
Robert Rosier: A Wizard's Tale (Dropped)

Robert "Rob" Rosier is a pureblood wizard, born out of a secret relationship in a backwards society. Follow him in his attempt to fit in and his adventures throughout the wizarding world. This is an Alternate Universe (AU) where Harry Potter doesn't exist, in his place there is one Rose Potter, The-Girl-Who-Lived. There will be other changes, this being the biggest one.

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The Girl Who Lived

The next year was relatively monotonous for the small family, Susan's apprenticeship would go for a total of three years, whereas the first two would be focused in building the knowledge necessary for the position, and the last as an assistant for the guiding healer.

Mary's year was a little more agitated, her family, mainly led by her cousin, tried removing her from her position in the Ministry, however she manage to circumvent the attempts thanks to her being a young woman who wanted to work for the betterment of the Ministry and of her department and the creatures that they were responsible, traits that Gethsemane Prickle, the Head of the Department, appreciated as she would comment whenever Mary did a good job, mostly writing very informative reports on creatures and the situations that they were found by the Ministry.

As for little Robert, the year flew by, he easily got into the routine of going to St. Mungo's sitting with his friend and trying to make the older kids play with them. He didn't like to have to get away from his mother, but she would show up and surprise him with tasty food and fun stories from the people that she helped while he was playing there.

That couldn't be said for the Britain Wizarding World, since Voldemort had started to get more aggressive and was now openly attacking pureblood families that didn't side with him, causing a big loss of lives and the end of various magical families. Some believed that he was searching for a group called the Order of the Phoenix, a supposed secret society created and controlled by Albus Dumbledore himself.

They were viewed by the public as the leading fighters against the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters, especially because the aurors couldn't use much force against them, seeing as all attempts at increasing the power of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (DMLE) were stopped by the Wizengamot, the high court of law and parliament.

This all changed when, in the 1th of November 1981, Albus Dumbledore announced that the Dark Lord was no more, according to the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, the man was defeated when, in the previous night, he led a attack at the Potter's residence located at Godric's Hollow.

Dumbledore said that the Dark Lord managed to get the address of the house that was under the fidelius charm, and led a small group of Death Eaters to kill all three residents of the house.

It was confirmed that James and Lily Potter were killed by the Dark Lord, but when he was going to kill the daughter of the couple something happened and she somehow survived the Killing Curse, becoming the first person to do so, and being proclaimed as The-Girl-Who-Lived, the savior of the british wizarding world.

The news went far really fast, by the end of the week all of the European Magical community knew of the baby girl who survived the Killing Course and vanquished the biggest Dark Lord of the United Kingdom. Many didn't believe it, but that was the only kind of news that the British Isle was generating, thus it was considered as true.

This brought questions to the wizards of Britain, "where was the girl?" and "how did the Dark Lord find the address?" were the most asked ones.

They were answered by the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot in a press conference where he confirmed that he personally put Rose Potter, The-Girl-Who-Lived, with her remaining family. He also informed that Sirius Black received a life sentence to Azkaban for thirteen counts of murder with the Blasting Curse, for giving the information about the Potters' residence which lead Lord Voldemort to them and for being a Death Eater.

It was also informed that Bartemius Crouch Senior, the Head of the DMLE, allowed the use of deadly force by Aurors to protect the wizarding community. This information made the society fall in fright, people avoided all the open magical areas, afraid of a possible fight between Death Eaters and Aurors happening.


The uneasy atmosphere made Susan rethink her decision to take Robert to St. Mungo's with her, the hospital was constantly full, the other kids had also stopped going, it was mentioned that one family left Britain afraid of the chaos. She also had to accelerate her apprenticeship since the personnel were in high demands which made her start to overwork herself.

Her saving grace was the reappearance of Arcturus, who had helped her father leave the effects of the Imperius Curse and was keeping an eye on him since he was affected with a serious case of depression. His idea was for him and his wife to take care of Robert and see if the presence of his grandson would lift Evan's spirits.

