

The darkness of horror in a world lost at sea. Prepare yourself for the event that are yet to come and dive into despair with hearts ready for the cold and icy impact that is trenched in disturbing love. Louis with understand what it truly means to have life flash right before he's very eyes as he comes face to face with Gods that are both known and unknown.

Demenssion_8888 · History
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26 Chs


" Nice name, we didn't ask", Louis said as he turned away. At that very moment Bore finished eating the scraps off the ground and said " Hey there Jez bell, I'm Balaclava Dredfoot, but Louis Dotly here calls me Bore, here's under the impression that I'm some kind of super glutton, could you that?".

Jezebel smiled with her eyes closed before saying, " I wouldn't have believed it, if I hadn't seen you destroy that chicken. So from your responses I reckon you guys have no idea who cut the rope that tethered us to the docks", "Hold on a damn second, you mean to tell me that some punk on this ship DELIBERATELY CUT THE ROPE! I'M GOING TO KILL EM!", Louis steamed with rage.

" Cool your jets, it's seems no ones talking or acting suspicious. It's so disappointing...I really hoped to do some fishing. I asked some of the others and there saying we drifted North, but if we headed north then the wind should have pushed us west towards the eastern current...", " So in other words where lost. That's terrific, we've already checked the radios the damn thing's busted", Louis said.

The boat they where stuck on was more or less like a floating house it was big enough for them to wonder around and not disturb the others. Louis and Bore were by the deck observing the sea for anything that looked promising.

After another hour of waiting Jezebel ran through the ship informing everyone that they've located land and there head for it. The Island was small, but long and filled with lots of vegetation and steep mountains with a thick fog that oozed from the clouds, Louis and four others volunteered to go scout the island and see if it was safe. The Island might have looked majestic from afar, but as there safely boat got closer, the sallow water slowly turned pitch black.