
Chapter One: Hope’s Wonderful Glimmer

"I'm sorry to inform you, but due to recent problems, we have no choice except to fire you."

There are certain words that self-sustaining individuals never wish to hear. Sentences that force chills down their spines. Akin to hearing commotion during the dead of the night, the goosebumps they receive can only be truly comprehended by those who've gone through that same experience.

Like telling a child Santa doesn't exist; J somewhat foresaw this outcome but was still left in complete utter shock. Throughout the years of struggle that he's spent on this earth, He'd never been fired for performance impotence.

He had his brows furrowed in bewilderment as he connected the scattered dots.

J can't rebuke that his efficiency the previous week had not been…outstandingly useful for a company on the ropes. Despite his lack of productivity, he had always displayed a predisposition of desire to work. Maybe this way of thinking, this mentality, is what led to him being complacent and in turn getting laid off. But like any overworked employee, he carried an antipathy for wasting his life on endless, boring labor. Nevertheless, It made him money; it kept him alive; it paid the bills, rent, and necessities - at least it used to. He never had any goals he'd ever risk unemployment for. So, in a way, he's one of the most loyal workers one could come across.

J, unknowingly, is the type to rot away doing something he abhors or has no passion for. But as long as he could survive, all was ok. The current him didn't know that this curse would be a blessing in disguise but his future looked very grim as of right now.

His boss didn't inform him of the reason for his dismissal, though if he had to guess, it happened mostly because of the company's financial circumstances. He couldn't blame them, only be petty about the fact that he was fired among all the others.

So, what is he to do now?

One last time, before he went on his way, J looked up at the company building. He heaved an exhausted sigh, the one that a mother of multiple children would let out. His disappointment may have been immeasurable, but he couldn't dwell on it any longer. Every second he wasted regretting the past was a moment he could use to escape this jobless existence.

He looked around with a sympathetic expression at the other poor individuals that had their heads bowed in disgrace. All reflecting on their newest dilemma.



A week later



Nothing has changed. While J still had some money saved up, there was no way it would last long. Gaining 0 an hour is one of the worst feelings J has come across. Aside from his fallen ego and broken pride, being stationary and not proactively earning the green dollar felt shitty, to say the least.

To rub salt on the wound, most establishments either did not need more employees or the other applicants had better stats than his.

Now his hair stood like a frightened cat. The dread of ostensible hunger, homelessness, and overall vulnerability was only drawing closer. Such feelings had him on edge and led J to consume alcohol to get away from the weight on his shoulders. Using drugs to take away his stress was not a good idea by any means, and he knew spending money so recklessly would only take him deeper down the rabbit hole.

"Fuuuuck…what do I do~" He slurred out, despair clear in his voice. An epiphany came to mind and he acted on it immediately.


J walked out of his small apartment bathroom feeling anew. Albeit slightly tipsy, his mental state was arguably better than earlier. While his problem was far from over, it was the small little things that mattered. He figured it would be most ideal to tidy up his room; clean places make him more clear-headed.

Throughout his cleaning, J turned on the radio for some type of distraction. That's when he heard it.

"Come eat at Fredicia Fazbear's Pizzeria! Here you'll be able to experience not just the delicious pizza served, but also the shows our animatronics have to offer! Just drop your children at the dining area and watch as they enjoy the performances given! Don't forget to bring your kids! We'll be waiting with arms wide open!"

The track he'd just tuned in for was supposed to play music. Assuming that wasn't the case, he changed stations. An oddity it was, but it didn't change his mood. So, he kept on with his life.



A few days later



Still nothing.

He's gone everywhere at this point so it's understandable that desperation was beginning to creep inside his consciousness. What was he doing wrong? He wears the fanciest pair of clothes, the calmest and most willing-for-work demeanor, is it his resume? The fact that he has none at all?

At the very least, all this interviewing trial and error has given him the ability to answer most questions without difficulty. By this stage of distress, J is willing to settle with any job as long as he gains some kind of income from it.

Again, that question loomed over him, "What do I do now?"

So that brings him outside, maybe some fresh air could help. Taking a look at him now, it's impossible to not notice his immense discomfort. He appeared unnerved, unsure, like a protagonist of a horror movie; paranoid. An unkempt beard, disheveled shoulder-length brown hair, and dirty clothes.

As he strolled the streets, something caught his eye. He snooped around, growing closer to the small cabin that asked for 2 quarters. Once he inserted the coins, he was allowed to open the compartment and discover a thick piece of newspaper.

Within a millisecond, his mind thought of the slight possibility of the news article withholding some type of information that could lead him to a job. His hope was low though. Just recently he'd checked the paper to find absolutely nothing, what makes today any different?

