
Robin's Reincarnation System 0.1

Robin doesn't remember how he got taken into that world. But the System will not let him go unless he progresses with the story and unravels a new change. Transmigrated into the body of Terrence Blair, a weak NPC who has no standing in that world whatsoever, he has to make himself known to the main characters so that he can hitch a ride to the end game. Support me on Meganovel, chapters are uploaded there in advance too. Here's the link for you: https://www.meganovel.com/story/Robin-s-Reincarnation-System-0-1_31000519663

Maxwell_Sekundes · Fantasy
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42 Chs

16 - News from HQ

At the North Team's Captain Base a few moments ago…

The Operator Team receives a wave from the Headquarters.

"Nat! We got a call from the HQ!" Sheena said. She is a fourth-year who is operating the communication in the North Base.

Natalie, the captain of the North Team who is examining purple crystal fragments, immediately comes over to the computer. "Put us through."

The other operator, Kal, also a fourth-year, inserts the speaker cables into the computers. Then Sheena presses a button and a small yellow square lights up on Sheena's screen. "The Captain is present. Over."

There is a sound wave and a voice speaks through the speaker in a slight grunge-like effect.

"North Team. Communication has been cut off from the other three towers. But your wave is still able to come through. How can this happen?"

Natalie presses a button to reply. "North Team Captain reporting in. We have found two mysterious, yet similar, devices that we accidentally destroyed. It holds this specific kind Terra Gemma that I think is messing up with the comm (communication) wave."

"Accidentally destroyed…?" The other side seems a bit confused.


"… Why did you destroy it? It could've been a bomb."

Natalie sweat dropped. 'You think I didn't know that? I wasn't the one who shot it though… But I can't say that!'

"That's… A long story. But we found out it is not a bomb, so we destroyed the other one to prevent their activation."

It takes a few seconds before the other line replies. "We will accept the report for now. How do you know it's messing with the comm wave?"

"It's an analysis done on a whim. We've found out that our communication device cannot work when the crystal is near. However, we are able to block the crystals, which is why you're able to reach us. I apologize for my poor judgment, but we don't have the liberty to look into its details very quickly in this situation. How do you want me to proceed?" Natalie asked.

The other party doesn't reply right away, and this one is taking longer than the previous one.

It makes her restless. She knew that reporting about her team 'accidentally' destroyed a certain device that could potentially be a bomb would make it seem like she's a rash person—an unfitting personality for a team captain. But looking at the situation, she didn't really have a choice on what happened.

'We weren't briefed of anything or even a bomb device prior to the scene. If I had just gone with the manual and avoid the device without figuring out what it is, wouldn't that be even more dangerous if it suddenly explodes? What if my subordinates are guarding around it and are caught in the explosion? Not only that, no one could know just how big the scale of a bomb could be even if it looks small and harmless.'

While it's good that it's not a bomb, she couldn't just sit still and let those things be. That's why she conducted an abrupt experiment on the mysterious crystal fragments. She was not being rash, she was just simply following up with an action to prove she's not a cowardice captain. Then the teachers would see that she's trying to save the squad. Her license could be sped up and she can finally graduate and follow in her father's footsteps!

'Ah… Father…' She's suddenly reminded of her father. She misses him. But she regains her composure quickly.

Natalie holds her hand on her chest. 'No… Calm down. I've made the right decision. It's all thanks to Terrence who missed that shot. We were able to see firsthand that it's not a bomb. But then if it really was a bomb and he shot it, we can all die too. But, I'm still glad he missed…' Natalie sighs rather half-heartedly of the negative outcomes that she had inadvertently passed.

'But… Is it really a coincidence that he missed? Or did he just miss it on purpose? Come to think of it, I've never really witnessed his fighting style. I've only heard from the teachers. He's mediocre. So he must've missed, right? He must be…'

As she was thinking of this, the yellow square lights up again, signaling the other party's turn. She immediately shakes the thoughts away and decides to think about it a later time. There is something more important than that now.

"Can you hear me, Captain?"

'T-This is the Headmaster's voice! W-Why is he giving me orders through the Base comm?' Natalie tries to be calm. "Yes, sir."

"This is an order from me. Keep securing the devices and crystals from your comms and please bring it back later for thorough investigation. Understood?"


"Good. We've received update. Multiple vans are reportedly driving towards the North District. We cannot confirm if it's related to the terrorists yet, so stay vigilant. Over."

'Vans?' Natalie frowns. 'Wasn't there a van near that field when I was searching with Terrence? Could they be related? Let's just ask.'

"S-Sir!" Natalie calls abruptly. The yellow square is still on, so that means they haven't hung up. She immediately asks. "Are the vans grey in color? Because we've also found a grey van near one of the devices. Could there be… A relation?"

There may be, there may be not. But if it's really true, then the North Team will be in great danger. Both the Go and Rescue Team, especially since the several pairs of the Rescue Team has gone to the Tower to help the Go Team. They will be severely outnumbered and that is not good.

"Sir…?" She calls.

The HQ replies a few second later. "We are sending backups your way. Please hang on until we arrive, North Team. Good luck."

Then the line is cut off.


Natalie looks at the screen in dumbfound expression. "They… Hung up? But… They haven't confirm it's grey…"

But she's not an idiot. Judging by the sudden urgency to send backups, her assumption must be right. But then…

"Are we in danger?" Kal asks her.

"N-Natalie…? D-Does this mean we have to… Fight all those new terrorists coming here?" Sheena asks in worry.

Some of the senior cadets, who are also their classmates, approached after seeing their disgruntled expression. The speaker does not cover large area, so the only ones who can hear that conversation just now with the HQ were only Natalie, Kal, and Sheena. How are they going to tell their squad now?

"What happened, Nat? Was that HQ?"

"Are the juniors in the tower alright? Need more backup?"

The Operator Team members look at each other before Natalie breathes heavily. "Listen. I want you to gather everyone in the neighborhood here. Let three guards the citizens."

She can't afford more mistakes. This mission is her responsibility. The citizens' safety is in her hands. She'll try her best to minimize the casualties. But she's also unsure if her team would be able to handle the upcoming mob.

Once everyone had gathered, she relies them the new situation. As expected, she received protests and questions. But she understands their reactions very well because she also felt that way after she heard it. But she cannot let this confusion make her team astray. She has to round them up in this situation and provide a solution.

She scans among the cadets before she comes up with a solution. It is a way to minimize the casualties and keep the citizens safe. But she would need to make a few necessary sacrifices.

"You." She points at several juniors.

The juniors look startled. "Y-Yes?"

"Go ask the citizens if any of them has a decent basement that can fit many people. Houses in this area should have basements and cellars, but not all of them are well furnished." She said.

"O-okay!" The juniors leave immediately, leaving only a few pairs.

"What are you up to, Nat?" Her classmate asked.

"We are outnumbered, Carter. We have to split up. Some will be guarding the citizens here while some will go to the tower." Natalie explained.

The seniors' faces immediately darkened, while the juniors are confused. The seniors looked at each other, as if already understanding where this is going. "You mean…?"

"Yes. Even cheese have holes when they're ready. Now, get ready. We are moving the base. Move!" Natalie looks a bit regretful, but it's the only way for them.