
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Recovery part 3

Ron looks up from his plate and as soon as everyone sees his face, they start giggling at him. He reminds them of a greedy little squirrel with puffy cheeks full of food, sauce smeared all over his lips. Ji chuckles as he grabs a napkin and gently cleans Ron's messy face and Ron just keeps still as he happily keeps chewing his food. Ji mentally sighs he is just such a messy punk, he will never change, so greedy when it comes to food but it's just adorable to him. Kyung is absolutely enjoying these two antics when the door suddenly opens and her husband walks into the room. He abruptly stops at the door and stares at the young girl who is quietly laying down on the hospital bed motionless various machines hooked up to her keeping records of her vital signs.

Johan Holiday stands stiffly, his face void of all facial expressions looking cold as an iceberg but Kyung knew that at this moment her husband was at his most dangerous and menacing. He was furious about what had happened to their only grandchild and there would be hell on earth for all that had been involved in keeping them in the dark for so many years about her circumstances. He slowly walks over to Rogue as everyone silently watches, he slowly reaches out and lightly touches her baby soft left cheek. She resembles Elizabeth so much but he can see some of her father's facial features mingled in making her look stunning but she is clearly very pale almost malnourished with her skinny frame instead of her mother's and grandmother's voluptuous frames. "My poor little poppy, I'm sorry we couldn't keep you safe. I promise I will help you eliminate all of your enemies and your grandmother and I will be here for you, caring and loving you as you deserve." His gruff teary voice reveals the emotional anguish he is suffering and the deepest conviction of having revenge against their enemies.

Kyung slowly walks to her husband's side and hugs him, she knows how grief stricken her husband has been since the untimely deaths of Elizabeth and Malcolm and now seen their beautiful grandchild just laying in bed unconscious must be bringing back all the horrible memories. They had always suspected that the deaths of Rogue's parents were not accidental at all and now they can't believe that Rogue's accident was not a planned event by the Drake family. It was just so coincidental that as soon as she was going to be old enough to take over her father's company, as per her father's will, that she suffered such a disastrous accident. Johan could not shake this feeling off, his intuition was screaming out danger and he always listened to it.

"We will take care of this honey, I know we will overcome this problem. Now come and eat, you need to keep yourself healthy for Rogue and I." Ji and Ron hurriedly clear a space at the table and Perry quickly sets up his master's dinner in front of him and steps back. "Thank you boys, Perry give me all the details you have regarding the accident, don't skip anything that you found out. I want to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible."