
Robin's Reincarnation System 0.1

Robin doesn't remember how he got taken into that world. But the System will not let him go unless he progresses with the story and unravels a new change. Transmigrated into the body of Terrence Blair, a weak NPC who has no standing in that world whatsoever, he has to make himself known to the main characters so that he can hitch a ride to the end game. Support me on Meganovel, chapters are uploaded there in advance too. Here's the link for you: https://www.meganovel.com/story/Robin-s-Reincarnation-System-0-1_31000519663

Maxwell_Sekundes · Fantasy
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42 Chs

31 - At Last Alone Again

Although it wasn't really a bomb, it did change the expression on their faces.

"What are you saying? What if there are survivors or hostages?" Jake, as I thought, immediately objects.

"Well… We did skip a few floors before this." I said.

"But that's different! Base told us to come here because Arvena was in trouble!"

"That's because she has her Arrow and she asked for help. Those possible 'survivors' that we might have missed on the previous floors do not have Arrows like us. And yet, we skip the floor because she's in trouble." I replied.

Jake pauses. It's because I'm right.

"B-But I also told Base that there are survivors with me. That's why I asked them to prioritize." The injured female cadet, Arvena, said.

"That… Also does not argue anything I've just said." I look at her funnily.

"Junior, don't be heartless. We should rescue those we can rescue." Patrick reprimands me.

I look at him weirdly. "Well, look at us now. Can we, though?"

The cadets are looking at each other and it looks like they don't quite get it. Rean is quiet though, and his attention is instantly drawn to the citizens who are waiting for us. I don't doubt Rean gets it though, he's so smart. But these NPCs in front of me are the problem.

"You still don't get it? Fine. I'll tell you." I bring my right hand up as I count. "There are three citizens and one injured cadet, there are four of us, and in case you forgot, there's a horde of monsters coming up the stairs!"

They're all surprised at my sudden outburst.

"Four survivors and four cadets. We are already balanced here. Two of us fight in front, one in the back, and I provide higher ground. Also, don't forget that that girl is limping." I point at the female cadet. "I will have to carry her as I shoot if we want to have higher chance of survivability. Jake is more experienced in fighting than me, he'll fit more in covering the rear. If we add more to this group, we won't get too far."

They fall into contemplation after that. Except for Rean, who I'm sure already understand what I meant, the others look worried.

Then we heard faint echoes of monsters from below. We're halfway to the 16th floor, but we somehow can hear those noises. It's been a few minutes, and even though it sounded like they're still far, they'll be closing in very soon.

The sound horrifies the cadets surely, and it should push them to realize that I'm right. Even if they don't, I don't care.

If the monsters ever get to us, I will only drag Rean and the survivors. He's the protagonist and I need his help to get to the end game, while these survivors are still my points. Losing them might make me lose the points that I've earned too. But these cadets are just NPC.

I remember that part when I rescued the female cadet in the game in the same floor as her. But she said she only needed potion and she can get by. She's fine and she can walk right after, and she becomes the second temporary party member in Rean's team.

But this female cadet we saved is a liability, so there's nothing we can do. There is no saying that the potion she drank would work wonder on her sprain too, as sprain is mostly treated with massage or well, just letting it be until it's sorted out by itself. But until then, she's still a liability. So I was right in saying that our quantity is balanced.

"Terrence is right. He's not concerned about how we're able to defend ourselves but if the team gets too big, and if by chance, the survivors are also injured, then we are more prone to be attacked instead."

Really, the protagonist is very, very well in conversing. I was insinuating that we just 'abandon the floors we can't cover', but he had just turned it into 'we have to save what we have saved'. They don't differ very much in meaning, but in a matter of perspective, mine is negative while his is positive.

But I'm glad he said it that way. It boosted my case.

"But we also cannot abandon those people who might be hiding out of fear and are awaiting for rescue." He turns to me.

Wait, wait. Why is he looking at me like he's expecting something? And what's with that additional argument?

"W-What do you have in mind, Rean?" I asked nervously.

For some reason, I have a rather funky feeling. But it's not leaning into something bad… per se… Or…

"Well, I was thinking we should split up." Rean said.

'No, was I wrong? Is it leaning to something bad?' I frown.

"Split up?" Everyone is looking at him in confusion.

"Yes. That, one of us can go ahead and search the floors upstairs for any survivors while the rest stay continue to go upstairs." Rean suggested. "Of course, it's one of us cadets. The citizens are going with the team."

'Eh…? I was wrong again? It's something good… For me?' My frown rose.

"B-But it'll be dangerous for that person alone! I can't accept that!" Jake immediately protested.

"Wait. It's not a really bad idea, Jake." Patrick said, he's actually looking thoughtful.

Jake looks at his friend in surprise. "What?! Are you crazy?! The three of us can't even handle those birds let alone one person!"

"I-I agree with them here." Arvena said.

"What?! Not you too, Arvi!" Jake looks at her in disbelief.

