
Chapter one (Crystal fall)

Summer time is over and it's another time to get worried about school ,my grades and how not to be weird around people.

Hi my name is Olivia lane but prefer being called olive and I really hate the idea of resuming school especially when it's a new environment. Crystal fall is a nice place it's quiet ,peaceful and lovable,a little town in South America but I really hate the idea of moving and getting to start another school. Am in my 10th grade and it's really annoying to keep changing schools though my dad promised no more changing schools again. My dad's the reason we keep moving ,his job takes him practically everywhere ,my mum died when she was giving birth to me , I don't really feel the pain of losing her and I've gone through our family photo book and I look just like her and my dad said she's always with me so am never angry or depressed for not growing up with a mum ,just that I would have wanted someone to be with me when dad was at work.

We just fully moved in and school resumes in three days,I wished summer could last longer. I really don't like the idea of trying to make new friends,not like I had any before. Everyone at school thought I was a freak, they saw me as someone weird,and I never wanted to make any friend because I knew it won't last but I could try now since it looks like we are really settling down here and I would really love someone to talk to and maybe I could fall in love too.Funny how I've never been in a relationship and I've practically read and watched everything concerning love. I think I can give it a try but dad is on a no boys policy.

I spent my time indoors trying to put in things in order and finally decided to take a walk on Sunday evening to take a look around and also try to locate the nearest grocery store because dad's going to be at work all week , he's only ever around on Sunday's. it's something am used to and I actually love it ,that way I have more space to myself and it's not like we talk all the time if he's home. Crystal fall is looking nice and cool this evening time.

"Oh shit am so sorry I didn't see you coming, are you okay?"

Yeah am good I wasn't looking too. Hi I'm Tessa and you are?"

"Ohh I'm olive" It seems people here are nice I thought to myself.

"Olive I've never seen you before. Are you new around here or you're visiting? It's a small town and I know literally everyone in here" I nodded with a smile.

Yeah I just moved in and I was trying to locate the grocery store

Ohh you just moved in ,are you mr lane's daughter ?Yes I am,

oh wow that's so nice, am your neighbor Tessa Brown but you can call me Tessa ,he told me about you but I didn't know you were more beautiful in person , Tessa said with lot of smiles.

Well thanks ,that's so nice of you Tessa , I love your blue eyes and your brown hair it's so curly ,I think am gonna curl mine too .Really I would so love to help you with your curl,am an expert you see,I love everything that has to do with hair do's.

Now come along olive let me show you around ,this is the grocery store and down the road is the mall ,once you are there you get everything else you'll be needing. Should I walk you there ? I was just taking a stroll.

Ohh no there's no need, I planned to head back home after locating the grocery store. Thanks a lot I have to go and prepare for tomorrow.

Ohh yeah there's only one high school in crystal fall that means we will be attending the same school

said Tessa. Am in grade 10, what grade are you ?

Grade 10 too ,that means we are gonna be seeing each other often. Well am happy am gonna be seeing a beautiful face in school .

Can we go to school together ? Tessa asked. Am sure everyone's gonna love you ,you are so nice and very beautiful. And can we be friends too ? I've been in Rock High for two years and I haven't really clicked with anyone but I feel so comfortable around you.

Yh sure , I'll love to be friends. I was a little scared am gonna have a hard time settling in but I feel so comfortable and confident that's everything's going to be fine now.

Let's head home , it's getting dark and you need to prepare for tomorrow,oh and don't worry tomorrow's going to be fun also we will be going to school together .

We should be in school before 7:30am so let's meet up by 7:00am. It's just a 15min walk from here

Ohh wow your house is just beside mine , I didn't notice I literally thought no one lived there. But it's nice knowing that you are close by. I'll see you tomorrow

Good night Tessa

Good night olive , see you tomorrow.