
Rock lee: The Strength to Stand Alone

In this story, might guy dies with his father so rock lee don't have a mentor but his will to be a ninja take him to a treasure of shibai. (Spoiler alert!) which help him unlock memories and powers of his previous lives. (which are from diffrent dimensions) --- This is my first novel, so manage your expectations! My English is a work in progress, so I’ve enlisted ChatGPT as my trusty sidekick in translation. Thanks for picking up my novel

unknown_to_myself · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The Will of Fire Burns On


The rain poured relentlessly over Konoha, drenching everything in a gray veil. Rock Lee lay unconscious on the academy grounds, his body worn from hours of relentless training. His fists were bruised, his muscles aching, but his spirit burned, refusing to yield—even in sleep.

Iruka Umino hurried over, worry etched across his face. Kneeling beside Lee, he gently shook him.

"Lee! Wake up!" Iruka urged, his voice soft but firm.

Lee blinked groggily, eyes heavy with exhaustion. "Sensei?" he murmured, struggling to sit up. His body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds, but his spirit, ever resilient, tried to rise.

"Come on, let's get you home," Iruka said, offering his hand.

As they made their way through the rain-soaked streets, the rhythmic sound of raindrops splattering on the ground filled the quiet air. Lee trudged alongside Iruka, his thoughts swirling in a storm far heavier than the one pouring down around them.

"I'm weak," Lee whispered, his voice breaking the silence. His eyes remained fixed on the ground as if the weight of his failures was pulling him down. "No matter how hard I try, no matter how much I train… I'll never be like the others."

Iruka paused mid-step and looked at Lee, his expression softening. "You're not weak, Lee. Everyone struggles at some point."

"But I don't have chakra," Lee protested, his frustration bubbling up. "I'll never be as strong as Neji, or Sasuke, or even—" His voice wavered. "Even you."

Iruka knelt down to meet Lee's gaze, his eyes kind but firm. "Do you know about Might Duy?"

Lee blinked, his curiosity piqued. "Might Duy? I've heard of him... but not much."

Iruka smiled gently. "Might Duy was the father of Might Guy, and like you, he couldn't use ninjutsu or genjutsu. But that never stopped him. He trained every day—relentlessly, like you do—until he mastered the Eight Gates."

Lee's eyes widened. "The Eight Gates…?"

Iruka nodded. "Yes. He wasn't as naturally gifted as others, but Duy had something many shinobi lacked—an indomitable will. He fought the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist to protect Konoha, knowing it might cost him his life. That's what it means to have the will of fire—fighting, even when the odds are against you."

Lee's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and sorrow. "He fought to protect the village?"

Iruka smiled. "Exactly. Strength isn't about being born with talent; it's about what you do with the strength you have. You have something rare, Lee—an unbreakable spirit. That's where true strength comes from."

As they continued their walk, Lee's self-doubt slowly started to lift, replaced by a spark of hope. "If Might Duy could fight for Konoha, then I can't give up on my dreams… no matter how hard it gets."

Iruka nodded. "That's the spirit. You're just at the beginning of your journey, Lee. Let your spirit guide you."

They reached Lee's home, and as he opened the door, a newfound resolve settled in his heart. "Thank you, sensei. I'll train harder than ever! I'll honor their legacy."

Iruka chuckled softly. "That's the Lee I know. Now, get some rest. Tomorrow is a new day."

That night, Lee lay in bed, staring at the ceiling as the rain tapped softly against his window. The story of Might Duy echoed in his heart. Strength wasn't just about physical prowess—it was the courage to keep going, even when the world said you couldn't.


The next morning, sunlight pierced through the clouds, casting a warm glow over Konoha. Lee awoke with fire in his eyes. "Today is the day I push further!"

After a quick breakfast, he sprinted to the training grounds. With each punch, each kick, he imagined the legacy of Might Duy and Might Guy fueling his strength. His muscles screamed, but his heart roared louder.

As the afternoon sun blazed overhead, Lee, dripping with sweat, spotted Neji Hyuga nearby. A bold thought entered his mind.

He marched up to his rival, his eyes filled with unwavering determination. "Neji! I challenge you to a sparring match!"

Neji's eyes narrowed, a flicker of surprise crossing his usually composed face. "You want to spar with me, Lee? Are you sure you're ready for that?"

"I don't care about being ready!" Lee shot back, his voice unwavering. "I need to prove myself!"

Neji's expression turned cold, his voice low. "You can try, but fate has already decided our paths. You cannot escape your destiny, Lee. No amount of effort will change that."

They squared off, tension crackling in the air. The moment the match began, Lee charged forward, his fists flying with everything he had. But Neji's speed was overwhelming. With precise strikes, Neji deflected every attack, sending Lee crashing to the ground in a blur of motion.

Panting, Lee pushed himself back up, his legs trembling. "I… I won't give up! I'll run 1,000 laps around Konoha if I have to!"

Neji shook his head, his voice calm but firm. "Running won't change your fate, Lee. There are limits to what hard work can achieve."

But Lee wouldn't be deterred. As the sun began to set, he set out to run, his feet pounding the wet ground. His breath came in heavy bursts, but his resolve remained unbroken.

As he neared the outskirts of the village, something strange caught his eye—a dark, overgrown entrance hidden beneath a thick curtain of vines. Lee slowed, curiosity gripping him.

"What's this?" he muttered, pushing the vines aside to reveal a cave. The air inside was cool and damp, the scent of earth and moss filling his senses. As he ventured deeper, the dim light revealed a massive, eerie statue towering in the cave's heart. Its features were alien, its form unlike any human figure he had ever seen.

A strange, shimmering liquid pooled at the statue's base, glowing faintly. Lee knelt beside it, mesmerized. "What… is this?"

Without thinking, he dipped his fingers into the liquid and brought it to his lips. The moment it touched his tongue, a surge of energy ripped through him, every nerve in his body igniting with unimaginable power.

"W-What is this feeling…?!" Lee gasped, his voice trembling with awe.

Visions flashed before his eyes—battles, immense power, and a fire that burned hotter than anything he had ever known. But before he could comprehend what was happening, the ground began to shake violently.

"I need to get out of here!" he shouted, panic rising as cracks formed in the stone walls. He sprinted toward the entrance, but something extraordinary happened—his body moved faster than he ever thought possible. The world blurred around him.

"YOUTH!" he shouted instinctively, exhilaration flooding his senses.

He burst through the cave's entrance just as it collapsed behind him, dust and debris filling the night air. Stumbling to the ground, Lee looked at his hands, bewildered by the power that had surged through him.

"What… just happened?" he panted, his mind reeling. Before he could process it, the world spun around him, and exhaustion finally took hold.

He collapsed onto the grass, the last thing he saw before darkness claimed him was the moon, glowing bright and full above him.


Lee awoke in his room, the morning light streaming through the window. His body ached, but his mind was sharp. Was it all a dream? He couldn't tell. But one thing was certain—something inside him had changed.

He sat up, rubbing his temples as a sudden, sharp pain shot through his head. "What… happened last night?" he whispered, trying to make sense of the fragments of memory that lingered like shadows in his mind.





I'm still growing as a writer, and I hope to keep improving with each chapter. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this chapter and any suggestions you have! I'm also considering including characters from other anime as Rock Lee's previous lives, but I want to avoid making them overpowered. Let me know which characters you think would fit that role!





this chapter is about igniting the fire within—both literally and metaphorically.

unknown_to_myselfcreators' thoughts