"Same old same old…" He mumbled to himself. Aside from some interesting stories like how an alleged serial killer used alcohol to overdose victims or the skyrocketing unemployment spreading throughout the city, there was nothing he was seeking for.

It did distract him from the mental anguish developing inside him, that's a silver lining. Hoping to further enjoy this snippet of peace, J continued reading. Maybe it was luck, maybe it was karma reimbursing him for standing tall throughout this difficult time, throughout his lackluster life. To him, it didn't matter why he encountered this post. But when his scouting eyes landed on;


Fredicia Fazbear's Pizzeria

• Family Pizzeria looking for a security guard to work the night shift, 12 am to 6 am

• Monitor cameras, ensure the safety of equipment and animatronic characters

• Not responsible for injury/dismemberment

• 240$ a week

To apply call:


(WN: I did some research, wrong or not, the data says this is good income. Forgive and correct my dumbass in the case of me being mistaken but just believe it for the story's sake.)

J could not be any more overzealous. He hadn't seen this advertisement yesterday. But just as he began to cheer, doubt turned his perspective melancholic. What if someone has already seen this post and tried to get the job? J shook his head. He had no time to worry about the what if's.

With that in mind, J sprinted back home.



Fredicia Fazbear's Pizzeria, hours later



"So that settles it. Tomorrow, 2 hours after noon, I'll be expecting to meet you for the scheduled interview. After that, we'll have to see what happens! Thank you Mr. Danvers for choosing to work at the best Pizzeria in the state and, soon to be, country!"

Manager Luna then ended the call and sighed excitedly. A huge weight had just been lifted from her shoulders. They finally had someone to survey during the night, and based on their talk, he seemed qualified to do so. She got up to stretch her hourglass figure and walked out of her office.

Most who jumped on the opportunity to work in this fine establishment always became reluctant or unsure once she mentioned the loneliness and forever dark halls. This guy was different, however. He seemed more comfortable with being alone in the silent abyss of the night. That itself was enough to seal the deal.

Things were finally going her way.

Great innit?

She made her way towards the dining room of the restaurant, smiling slightly at the joyous looks and bits of pizza on the faces of the children. When her eyes ventured towards the parents, a knowing expression plastered itself on her. The appeal of the animatronics wasn't just for the children. There would be times when high schoolers, accompanied by a little sibling of theirs, would drop off their younger brother or sister and stare…oddly, at the girls. Heck, she's even seen some artists come here for reference. She can't blame them, the creator knew what he was doing.

Everything was running smoothly, she concluded. On her stroll around, Luna ran into the day-shift security guard. "Eli, how's it going!" The cheerful manager greeted out of nowhere.

The individual named Eli turned around, shoulders slumped and with huge bags under her eyes, "Have you taken a glance at me once these past few weeks?! I'm a horrible mess!" Irritated but somewhat respectful towards her friend, Eli responded. "Haha! Well don't worry, things will only go up from now on! In fact, why don't we go out for a drink tomorrow?"

"What's the occasion, and who's going to guard the place while I'm gone?"

Manager Luna then put her hand over Eli's shoulder and gave her a gleeful grin, "That's the thing, you won't have to from now on and so forth." The guard's eyes perked up tremendously, and she almost yelled out the following words, "You're fucking with me!" Despite the boss-employee relationship the two longtime friends had, it posed no difference as they still communicated however they wished.

"Look 'ere my buddy, I just got off the phone with this guy in dire need of work. He claims to have experience in the art of the night owl. He may not have ever been a night guard before, but we all need to start from somewhere, right? No matter the outcome, you'll at least get a day or two of rest anyway." Eli cheered with her fist next to her chin and eyes closed, hissing out yes's of triumph.


The supervisor waited for the guard to celebrate before pulling out a check from her pocket, and placing it on Eli's hand, "Here's your pay for all the extra work you've put in. You can leave early if you want, I'll work the night shift today."



While the two conversed some more, something occurred on stage. It was a subtle detail that would unusually go unnoticed and regarded as normal by most. One of the mascots darted her eyes towards the two amigos chatting about, the speed of her slight movement could be unnerving to some but nothing serious to worry over. She eavesdropped on the conversation with her enhanced hearing.

But for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; words of the renowned Issac newton.

"Mommy, mommy, look, look, one of the robots moved her eyes!" A little girl said, fascinated by the abrupt change. "I know honey, it's common for them to do so." Responded the bored mother. "But, she-"

"Char, don't worry about it, it's her job to make sure the customers are listening. How about we go to the gaming station? Watching these robots sing is getting quite boring" Her mother interrupted and tried to entice her toward the arcade area of the establishment.

