
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Let me again introduce myself my angel, I'm Lucifer, the devil part 2

Lucifer's thoughts were in the past and he didn't notice that his two best friends kept watching him like he was a total stranger. Just his memories of their childhood brought a gentle smile to his lips and a sense of happiness and harmony radiates from him. Rick is perplexed why's his bro acting like this? He was so weird."

Leon gasps and clutches Rick's arm tightly as he sees Lucifer smile and chuckle softly as they watch the girls acting silly as they walk to the cafeteria. "Rick, I'm scared. Lucifer's smiling and he chuckled. Actually chuckled, look at my arms I got goosebumps. So scary!" Rick shuddered, "Man...do you think he's planning something? I mean Rogue's only been here a few hours and already grabbed his attention...that's not a good thing for her." Leon pulled out his phone and sneakily took a side profile picture of Luci. Luci was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice that Leon took his picture. Usually he would threaten to break Rick and Leon's phone if either of the boys took a picture without his permission. Rick and Leon are sure he's going to beat them but says nothing which causes the boys to really be scared.

Lucifer's concentration is finally broken when he hears the two clowns that call themselves his best friends talking about him and Rogue. He frowned and knocks both of them on top of their heads. Lucifer's voice is pitched low and deep making him sound scary, "Hey..shut up you two. Do I look like a monster to bully my angel?" Rick and Leon are flabbergasted, my angel? Since when was Rogue his angel, didn't they just meet for the first time today? Leon took a breath and cautiously asked, "Your angel? Luci have you met her before? I don't remember meeting her before and we're usually with you." Lucifer glances back, "You have met her before a long time ago. Remember my 10th birthday party, you met my angel then." Rick and Leon start to remember the past then looked shocke. "The little doll looking girl! I remember you spent the whole time holding her hand or standing by her," Rick was amused. Leon was speechless for a moment, "you were shameless that day wouldn't let us talk to her only a few sentences and when Dominic grabbed her hand to walk over to the cake, you almost broke his hand. If it wasn't that Rogue got scared you would have beaten him up." Lucifer's sinister smile briefly shows up in his face, "He shouldn't have touched my angel. She's mine, nobody is allowed to touch her." Rich shudders, "Man stop it. You sound like a creepy crazy stalker. Don't you know girls don't like it." Leon just nods, "boss if you want a girl to like you, you have to curve your bossy attitude and be gentle."

The girls had found a nice table and dropped off their book bags and went to get in line. Lucifer walked over to the table across and to the side of the table the girls picked. He stood at the head of the table and just said one word to the guys sitting there, "Scram." The table was empty out in less than a minute, Leon shook his head and cleared it out and Rick walked over to the table were the boys moved to gave them some cash to get more food then followed Rick and Lucifer to stand in line.

Rogue notices that the boys are slightly behind them in line and curiously takes a quick peek at them only to find Lucifer steadily looking at her with a roguish smile. Oh my God! Why is he looking at us like that? Why does he look a little bit familiar? No, I don't think I know him, I'm sure I would remember someone like him. Sam sees that Lucifer is staring at Rogue with an intensity that she has never seen before. "Rogue, do you know why Luci is staring at you?" Rogue shakes her head and says "No, I don't think so. I thought he was staring at you two." Kimmy rolls her eyes and giggles, "Pleazzeee! Lucifer has never paid attention to any of the girls around him, frankly there was a rumor going around that he was gay but I guess that's wrong. Hehehehe my Goddess he looks like he wants to take a bite of you." Rogue was horrified for a moment, really I just got here and people were acting like that? Rogue shuddered and all three girls gave the boys the stink eye. Rogue turned around and ignored them as they made it up the line to order their food. "Kimmy what do you recommend for lunch?" Sam slightly panicked, dang she has to ask Kimmy for a suggestion, we will be here all day unless I interrupt, "Uh Rogue try the bacon mac and cheese. The cauliflower pizza is good too and for dessert try the chocolate cake, it's amazing." Kimmy is about to list her favorites when Rogue orders the bacon mac and cheese, a small salad and chocolate cake for dessert. Kimmy got pizza, a salad and vanilla pudding while Sam ordered the same as Rogue. The girls picked some natural juices and went back to their table. Lucifer and the boys quickly get their food and get back to their table where Lucifer slowly eats his lunch and all the while making plans on how to get his angel to recognize him.
