
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Shopping plans with the girls and Ron and a surprise call.

Rogue was finishing up her breakfast when her cell started ringing, she took a peek and saw it was Kimmy, she quickly swallowed and answered the phone. "Good morning my beautiful Goddess! Did I wake you up? I was calling to see if you can come with us to the mall today. Sam already agreed to come if you come too!" Jimmy's rushed words just tumbled out of her mouth and Rogue laughed, "Kimmy, good morning to you too! What time do you want to meet up? I just got up and am just finishing my breakfast so you gotta give me time to get ready." Kimmy hummed, "hmmm how about in an hour? We'll pick you up and we can have lunch at the new cafe, I heard that the food there is amazing!" "Make it a hour and a half and I'll meet you at the mall, by the way do you mind if I bring Ron with me?" Kimmy giggled, " Cool. The more the merrier plus it's always good to have a handsome guy escorting a bunch of beautiful women." Rouge laughs, "You are such a fan girl! Ron is already taken so get any ideas out of your little head." Kimmy sighs, "Of course my Goddess, I know he's taken. I'm not blind I saw how well he treats you. I need to find a guy that will take care of me just like that. I'll see you later Goddess, tell your family I said hello. Bye bye!"

Ron was smiling at Ji, "See, I told you I'm irresistibly handsome. My little baby let's go and get ready. Ji, do you have to go to your parents house today?" Ji nodded, "We're supposed to have our monthly brunch with the maternal grandparents and the rest of the family. I have to go and support my sister against that bunch. You know they love to bully her when I'm not there." Ron frowned, "You know I love you and your sister but the rest of your family are a hard pill to swallow. I'm thinking about finding a good husband for my sister-in-law, what do you think?" Ji chuckles, "That would be a great idea but who do you trust her to? You know I'm going to be really picky about who can be our future brother-in-law." Ron starts to space out thinking about who he can introduce to her when he hears Rogue getting up from the table. "I don't know honey but I'll keep thinking about it later, now I need to get ready to go to the mall with our baby." Ron wipes his mouth and puts the napkin down and leans over to Ji and lightly kissed his cheek, "I'll see you later baby. Have a good time with your sister and don't kill anyone." Ji tugs on his shirt and kisses him back, "Don't tire Rogue out, you know you get a little crazy when you go shopping."

Rogue is grinning thinking about how cute they're when her phone buzzes. She finds a text from an unknown number. She curiously checked it and saw that it was from her agency, Sergio, the photographer that did Lucifer's bands photo shoot wanted to speak to her and asked one of the secretaries to get in touch with her. "Guys excuse me for a moment I have to call my agency's photographer. Ron, I'll get ready quickly so pleeaase don't take too long getting ready, ok?" Ron sticks his tongue out at Rogue, "Fine! Hurry up and make your call. I'll be down here waiting for you. Ji this little girl has gotten so sassy lately! It's your fault for spoiling her so much." Ji looks incredulously at Ron, "It's my fault? Excuse me but who's the one that spoils her rotten? I'm sure it's not me and that makes it you by default."

Rogue jogged up the stairs and quickly walked to her room, as soon as the door was safely closed and locked she quickly dialed the phone number that texted her and her call was transferred to Sergio. "Hello? Is this Sergio? This is Rogue, I received a message that you wanted to speak to me. How can I help you?" Sergio was excited to hear back from Rogue so quickly, "Hello Rogue! Wow I didn't know you would get back to me so quickly. I was really impressed with how well you did in yesterday's photo shoot and I wanted to know if you would be interested in participating in another shoot for me?" Rogue was surprised by Sergio's request, "oh well I'm flattered but I don't know what my agent has planned for me. Why don't you talk to him about? I'm fine with it but it has to be cleared by him first and it can't interfere with my school schedule, ok?" Sergio chuckles, "No problem. I'll call him right now and thanks Rogue. I think you are going to be a big star in the future and I can't wait to see how far you will go. Talk to you later and have a great weekend. Bye!" Sergio quickly hangs up and leaves Rogue a little stunned. "Wow....he doesn't waste anytime, does he?" Rogue suddenly glanced at the clock on her bedroom wall, "Darn it! I'm running late and Ron will kill me if I keep him waiting."

Hello my lovelies! I haven’t forgotten about you all but I was having a major case of writers block but finally I have started writing again. Hope everyone is doing well!

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