Charlotte pouted at her mother's uncaring dismissal and went back to staring at the bots a little while longer before answering. As she peered at them, however, the bear animatronic shot her eyes Charlotte's way, forcing a chill to go down the girl's spine. Accompanied by the seemingly passive-aggressive blue orbs was the eerily kind smile. To add to the little girl's fear, the other two performers began to look in her direction as well.

With an uneasy gulp, she said, "Actually mum…can we go home? I'm a bit tired…" Overjoyed that she could finally leave without having to drag the poor girl out, the mother got up and power walked away with Charlotte in tow.



"Oh thank god." J sighed a breath of complete relaxation. Nearly two weeks of unemployment had nearly broken him! Any longer, the chances of him going berserk or suicidal would have increased tenfold! But luckily, his nonstop search landed him an occupation that wasn't completely foreign. He could stay up late, as he used to work overtime for an extra buck.

A nearly indescribable sensation swept over his being. For the first time in days, J felt tranquil. Like calm water swishing and swashing about. It had no end goal, it simply wanted to keep going. Akin to masturbating, the sudden burst of dopamine lasted a short while and left him pursuing more. He spent an hour whacking off in hopes of achieving that nirvana once again - to no avail, he ended up giving it a rest.

J picked up that fated newspaper once again, smiling triumphantly at the inanimate object as though he'd just received the Nobel peace prize. Dammit! The satisfaction he felt could not be mimicked. He couldn't showcase it. The emotion was more like an endless waterfall. He simply could not contain it. So, he needed to find an outlet.

While it still lasted, J needed to embrace and capture what he felt. He knew very well, however, that his goal was unachievable. That left him with only one viable option; to use this bottomless energy completely.


Three hours, that's how long J managed to non-stop jog before his happiness turned into exhaustion and he could no longer keep up the insane pace. By now he'd sweat gallons and the fresh night air became freezing, blistering snow. But his subliminal discomfort didn't bother him at all. Because after all that exercise; after all that self-reflect; after all that mental reconstruction, J finally managed to understand the sheer amount of strain his mind had been under the past few years!

For every hardship that J went through, another brick would be added to his collection. He needed to build an immovable wall, but in order to do that, standalone bricks weren't enough. Sure, his fortitude was built from sturdy material. Unless he had cement, what use is the stone? Wind could easily knock over the matter and leave him in shambles. Overall, J - now free from all the tension that has been weighing him down for years on end - has discovered this "cement."

Positive energy is the yang to his massive concentration of yin.

It was quite late though and he was in serious need of rest. Leaving today's course of events and allowing the brain to process what the fuck it is that occurred, looked appealing to J at the moment.


Nothing much happened from morning to noon. J was simply enjoying his alone time by slouching and sleeping to be fully prepared for today's interview. It was scheduled at 2 and since he had not much to do, he decided to arrive there early. He tied a bandana around his forehead, hopped on his bike, and cycled to his destination; fifteen miles away. No wonder he hadn't found this establishment before.

He carried a backpack with him, that's where his more classy clothes were situated. At the moment, he wore a simple wife-beater that outlined his lean-muscular figure. Alongside the shirt, he wore some light green shorts and black sneakers. The roads were mostly flat and occasionally he would come across some Mount Everest-type hills, but nothing played out horribly.


J found himself staring at the large fuzzy mascot of the Fredicia Fazbear Franchise. Closed dark blue eyelids shaped into crescents, puffy brown neck-length hair, cute freckles covering those high cheekbones, and an inviting-toothy smile. He hummed at the image, enthralled at her beauty. Honestly, one can't blame him for his antics. He'd met many women during his lifespan on earth but those encounters never went past formalities or small talk. Ever since his life took a spin for the worst during his young teenage years, J's main objective was to survive.

But now that he's experienced a decade's worth of stress relief barely a night before, his mind's eye has finally opened. His body was trying to make up for a large amount of lost time. While others were masturbating to playboy magazines, he was fighting the internal demons urging him to end this painful existence of his. The past is the past, what matters is that right now, at this very moment, J's mind was encrypting every single thought of his. These same thoughts that'll come back to give him a mental war later.

J spent a good five minutes noting down every small detail before the sun interfered and blasted him with its rays. Thus, he stopped and remembered what today had in store for him. Therefore, he parked his bike and made sure to tie it down well. He pulled out a towel to dry the sweat and a wrinkle-free black buttoned shirt (Paired with a white T underneath) and a pair of black jeans to match. The attire wasn't too fancy and tilted towards the blander side. Which is why he's lucky to have good looks.

"Hopefully I don't end up smelling like a wet dog later." He muttered silently and took a death breath. Obtaining a new job is always a nerve-wracking experience. "Here goes nothing." These were the last reassuring words he spoke to himself before stepping in.

To Be Continued