
Rogue Cultivator

[Fantasy Carnival Entry] Mo Shatian is a sheep herder who lives in a village in the middle of nowhere. The village he lives in turns out to have another side he doesn't know about, along with the arrival of someone from outside the village, things are bound to happen. With a phenomenon that has never happened around the village, he begins to know the secrets of the village he lives and its inhabitants little by little. In the middle of all this what will Mo Shatian do next? cover isn't mine

Guillotinecutter · Eastern
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12 Chs

Xiao Village

It was several hours before Mo Shatian and Xiao Lin reached the village.

"Elder Ji…" the village chief's voice could be heard from inside the room. This was Xiao Lin's private room, where the village chief greeted his important guests.

"Don't say my name… just call the Elders," a slightly hoarse but gentle voice came from the other person.

"My life has reached its end…. And I hope my name will also disappear with me. So, it would be better to just call me Elder."

Village head Xiao Ling, who heard about it, was a little reluctant, but in the end he accepted.

Hesitating, finally he mustered up his courage and asked, "... what about them?"

The elder who understood what he meant then replied, "Don't worry about it. I used almost all the magic tools and spiritual essence I had to get away from them…."

He was silent for a few moments before continuing.

"And it will take three to five years for them to track me down. I also not only strengthened and also expanded the range of the barrier surrounding this village using my remaining spiritual essence."

Hearing the Elder's words, Xiao Ling became a little relieved but also worried because they were able to track down someone as powerful as him.

"…I understand if there is anything that Elder needs, please don't hesitate to tell me."

Hearing his words, the Elder immediately told him about his wish.

"There is one thing I have wanted since my life is nearing its end."

"…if may elders please tell me what elders want?" Xiao Ling said it with a bit of nervousness for fear that it was a difficult request to fulfill.

Seeing Xiao Ling who said this nervously and worriedly, he smiled and laughed slightly as if trying to calm her down. And said, "no, no, you don't need to worry because actually it's not a difficult request…. Well, if you can't, it doesn't matter because not everyone can do it."

Seeing Xiao Ling looking at him with a confused look, he also told him what he meant. "I want a successor... a successor who can pass down all my techniques as well as my wishes."

This time he said it while looking out the window as if recalling his past.

"I have lived for a long time, long enough to be compared to the average human. But when I knew my end was near, I thought a lot about my existence. I realize that I have left nothing that is proof of me, proof of my existence."

He continued, "Just as living things leave offspring to prove they are alive, deep inside I realized that I also wanted to leave something behind. But unfortunately, I have passed the period for me to leave descendants, so the only way for me is to pass on my Techniques but also with my values and my aspirations."

Strength comes with responsibility.

Someone who used power freely without knowing its value was extremely dangerous.

"Simply I want a student." he added.

Xiao Ling looked at the Elder and heard him in amazement and finally said a word subconsciously.

"…for someone as powerful as you, I didn't expect that you would have such common problems."

The Elder just snorted and said, "of course… this is only natural for sentient beings. Every beginning will always have an end and so with life. That is why death is a great prophecy for the living!"

Xiao ling heard it in silence and amazement, as if trying to understand its meaning.

He finally broke the silence that occurred for a while as if he wanted to end what he was thinking.

"…I understand, but I don't know if I can do it or not."

Xiao Ling who finally understood his request, knew that this was not only an easy request but also very difficult for him.

The Elder just smiled and replied, "I know…but first thank you for listening to this old man's request."

"Sadly, there aren't many places I can go because almost every cultivator out there knows about me… in the end this place is the only place where they will find it hard to find me."

He added, "Of course, for someone like me it would be almost impossible to find me once I decided to really hide. Putting aside what kind of person came after me, there's no way they'd let me off the hook after what I've done. They will make sure that I really die with their own two eyes."

After a few seconds that felt like an eternity.

"I really thank you from the bottom of my heart because you would listen to the request and let me stay here. Therefore… I want you to really think about what will happen when you arrive and decide what is best for this village as village head."

Listening to the Elder's words, Xiao Ling fell silent in his reverie that felt like an eternity.

Breaking his reverie Xiao Ling said, "I will talk about this to the other villagers. We still have around three years to prepare ourselves, this may sound sudden and unreasonable to them, but I believe that they will accept it to repay what you have done to our great-grandfathers and this village as well."

He added, "After all, without your help for my great-grandfathers as well as them, this village would not exist."

"Therefore, let us repay you in exchange for our ancestors."

Hearing Xiao Lin's words, the Elder was slightly moved and said "I never remember doing something so extraordinary that deserves the reward you mentioned."

Xiao Lin smiled and said, "I believe you are not the one who decides how big or small you do to our great-grandfather. maybe it's not something big and extraordinary to you, but I'm sure it wasn't to great-grandfather and the others. That is why even today what was passed down by our great-grandfathers is still being passed down to our generation."

"Okay, since I have decided, why don't we talk about other matters." he added.

Xiao Ling immediately decided to talk about the elder's request knowing that they didn't have much time.

He also said, "Almost everyone in this village is a cultivator, and those who haven't are children and those who have no talent."

"The only one who has talent but is not yet a cultivator is Mo Shatian. He is an orphan, I am the one who looks after him but until now I still haven't talked about it at all."

The Elder who heard it finally said, "Well… I'll decide to take a look around first."

"After finding a suitable candidate, I will ask for his opinion first because that is the very first and most important. Because nothing good will ever come from being forced." he added.

Hearing his words, Xiao Ling finally felt relieved.