
Robin's Reincarnation System 0.1

Robin doesn't remember how he got taken into that world. But the System will not let him go unless he progresses with the story and unravels a new change. Transmigrated into the body of Terrence Blair, a weak NPC who has no standing in that world whatsoever, he has to make himself known to the main characters so that he can hitch a ride to the end game. Support me on Meganovel, chapters are uploaded there in advance too. Here's the link for you: https://www.meganovel.com/story/Robin-s-Reincarnation-System-0-1_31000519663

Maxwell_Sekundes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

19 - Surprise

When we are waiting for the hovercraft, I confirm with the technician about the codes. This is because I know that the password is different with each floor. So I doubt that all three connectors use the same password.

"Sir, are you sure these codes are also used in the other 2 floors?" I asked.

"Of course. Why are you asking, son?"

"It's just, for some reason, giving the other floors the same passcodes for all three floors… It's quite unbelievable to me." I told him as I look at him. "I don't feel it's very secure."

The man smiles. "I think I know what you mean. But the Chief Executives had decided as such after simulating various incidents such as this one, and as a technician, I have to agree."

It does make sense that they prepared certain measures to protect their businesses. But that makes it even weirder that they would set the same passwords. "How so?"

"The Connector crystals are essential for that region's communication. If they are shut down, then the communication wave in that region will be cut off. But it's necessary to shut them down in case of hijacking. We can't risk terrorists broadcasting their message to the world." The man explained. Then he smiles apologetically. "I didn't think about the academy students at all when I deactivated it though. If you guys are connected with this crystal, it would've been a disaster. Sorry, kid."

"Don't worry. It's not something an outsider should know. And you should keep it a secret as well." I wink at him.

"Ah, alright. I'll pretend I didn't hear that." The man smiles warmly.

I'm a bit worried that the HQ or base heard this conversation. Because initially, no one but the Headmaster and trustable academy staffs knew of this information. I only know because I was a player and this information is only revealed some time later.

However, the Arrow is like a locked-double end receiver phone. The other party can talk to me and I can hear them, but if none of us activates the microphone when we're speaking, then no one will hear anything. Pretty neat. So they shouldn't have been able to know about this conversation.

'Even if they know, I'll have to come up with an excuse… I hope it's not bye-bye points later.'

Wait… The Base seems to have known about the technician's requesting an escort before. How can that happen?

As that new thought came to mind, the hovercraft is closing in. This time, it's bringing that same senior and Jake. Wait, what is he doing here?

"What are you doing here?" I asked out loud.

Jake looks at me offensively. But he calms down and hit his own chest with a confident look. "I'm here to help you!"

I stare at him dumbfoundedly. "Why…"

"Because you're an idiot who charges right through and if I don't keep my eye on you, you'll die!" He berated.

I was about to reply, but he cut me off. He points at me and yells. "Don't make any excuses! I only permit you to go to that house! But the next thing I know, you're gone with the Captain. Then we're at the entrance, you went off on your own here. Without my permission! How do you think I'd feel?!"

My expression contorts into a higher level of confusion. In my mind, the only thing I can think of is, 'What the frick just—Why, why… How??'

I click my tongue and look at him annoyedly. "Stick to the code and go with the flow, dude. And leave me alone." I walk upstairs and leave them there.


The three look at the junior's back confusedly.

"Patrick, take the citizen. I'll go with him." Jake jumps off the platform.

"D-Don't be too hard on him." The technician asked.

"Ah, don't worry. We're teenagers. He's just in the rebelling phase. We're not going to do anything to him." Patrick said.

"We're very sorry for his behavior, sir. This is his first mission. He must've been very nervous and wanted all of this to be over soon." Jake apologizes in his junior's behalf.

"Don't we all?" Patrick joked.

The technician laughs. "What generous seniors you both are. I'm glad you don't find his words offensive. If this is his first mission, then it makes sense of his sudden behavior. He was very patient and cheerful when he was with me."

Jake and Patrick smile nervously.

"At least he still has that confidence in him. If he's not, he won't go upstairs with wide strides like that." Jake said.

"You should follow him quick. Who knows what is in 12th floor?" Patrick suggests.

"Yeah. See you back at the academy." Jake said before he walks up the stairs.

"See ya." Patrick waves at him. "Well, sir, let's take you downstairs. The truck's arriving soon."

The technician nods and hops on the platform. As the hovercraft descends, Jake runs upstairs to follow his junior partner.


"Heey! Wait up, gunner!" I can hear Jake's voice echo from behind.

'Fricking flat character following me up. What the hell does he want?!' I curse him in my mind and start running.

"HEY!!" Jake yells as soon as I speed up.

I thought that I've already gotten rid of him when he left with the hovercraft. If he comes with me again, it will really make a mess out of my plan. I won't be able to earn all the points if he keeps following me, because only I know which floors I can skip to the next point.

I keep running until I reach the 12th floor. My chest feels rather tight from the sudden run. But Jake is tens of meter behind me, I have to go in now and hide if I want to get rid of him. So I push the emergency door open and immediately get inside.

Once inside, I can hear the sound of battle. If I remember correctly, this floor has four terrorists that are fighting two cadets. But they end up having to hide because they're outnumbered.

I take the bat from my bag and hold it firmly with both of my hands. I immediately run to the lobby where the battle takes place, but something made me stop at the corner before the lobby.

'Wait, that wasn't there before.' I stare at a terrorist leaning against the wall near a plant. His face is pretty swollen behind his rabbit mask, and he's drooling. His shoulders are still moving up and down, a sign that he's still alive. But he's not moving.

'Passed out?' I thought. But I don't think too much and pull out a zip tie. I'm not risking this guy getting up to ambush me behind my back. I tie the man's hands and feet tightly without any trouble, then I leave.

But just when I enter the lobby, I see someone else that I didn't think of seeing.


Indeed, it was the main character of the original plot. His back is facing me and he's standing several meters from me, so he doesn't know that I'm here yet. But what is he doing here? He should've been already upstairs, shouldn't he?

And the guy he's fighting is…

My shoulders slump immediately. W-What? T-That one is…

It is still one of the terrorists. But this guy has a very big build. He's muscular and tall, like a big bear, no, a troll! And his biceps… I shudder. They look awfully big even under that black hoodie he's wearing. I don't know just how much muscles is cramped in there, but he's an XXXL for sure.

Another thing that makes my nervousness rise is that that man is carrying a hammer.

No, no. It's not the small hammer people use to hit nails and fix things. This one is a battle hammer which size is as big as an adult's head and has a long iron hold. The sight of his big hammer gives me goosebumps, and I cringe even more when I see red stains on it which... I guess... But of course... Should be... Blood.

'D-Damn… These guys shouldn't be here…' I gulp as my whole body shakes. 'I wanna go home…'