
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Rest and relaxation? Devil comes a knocking part 2

Ji was leaving the room and he slightly shuddered as he feels a death gaze directed at him. He glanced over and slowly smiles. Ji mouths the words, I see you... Lucifer was intently glaring at Ji and quirks his eyebrow in response as an evil grin spreads on his handsome face. This little bastard has to be Rogue's arranged fiance, you hurt our little girl, prepare to be tortured until you beg for mercy.

Ji nods arrogantly and leaves the room, as soon as he is far enough from the room he calls Ron. "I just met the little bastard that hurt Rogue. He's in her class and he doesn't look happy that I came for Rogue's school work, probably thinks I'm her boyfriend. Should we torture the little bastard before we make him apologize to her?" Ron gasps, "You mean her fiance is her classmate? That little punk, he dares mess with our baby girl, he must pay!" Ji hums, "I'm going to pick up Kimmy and Sam afterschool for a study session and I have a feeling he's going to try and come. Shall we prepare a warm welcome for him?" Ron's evil laughter rings, "Oh yes we should prepare something extraordinarily amazing for this meeting. I'll let our Poppy know so we can play with him a bit before we kick him out of the house." Ji laughs, "I'll see you soon, I'm going to stop and order some snacks and things for the girls." Ji drove to the nearest convenience store to stock up on tasty snacks and drinks, humming happily as he came up with ways to mess with the boy.

Ron rushed over to Rogue's room and without even knocking burst in, "My little lamb, I got great news for you! Ji just called me and said he will be bringing your two little friends over afterschool so you can have some girl talk and study a bit." Rogue was excitedly smiles, "That's great news uncle Ron! oh help me pick an outfit, they loved the outfit you put together for me." Ron smirks, "Of course they did! I have an amazing fashion taste. Ah before I forget, he also said he saw your fiance and he wasn't happy about Ji picking up your things, he thinks that Ji is your boyfriend. Hahahaha Ji, said he was glaring at him after he called you "his Poppy". If looks could kill my poor baby would be seven feet under. Of course Ji did it on purpose to torture the little bastard since he messed with you first. Soooooo we have a feeling he's going to try and crash your get together with the girls. Ji and I have decided to torture him until his face turns green with jealousy and anger, would you like to help." Ron maliciously smiled, he couldn't wait to take care of the rabid young puppy and teach him a lesson he would never forget.

Rouge delightfully laughed, "Uncle Ron it will be my pleasure and honor to help. What are you exactly thinking about doing?" Ron's mischievous side came out to play immediately as he sat down to discuss his plan for the evening's drama.