

"Oh dear! My bodice appears to be ripped!"

scipioparkins · History
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95 Chs

65. The twins again

The next several nights were more of the same. During the days I would escort my sisters out and about around the Ton, carriage rides to one or other of the parks, a concert during the evening or just dining together. Wherever we went, young men seemed to appear as if from nowhere, to pay attention to the twins, and watching them carefully, I noted that while they did not actively discourage any of the would-be suitors, they did not encourage them either. No one was given any more time than anyone else, attention was limited to compliments or benevolent observations, no young man was sent away feeling slighted. They were skilful players of the game of courtship, my sisters, and if I had not witnessed it first hand, I would have found it hard to believe, that they managed to keep so many hopefuls engaged, with so little reward for their efforts. If anyone got too close or was too insistent the twins would refer them to me, which seemed to cool the suitor's ardour quite efficiently.

Personally, I missed Helena greatly, and felt guilty about enjoying myself with Margaret and Louise, while she was attending her father, who she had, observed before leaving 'would probably pass on before very long'. However, the time I spent with them also brought me closer to the twins, as I learnt more about them and understood their thoughts better.

One night - which was also the night before Helena and our sisters were due to return - Margaret and Louise made me sit back while they performed an 'entertainment' of how they had learnt to love each other.

It took the form of a play. There was no scenery, very little in the way of costume, and the script was mainly improvised, but they depicted their progress with theatrically declaimed lines like 'Oh! Lu-lu did you see how Mary kissed the stableboy in the hay loft', 'I did indeed Mags! Shall we do as she did?' 'Yes, let me be the boy, you be Mary!' and thus they acted out their progress - with voices (Mags did a quite realistic sounding stableboy's voice), and in quite enthusiastic detail.

From learning to kiss, to understanding the power of the nipple, to frigging their own cunnies and from thence to frigging each other's cunny, to licking the same and sucking on each other's clits.

It kept me hard as a bar, though I had to wait until the intermissions before I could get any relief. During the first interval - just after Louise had her first orgasm, in the play and 'on stage', I fucked Margaret, bending her over the edge of my bed and fucking her hard, while she licked the spend off Louise's wet thighs.

During the second interval, after the twins discovered soixante-neuf in their play, I had Louise, while she still lay upon Margaret, who lay with her head beneath my jostling pills, as I pumped in and out of her sister's cunny above her face.

The last act of the 'play' was set on the day before Helena's departure to Guildford. By clever artifice the twins managed to convey a three-way conversation with their mother, with only two voices.

"Yes mama?" They both asked and sat as if they had been addressed by Helena and were listening to her reply.

"Of course, mama." Margaret said.

"We will behave," Louise added her assurance, "Of course we will."

Then she looked at the spot where 'Helena' was, and paused, "Mama? Will we need to look after William?"

There was a pause, and Margaret said, "Why he is a man, does he not have needs?"

There was another short pause, "Well, manly needs." Louise said, "Needs that must be tended by his woman."

"Forgive us mama," Margaret came to her aid, "There are many things in life that we do not know, but we are led to believe that men have many needs. Does William not have them too?"

They were both quiet for a moment, both looking at 'Helena', both following her 'words' with slow nods of the head. This went on for a few minutes - until Louise broke out of character and said in a way not unlike one of the rustic players in Shakespeare's A Mid-summer Night's Dream, "At this point mama took some time to explain some 'womanly' things with us." Then she put herself back into character, and a slow smile spread across their faces.

"So! Let us be clear, mama, if William allows us to, we may sleep with him?" Margaret repeated back to her mother, at the same time she reached out and took Louise by the hand, squeezing it in excitement.

"With your permission, mama?" Louise clarified. She too began to get excited, her breasts rising and falling as she spoke, I noticed that she had begun to rub her thighs together in anticipation.

"And we are to do so, each and every night you are away?" Margaret asked eagerly and equally excited, her eyes shining.

"And when you return, you will resume your place? Thank you, mama." Louise finished, her voice rising in pitch, as she briefly touched her hand to her lightly furred mons, which because of the earlier acts of the play was exposed for all to see (I assumed that the twins were not naked when they were talking to my mother, but, on the other hand there had been many changes around our family recently that they may have been, who knows?).

