
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Do you remember me?

Rogue picked at her lunch, she was getting nervous since Lucifer kept staring at her. Why is he staring at me? Do I have something on my face? "Kimmy, do I have something on my face or clothes? Lucifer's again staring at me." Kimmy takes a good look at her, "yeah there's something in your face." Rogue panics and grabs a small pocket mirror from her purse, "oh my God! What is it? Hey I don't have anything on my face." Rogue frowns and pouts at Kimmy. Kimmy grabs her chest, "My Goddess, don't pout at me, you're freaking adorbs and I want to pinch your cheek. Hmm maybe kiss it and bite it to it looks like a peach." Kimmy fakes like she is going to take a bite out of her cheeks and Sam quickly smacks her head. "Weirdo, didn't I tell you to stop being creepy. I swear on your last life you were a perverted old man." Sam grabs Kimmy and forcefully makes her sit back down. Rogue laughs at their antics and finishes eating her lunch, she didn't eat much but sometimes she can't eat a lot after the accident and she doesn't want to overdo it."

Lucifer's gaze has not strayed from Rogue's table and when he sees that she didn't finish all of her food he frowns. My angel didn't like her lunch, I'll bring her something good for lunch tomorrow. She's very slim and he's heard that she had been in a major accident and it was basically a miracle that she didn't die. When he heard about her accident he felt his body freeze and he panicked. He almost lost his angel, thank you God for being merciful and letting my angel survive. I have to make sure that she has a good recovery. My angel must be healthy enough to be able to hangout with me again, I can't wait to take her to my favorite places.

Rick and Leon barely eat anything, they have spent their time watching Lucifer watching Rogue, the man is so focused on the poor girl that he has not heard a word of their conversation. "Leon, I'm scared. He hasn't moved in the last 20 minutes and he's just smiling and making lovey-dovey faces at Rogue. Man, I don't even think that he's aware that he's making faces like that." Leon nods and glances at Rogue then Lucifer, "Dude, I think he's making Rogue feel uncomfortable. She keeps peeking at him and she is acting nervous. Dang, I think our boy is either a stalker or he's been bitten by the love bug." Rick looks horrified, "Oh my God! The poor girl is going to get her tofu eaten by Luci. He's definitely perving over her." Leon was drinking his orange juice and when Rick makes his comment he chokes, "Really Rick!!! Luci isn't like that, I think you're the perv who likes to eat girl's tofu. When have you seen Lucifer spending time with a girl and spending alone time so he can eat her tofu? Crazy man needs to be quiet before he hears you and punches your face."

While the two of them are chitchating Lucifer got rid of his tray and casually walks over to Rogue's table. He quietly stands by her side until she peeks at him. "Rogue, are you not going to talk to me? I didn't think you were this forgetful." Rogue scowls at Lucifer. Is this guy for real? Why is he talking to me like we are familiar with each other? "I beg your pardon? Do I know you?" Lucifer is arrogantly gazing at Rogue, "Wow, you really don't remember me? I'm your future husband." Kimmy was taking a sip of tea and instantly spit it out, "What the heck Lucifer stop trying to steal my wifey!" Sam just snorts chuckles, this guy is shameless. "Lucifer it's clear that she doesn't know you why would you say that?" Rick and Leon are struck dumb and are just staring at the drama unfolding in front of their eyes.

"Are you crazy! Husband? I don't know who you're buddy, how are you claiming to be my future husband?" Rogue is enraged. What is wrong with this crazy weirdo? Lucifer's smirk is starting to get on her nerves. "Dear you have been away for so long, I was starting to lose hope that you would ever marry me and just my luck, here we are together at last my angel." Sam, Kimmy, Rick and Leon can barely keep their shocked hearts from beating right out of their chest. "Kimmy, did we hear it wrong? Luci is saying he's Rogue's future hubby. Did you know about this? We just found out that they knew each other as kids but it seems like Rogue doesn't remember him," Leon whispers in a very low voice. Kimmy is struck speechless and could only shake her head in the negative. Wow...this is better than any drama I've watched. Dang where's the popcorn? Sam, go get us some popcorn!" Kimmy and the rest were fascinated by the conversation and they kept as still as a little mouse hiding from a cat in order to get the scoop fresh from the source.

Rogue was so flustered and angry she started to stutter, "You, you, you are really shameless! You're in need of your medicine, you're hallucinating. I don't know you, why would you say something like that in front of everyone. Do you think it's funny to mess with my reputation? You're really a devil just like your name." She angrily bangs on the table in front of them.

Leon freaks out and tries to defuse the tension, " Hehehehe good one Luci. You really had us, we thought you're really engaged with Rogue," Leon smiled uneasily at Lucifer. "Leon, you and Rick know me better than anyone, have you ever seen me joke around like this?" Lucifer seriously stares at them, " This engagement happened a long time ago. It's not my fault my angel is a little forgetful and can't remember our engagement which by the way was agreed by our parents before they passed away." Rogue started to get dizzy and tried to focus on what was happening around her. She shudders, "What did you just say? I don't know what you are talking about."