"But Jake, there are a lot of Sujins. Of course, we were easily outnumbered. But if it's just one person, he can easily escape because the goal is just to investigate, right?" Arvena even gave a piece of her mind.

Jake's frown deepens like a chasm. "What are you talking—we're talking about a horde of monsters here! There are a lot of monsters and they're supposedly powerful! Whoever it is will die!"

My brow twitches. 'He's 'really' annoying! Always against anything dangerous even when we're already this high up in the tower. Open your eyes for a bit, man! At least for my sake! Yet, again!'

"Jake is also not wrong to protest. We never know what kind of monsters are there invading from below. If it's a bunch of Direwolves, then it's not good to split that one person." Patrick said. He's making a good argument there, I don't object that one.

I've seen Direwolves with my own eyes yesterday. They're bigger than normal wolves and certainly more aggressive. It might not a big deal if one is to escape only three of them, but a pack, or even worse, a horde? I don't think anyone can.

"Then I will volunteer myself to be that person." Rean said, pointing to himself. "I'm sure you've heard of my ability, and you have also seen it as we go up here. I am very capable in battles, and I am sure I can catch up to you guys upstairs."

The seniors don't seem to have any objections to that. It's expected of course. Everyone knows he is Rean Vermillion, the genius of the 3rd year. He is a master swordsman, very good in academic, and is among the ones regularly accepting missions issued by the academy.

Heck, even if I'm not an NPC, I trust him completely because I know the extent of his ability. But, in this certain plot that has slightly changed, he does not have that certain knowledge that I know.

It's that!

"Wait, Rean. I'm not doubting you. But I agree with the girl."

Arvena looked slightly surprised. "Me?"

"You said it yourself, you are very capable in battle. You are both the sword and the shield. If on the off chance, the horde catches up to the team, you are more suitable to hold them off while the others find a safer place to hide. Besides, the goal is to investigate and move fast if there are no survivors. It's not that you're not suitable to investigate, but you're needed here more than you're not."

"Then, who do you think is more suitable?" Rean asked.

I point to myself.

"Let me. I'm small and nimble, I have lighter feet. I have bombs with me to help should I ever get caught by the monsters. And, I also have to switch off the Connector crystal in the 20th floor." I told him.

"Ah! The technician!" Jake and Patrick suddenly remembered.

"Oh right, I've heard that the Connectors should be switched off in cases of a certain emergency. I never knew which kind though…" The male worker said.

"How do you know?" One of the female workers asked.

"My technician friend who works in the 19th floor. They are instructed different emergency situations. He ever told me about them, but since it's not my job, I've never really cared to remember." The man chuckles helplessly. "Besides, just one emergency is already complicated, I can't listen to more of those…"

I smile. 'Thank you, my points!'

I turn to the cadets. "A technician I've saved had taught me how to disable the Connectors, and he wants me to disable the other two. So I know what to do already."

"Hmm. He's right. If he's going with us, it'll take longer time for him to disable the crystal because we'll move slow. We don't even know why the terrorists are targeting the towers, and we also haven't received any word from Base about whatever is upstairs ever since we're told to evacuate." Patrick said.

"There are still three of my classmates who went before me. I didn't see them yet, but I know they won't go downstairs where the monsters are either. Higher chance is they're somewhere up there. If they had found something, they would've let Base know." Rean said.

"But there's no word yet, so something must've happened to them." Patrick looked grave.

I know whom he was referring to. It was Rufus Bara and his goons. Well, they are not that important yet in this mission. They're just being lazy.

The sounds echo once again.

"I think it's best to let the junior go. He looks like he knows what to do." Arvena said.

I frown at her. 'I yelled at her, why is she recommending me like this? Is she asking for forgiveness or something?'

Jake sighs, he looked disheartened. "He does. Don't you, junior?"

I turn to look at him and nod.

"Well, I think we've reached a decision. I destroyed the 15th floor emergency stairs, but 16th is alright. We'll be using those stairs to reach upstairs first. Just make sure you take care of yourself and rendezvous with us soon." Patrick said, giving me a smile.

It feels genuine this time. So I smile back at him.

"Here, take this bat with you for safety measure." Jake hands me his bat.

Ah right, I forgot the bat I took from the terrorist. "But, what will you use then?"

Arvena raises her hand, she's holding another bat. "This will do."

"Ah, okay." That was mine before. Then why is he giving me his?

Then Rean looks at me with a rather serious expression. "Don't die, Terrence."

I rub my nose. "Aye aye, sir!"

Then they left for the emergency stairs. Because we've reached the 16th floor by the end of our discussion. It wasn't that long, but not that fast either. Time is still consumed, and I have to compensate for that lost.

The howls are getting louder from below now. It sends goosebumps down my back.

I'm actually scared to go alone. But for some reason, it has become more exciting now.

"Ha. The adrenaline's kicking again." I smirk.

Then I run upstairs.