"Yes, thank you mama, we shall not fail you!" Margaret assured her mother joyfully.

She then took her sister's hand and they turned to face me, still naked, with their nipples erect and their eyes shining, and a little breathlessly, Margaret said "William?".

After which Louise added "We need you to settle a small argument."

And with that and a graceful bow, it was done.

"Bravo!" I applauded them, "Bravo! Very well acted," I told them, placing myself between the two of them and drawing them to me. "In truth I have never - ever - seen a theatre like that," I told them.

"Did you enjoy that, William?" Louise asked as she pressed herself against me, her hand seeking my erection.

"I did," I assured her as I kissed Margaret, whose soft lips ought out mine.

I found myself wrapped by two lithe, amorous, sensuous beauties who engaged my lips, my hands and my hard cock. They kissed me, they licked me, they sucked and fondled, stroked and caressed me. We writhed and we tangled, at one time I lost all awareness of who I was kissing, who had my prick in her mouth or who was riding my throbbing cock. I was as close to fucking two women simultaneously as one man could possibly be.

How long this passionate turmoil continued I do not know, it might have been a few minutes but it could easily have been hours, the whole night or even several nights. It did not matter, such was the intensity of the pleasure, the overwhelming flood of sensation, that time ceased to exist for the three of us. I spent once, and then again, but lost count of the number of times my sisters came off or brought each other off.

The only experience I can compare it with is the intensity of battle. I have been in fights where one's world becomes bound by only the limits of what can be seen, heard or felt. The passage of time is meaningless, there is no past, there is no future, there is only the fight, or in this case, the fucking. Like a battle, the moment we stopped our love-making, we fell onto the bed as if we had indeed fought the French or run a race.

Limp, and yet still entangled, we lay entwined, and the twins seemed to glow in a most enchanting way.

"Thank you, William." Margaret said quietly.

"No." I told her, "Thank you." I kissed her, "And thank you." I kissed Louise.

The younger of my twin sisters purred as she assumed what had become her favourite place on my left-hand side, where she curled up in the crook of my arm. "Thank you, brother." She said happily.

On the right-hand side Margaret looked at me, "Have we been good?" She asked hopefully. I nodded and drew her closer to me.

"I do not know what you promised your mother, or even what I did to deserve what we have done these last few nights, but it has been most wonderful."

Margaret smiled happily. "But we told you William. We told you why."

I shook my head.

"We love you, William." Louise said, drowsily, having turned in my embrace, she pressed her back against my side. "We have always loved you."

"We love you because you love us," Margaret said. "Despite all of the pranks, and the teasing, no matter how infuriating we might be ..."

"And we know that we can be very infuriating," Louise added.

"Despite all of the trouble we have caused you William," Margaret finished, "You never stopped loving us."

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows in surprise, though I tried to conceal exactly how surprised I actually was, after all this was a major confession.

"We told you that we loved you more than you would ever know?" She said, I nodded slowly, I wondered briefly whether this was another prank, but it did not feel so, it appeared to be quite genuine.

"And we mean it, William. We truly mean it," Margaret went on seriously, "You have always been the one person, beside mama, we could depend on."

"You were correct, you know?" Louise said from my other side, "What we did, that time, was a disappointment. It should have been better."

"And then you showed us how much better it could have been." Margaret added. "For which we are grateful." Her hand rested on my chest and she moved her fingers slowly across the skin.

"And a touch sore." Louise commented happily.

Margaret smiled as she nodded. "You have taught us much. Enough that we understand a little better." She finished.

"Understand? A 'little better'?" I asked. Margaret's breasts were pressed against my side and I felt her breathing as her nipples grazed my skin.

"About what life outside of the family would entail." She explained.

"The pleasures and the perils," Louise added, almost as if she was talking in her sleep.

I was drowsy myself, I kissed the back of Louise's head, and looked at Margaret. "We shall talk about this tomorrow, for now, we should sleep, my loves."

Margaret nodded and with a contented smile, she and her sister fell asleep in my arms.