Initially it seemed to have worked, the Head of House Rosier laughed whenever he was in the presence of his grandson, he even began to leave the manor that he was staying for some walks around some magical districts.

This stopped when, in the end of the year, Evan was stopped by Alastor Moody, a prestigious auror, one with the biggest number of captured or killed Death Eaters. Evan, afraid of causing more trouble for his daughter and grandson, surrendered and was held by the mass trial that would be held for all the captured Death Eaters.

Another event of notice was the failed attack at the Longbottom manor during their festivities at the end of the year. They were attacked by the remaining Lestrange family members and by Bartemius Crouch Junior, son of the head of the DMLE, the four were stopped due to the presence of various members of the Order of the Phoenix during the attack. No casualties or long term injuries were reported.

Some members of the Wizengamot were accused of being Death Eaters and were to be judged together with the ones apprehended by the Aurors.


The trail was the biggest ever made by the Wizengamot, with numerous defendants, the majority of them being purebloods, with a few half bloods mixed in.

It was decided that those caught in action would be judged fist, and those who presented themselves last. Thus the first to be called was Rodolphus Lestrange, the Head of the House Lestrange, since his father passed away while resisting arrest.

The trail was fast, Rodolphus refused to admit the death of the Dark Lord and pledged his loyalty to the man in front of those present, he also boasted about all the acts that he practiced during the time that he was following Lord Voldemort. The man was clearly mentaly unstable and thus he was condeem to the Dementor's Kiss, a fate considered worse than death.

Rabastan Lestrange was the second to be called, he also admitted to his charges and with strong support from the survivors of the attack at Longbottom Manor, he received the same sentence as his brother. The survivors wished the same for all the four involved, however this stopped on the next convict to be judged.

Bellatrix Lestrange was deemed mad, she laughed during the whole duration of her trial, but differently from her husband, and thanks to some of the members of the Wizengamot trying to curry favor with the Blacks, she was sentenced to life in Azkaban.

The forth to be called and last member present in the attack, Barty Crouch Jnr, similarly admitted to his charges, but thanks to his father's intervention he received the same punishment as Bellatrix. Pushing the survivors of the attack at Longbottom Manor into causing an uproar in protest, but it was to no avail as Barty Crouch Snr ordered his aurors to take the prisoner out of the courtroom.

The next were not members of very prominent futures, thus not granting them enough protection in order to avoid Azkaban, it was a record number of seventeen new convicts for life in the dreaded prison. The first to stop the streak of life imprisonment was Evan Rosier.

He was considered one of the worst Death Eaters during the start of the First Wizarding War, but due to him stepping back after his wife's death, and his willingness to surrender himself to the Auror, he was sentenced to twenty years at Azkaban. It was believed that the Head of House Black had a hand in the lighter punishment.

The following was the first of the trials of the ones who presented themselves to the DMLE, the first being Lucius Malfoy, he began a chain of defence that was used for all the remaining defendants. He declared that he was acting under the Imperius Curse, since the Wizengamot couldn't use Veritaserum in those considered to be purebloods and the careful approach that the Head of House Malfoy took with hiding all of his involvement with the Dark Lord, he received only a fine as punishment, witch was viewed negatively for the majority of those accompanying the audiences since the Malfoys were considered to be a well off family and the fine wasn't that big for them.

What proceeded was the show of power that the members of the Wizengamot could show. The last five to be heard all used the same excuses, the Heads of the Houses Bulstrode, Crabbe, Goyle, Nott and Parkinson all got off with a measly fine in order to cover part of the damage dealt during the war.

Even though the members of the opposition weren't happy with the result they all were relieved for the end of the dark times for the british wizarding world. And so, the six families who escaped punishment, with the help of bribes and promises to the members of the media, menaged to make them focus on other issues in the hopes that the society would look past their involvement in the pureblood moviment.

With the end of the trials, Bartemius Crouch Senior left his post as Head of the DMLE, the recently declared Minister Millicent Bagnold gained the good side of the population by declaring that "the population had the inalienable right to party", thus not suffering any backlash after the end of the war.