
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Pulling the tail of the tiger? You might get eaten.

Kimmy and Sam were anxiously waiting for Ji when they noticed the boys walking their way. Sam tugs Kimmy closer to her and whispered, "Kimmy, I have a feeling that Lucifer is going to make some kind of trouble or is going to try to get invited to come with us. You gotta help me stop him, okay?" Kimmy sighs, "Sam, are you crazy? You know how he is, once he makes up his mind about something hell will freeze over before he changes his mind again. We're going to have to somehow tell Mr.Park not to invite him over. I'm not sure if Rogue told him that the reason she left school early was because of him. " Sam was keeping an eye out for their ride when she saw a car approaching them, "Kimmy that must be Mr.Park, go an stall Luci and the boys while I talk to Mr.Park." Sam ran over to the car as it was pulling over to the curb and looked inside to see if it was Mr.Park. "Hi Mr.Park! Thanks for picking us up, listen to me real quick. You see that really tall guy in the middle of the two boys? He's named Lucifer and he is the reason why Rogue left school early. Don't let him come with us okay!" Sam was almost breathless by the time she finished speaking and she was puzzled when she saw Ji smile. "It's my pleasure to pick you girls up and about that little punk, don't worry about it. Even if he comes along I won't let him hurt my little Poppy. How about you bring Kimmy over and we go, Rogue is waiting for us back home." Ji is all smiles as he sees Sam's disgruntled face, "Fine but let me tell you, I'm not happy about the jerk following us and making Rogue uncomfortable. Promise if he gets rude you will kick him out." Ji chuckles, time for my award winning acting, "I promise I will kick him out if he distresses my baby, Sam please go get Kimmy," Ji points at Kimmy and Sam nods and speedily walks over to Kimmy.

Kimmy is currently having a stare down with Luci as she boldly blocks the way to the car. Sam catches the conversation and frowns at the guys, Rick and Leon look extremely uncomfortable and unhappy about their situation but Luci is acting as stubborn as a donkey. "Kimmy, why can't we also come to see our classmate? We are worried about her just as much as you are, it's not fair that you can check her but we can't," Lucifer is trying to sound as if he's extremely anxious to see how Rogue is feeling but in reality, his inner green eyed monster was coming up with ways to punish his wayward wife and the gigolo.

Kimmy scoffs, "Lucifer you really think we're that stupid? Rogue went home because you had her super stressed out. Leave my Goddess alone or I swear I will get rough with you." Kimmy may be a little cutie but she had been practicing martial arts since she was a toddler. Her family was one of the biggest military families in the country and they had a history of training all of their children no matter if they are boys or girls. So she wasn't lying when she said she would get rough with him. Lucifer's smirk showed clearly that he wasn't intimidated by her at all, "Awww....so cute. You're just like a feisty chihuahua barking at a doberman," Lucifer pats the top of Kimmy's head and Sam saw Kimmy's eyes glistened with violent streak. Oh sh**! She's going postal. Sam ran and grabbed Kimmy's shoulders tight and pulled her towards her and quickly gave her a bear hug. Kimmy tensed up and growled at Sam, "Let me go or I'm going to make you let me go." Rick and Leon barely heard what Kimmy said but just one look at the cute face turning to the face of a demoness was enough to give them nightmares. "Rick, how come Kimmy looks just as scary as Luci? Leon whispered softly afraid to even grab her attention. "Holy hell is going to break loose if Luci makes the wrong move Leon. I have seen Kimmy training and she's scary as hell. Don't let the cuteness fool you that girl is a highly trained evil demoness. You don't want to mess with her." Lucifer heard the conversation between Rick and Leon and decided to change his tactics.

"Kimmy how can you say that? Rogue just recently started to go to school because she was recovering from a major accident. She probably is still having side effects from it and she's still probably a little weak. Maybe she's a little ambitious and wanted to come to school but she may not be up to it yet." Sam loosens her arms lightly and bends her head by Kimmy's ear, "Kimmy calm down, Mr.Park is here to pick us up. I let him know about Luci and I think he has a plan to stop him from messing with Rogue." Kimmy's tensed muscles slowly relaxed and she took a deep breath. "We're leaving. Come on Sam, I want to see my Goddess and make sure she is feeling better. Did you bring your notes? I actually asked Mr.K if I could record his lecture so she could listen and he agreed. Hopefully it will be helpful for her." Kimmy and Sam ignored the boys, turned around and walked away towards the car. Ji had exited the car and was leaning against the hood as he watched the little mini drama unfolding in front of him. Ji grinned at the girls and stealthily peeked at the boys who quietly followed behind them. How should I play this out, tough guy or gentle boyfriend, hmmm let's see how the little punk reacts first then I'll decide. "Ready to go ladies. I just text baby and she's anxiously waiting for us to get home. Oh, hello there and who are you lads? I'm Ji." Rick and Leon introduced themselves to Ji as Lucifer valiantly tries not to choke this guy. Baby, he calls my angel, baby, and what does he mean get home. Does he lives with my angel? A malicious glimmer starts shining in his eyes, it looks like he's going to have to talk to his future wife about having mongrels staying around her.

Hello my lovelies! I haven't had a chance to talk to you guys lately, work is getting hectic and I have very little time to write. I have tried to post every day but please forgive me if I'm not posting fast enough for you. I hope you all are enjoying my story. Please take care of yourself, luv yah! Bye bye ??

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