

In a parallel realm to earth,there's a realm for human-animals.Either of humans with animal parts or animal with human parts. That world is ruled by a emperor, a wise fox-human that takes care of these people. The emperor have five concubine and one empress which will produce children that will one day take over his throne.

{In The demi human realm}


"Please! Please! I beg you! Please don't take my life!"

"Nothing lasts forever! Your time is up!" a stern voice was said.

With a click of a hand, the only thing that is left is the dead corpse lying on the floor. The souls were collected and the reapers went back to the death realms.

{In the death realm}

"Sir, i have some news for you! The emperor from the parallel realm of earth have requested you to marry his son, Prince Jiang Yin!" said a dark figure.

"Did u prepare the files?",asked a girl with a rough voice

"Yes sir! I have prepared it as soon as i got the information!"

"Good! Let's see why the emperor wants me to marry his son!" , a devilish smile was formed on her face.