
Chapter 11 First round Quiz competition

After the tea break everyone assembled in the hall. Next there were few other competitions on line. Quiz was the next to come in line. The host started the competition with giving all the rules of the game. She will be asking the questions and whoever answers it will be given points and will be selected for first round. From those of first round second round people will be shortlisted. The will be the final list of candidates.

Host started the quiz and started asking the questions on by one. There were 25 questions in her hand paper. By the time passed people stared answering and got selected. The top company "AG" was the company whose employees has win the most competition till now and was the top in the list. Most of the employees from this company were selected. Kiran was most talent among there company employees. Kiran answered and entered the first list of employees. Last few questions was on line when Bhaw stared comments "Someone was showing she is very talented. But I cant even see her here".

Last two questions was the toughest on the list no one was answering this question. Each question carries 5 point. Till now the candidates who have answered got 5 points in hand. The last two questions was not answered. The host started stressing for the answers from the employees, but no one answered it. Then the host increased the points to 10 for each last question. No one still answered. Then she said "20 points" each for whoever answered the last to questions and then Laksh raised her hand. The host called her on stage and passed the mike. She answered both the answered and the host was shocked. Both the answers were correct. Host announced it was correct. All the participants in the hall was shocked from the host reply.

Now totally 24 participants were selected from first round. One candidate was less as last two questions were answered by Laksh. Hence not 25 only 24 candidates was selected.