
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Rest and relaxation? Devil comes a knocking.

"Rogue, you know your medical history just as well as we do and you know how you still have to take care of yourself. How about we do this? Ji will go to your school and pick up your work for the next two days and if you're completely better by then we will personally escort you to school?" Ron is trying to come to a compromise and Rogue knew that if they told her grandparents, there was a a big chance that they would over react and take her out of school. Rogue sighs, "Fine, but you need to make sure you get all of the work and ask my teachers for extra practice booklets so I won't fall behind in my studies." Ji smiles and patted her head, " Good girl. I will contact your school and get your work immediately from the school. Ron keep an eye on her, I want to make sure she rests while i'm out." Rogue sticks her tongue out at Ji and Ron, then giggles at them. "Oh before I forget please invite Sam and Kimmy to study with me here after school, I'll be able to check their notes in case I don't understand the homework." Ji gets up and quickly called the dean's office and spoke to his secretary regarding Rogue been excused from school due to illness and also arranging her homework pick up. In less than ten minutes he was on his way to get everything for Rogue.

Rogue's school wasn't too far away from her home and shortly Ji was parking his car and on his way to the administration building were he met the dean and was being brought to Rogue's classroom by a teacher's aid. The aid sharply knocked on the door and after a few seconds opened the door and walked in with Ji. All the girls froze and stared at the handsome man that came in with Mr.Toni, he had to be one of the best looking men they had ever seen. "Mr.K, this young man is here to pick up the homework and study materials for Ms.Drake. Please give him any instructions or message you have for Ms.Drake and he will deliver it as soon as he gets home." Ji smiles at Mr.K and introduces himself, "Hello Mr.K, I'm Ji Park. I hope you excuse my Poppy, she will be out of school for a few days and I'll depend on you to provide her school work. She's very worried that she will fall behind the class." Lucifer and the rest of the class had been listening to the conversation and when they heard Ji call Rogue "my Poppy" they all assumed that he was her boyfriend. Lucifer's face turned dark and he growled under his breath, who the hell was this guy and why was he calling his future wife "his Poppy". Rick and Leon saw Lucifer's reaction to what Ji said and they froze in fear. Holy sh**! Luci is about to go nuclear and they didn't want to get caught in the crossfire.

"Nice to meet you Mr.Park. Please tell Rogue not to worry about anything except getting better. I put together a practice packet, homework packet and also a USB drive with the past lectures that I have given for the classes in case she is confused." Mr.K wasn't sure about the relationship between his student and this man but it was a close one. I wonder if he's her boyfriend or maybe a family friend who is helping her with her school work. "Kimmy can you get one of the spare tote bag from the closet and bring it to me, thanks." Kimmy quickly runs over to the closet, grab a bag and runs over to the desk. She shyly peeks at Ji and starts walking away when she hears her name being called out. "Are you Rogue's friend Kimmy? Who is Sam? I have a message for both of you from Rogue," Ji smiles at Kimmy and the poor girl's brain just went haywire. Wow....he knows my name. Sam sees that Kimmy is completely spaced out and she gets up and introduces herself. "Mr.Park, I'm Samantha and the one zoned out in front of you is Kimmy. What message Rogue has for us?"

"Ah...it's a pleasure to meet you both, Rogue was wondering if you both could come over after school to our home to discuss school and share notes with her." Sam smiles and Kimmy finally snapped out of it and they quickly agreed. " Good, I'll come later to pick up both of you from the front gate. I'll take my leave, I don't want to interrupt the class for much longer. Again thank you very much for your cooperation, we appreciate it." Lucifer was tightly gripping his hand trying to avoid making a scene in front of his classmates. So he's picking up the girls later, he would just invite himself along.