice as yours and, ...'' he felt enraged, he lost his cool and pounced on Lin Wan, tore her clothes and started fucking her while shouting whose dragon is small. He didn't give Lin Wan a chance to speak but banged her hard. After the intense battle, he leaned on the floor regaining his temper.