
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Take a picture with me wifey part 2

Rogue sighs and runs her temple, "Will it take a long time, I'm hungry and my head is starting to ache a little." Sergio smiles and grabs her hands and pats it, " About 30 minutes. Is that okay?" Lucifer shoots him a glare as he meaningfully looks at their hands and sarcastically says, "It would take even less time if you stop holding her hand and get everything ready." He reaches over and gently takes Rogue's hand out of Sergio's hands and starts rubbing it like she had touched something dirty and he was cleaning them. Rogue looks down and smirks a little, this guy is such a mess, let's get this done quickly so we can eat. "Fine, Lucifer can you get me something sweet to keep my blood sugar level for a bit longer?" Michael looks at Jonah and he quickly comes back with some sweet tea and a few sugar cookies, "Ms.Rogue try this. I made it myself." Jonah had a sweet tooth and loved to bake and he had made a tray full of sugar cookies the previous night. "Thank you Jonah," Rogue takes a bite of the flaky sweet cookie and her eyes widen, "Oh my God, this cookies are so good!" Rogue closes her eyes concentrating on the delicious taste of the cookie as it melts in her mouth. She truly is in foodie heaven right now. She still has a piece of the cookie in her hand and Lucifer takes a bite out of it. His surprised that it taste so good and goes to take a cookie when Rogue slaps his hand, "Touch my cookies again and I'm going to hurt you." She snatches the plate of cookies and tries to move away from him but he just chuckles and grabs one and quickly shoves it in his mouth. "Yum, it's so sweet and delicious but not as delicious as you are." Lucifer gives her a pervert lecherous smile as he licks his lips and Rogue's little face blushes like a little ruby. "You...you..oh...how can you say that in front of everyone!" Rogue punches him hard in the arm and he grabs her little pink fist and kisses it. Rogue snatches her hand and glares at him, "Pervert! I changed my mind. Get Lisa here, I'm not taking any pictures with you." Rogue turns around to stomp away when Lucifer rushes over and gives her a back hug, "I'm sorry, it's my fault. Please stay and finish this with me." Lucider has to act fast since he knows that he stepped over her bottom line and now needs to coax her to agree with him. Rogue closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, "You really like pushing my buttons, don't you? Remember we're just making our families think that we're trying to follow the agreement, it doesn't mean that I want to marry you. I will do it but if you push it one more time, I'm done. Understand?"

Lucifer tightens his arms briefly and tries to calm himself down before answering her. She really doesn't have any intention to marry me at all. Most girls I know would jump at the chance to just have him talk to them and she's turning down marrying him. It seems like I have to work harder to change her mind. "Okay, Rogue. I understand, I apologize I got carried away for a moment." He slowly lets go of her and stands by her side as she makes up her mind to walk back to the photoshoot. Rogue ate the last cookie then walked back to the waiting area when everyone was waiting, she calmly drank her tea and again thanked Jonah. "Jonah, the cookies and tea were delicious. Can you give me the recipe or is it a family secret?" Jonah chuckles, "It is a family secret but I can send you it as long as you don't share it with anybody else."

Hello my lovelies! I haven't talked to you guys in awhile. I hope everyone is well during this pandemic. Please follow all safety health guidelines and I'll be praying for all of you and your families health. I hope all of you are still enjoying reading my story. Love yeah!

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