
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Poisonous family ties are severed

Robert's face turned an ugly shade of red as he retorts, "Are you accusing us of abusing our niece? This is ridiculous! We have taken care of Rogue as per my brother's will and last wishes. We even moved into my brother's old home to make sure that Rogue would be surrounded by a familiar environment and wouldn't be more distressed after the death of her parents. How have we abused her, we have gone out of our way to keep her happy." Robert righteously claimed, he was acting as if he was really a loving responsible uncle, when in fact he was far from it. Mr.Ling was starting to see that the plan that Mr.Drake had put together was unraveling very fast in front of their eyes, he decided to intervene before Mr.Drake completely lost his temper and made things worse for himself. "Excuse me ma'am, I have worked for many years as Mr.Drake's assistant and I'm extremely familiar with Rogue and the family, I can assure you that I have never seen any signs of abuse or mistreatment of the child."

The senior official slightly smiles and he finally spoke, "Let me introduce myself, I'm Song Kim, I'm a senior superior court judge and I have been perusing all the evidence and documents for this case." Robert's face immediately paled, he was familiar with the reputation of this judge, he had recently been in the news as the judge that had ruled in a series of corruption and fraud charges of several very powerful and influential government officials and business leaders, he was a no nonsense man who held high moral values. He would not be able to bribe or blackmail him to get his way, for the first time he was afraid of the outcome of the situation. "It's an honor to meet your honor, I have heard of you and I greatly admire you sir." Robert shakes hands with the judge. "Mr.Drake, I have a few questions for you and I would like you to answer them truthfully. I have previously attempted to ask your wife this questions and was told very rudely that I needed to speak to you regarding Rogue and not to call her again, then she very rudely hung up the phone before I could say another word." Mr.Kim's expression showed how displeased he was with Mrs.Drake's rude and overbearing behavior and he wasted no time letting Mr.Drake know about it. Mr.Drake closed his eyes briefly and reopened them, he knew that his wife behavior had made him lose face in front of this important man and that the bad impression that she left would be a major problem for them. "I apologize for my wife's actions sir, this will never happen again," Robert was so nervous that his palms were sweaty and clammy. "Hmph.. first question when was the last time your niece went to the doctor for a full physical examination?" Robert was startled by the question, "uh, well I believe it was just before school started, I know that she goes to the same family doctor as my children and I seem to recall they went before the school term started." Mr.Kim just nodded and asked the next questions one after another, "Mr.Drake who is your niece's home room teacher? What's her favorite school subject? Does she have a best friend or friends, what are their names? How long does she study every day? Do you give her an allowance or does she works a part time job? She is a senior and graduates this year, what are her plans for the future?" Mr.Drake couldn't answer any of the questions and he lamely told Mr.Kim that usually the children were taken care of by his wife and her assistant. Mr.Kim sighed, "Mr.Drake after listening to your answers and reviewing the evidence it's my belief that your niece will be better off with her maternal family, you clearly have no idea how she is treated by your wife and you have not fulfilled the duties of a legal guardian, feeding a child and providing an education is not enough, you must also be willing to accept that child as your own and love and guide her to be an outstanding member of our society. As of today, l am granting full custody and guardianship of Rogue Elizabeth Drake to her maternal grandparents. Mrs.Choi and Mrs. Clinton are ordered to immediately go to your home and gather the girl's belongings. You are to handover all legal documents regarding the will and all business, properties and other valuable assets and resources that are legally Rogue's within 24 hours to the legal team of the Holidays. I will also request a copy from the appropriate government offices that have copies filed with them in order to make sure everything is settled correctly. Mrs. Holiday if my orders are not followed exactly you are to immediately contact me. Mr.Drake, I know you think that I am being harsh and unfair to you but my priority is the well being and rights of Rogue and as such I have made my decision." After hearing this words, Robert Drake the cunning and arrogant man who had schemed and lied to get what he wanted all his life promptly fainted from his anger.

Hello my lovelies! I hope you are enjoying my story so far. It's been a little difficult to keep a steady updating schedule due to work and family but I'll try to publish more chapters weekly. Please let me know what you think so far about Rogue's Rebirth. Have a lovely night. ?

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