
Robert Rosier: A Wizard's Tale (Dropped)

Robert "Rob" Rosier is a pureblood wizard, born out of a secret relationship in a backwards society. Follow him in his attempt to fit in and his adventures throughout the wizarding world. This is an Alternate Universe (AU) where Harry Potter doesn't exist, in his place there is one Rose Potter, The-Girl-Who-Lived. There will be other changes, this being the biggest one.

GusAReader · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Surprisingly Resilient

Arcturus appeared in his study at Grimmauld Place, the ancestral home of the Black family, he took off his hat, and put the coat that he was wearing over his robes in a coat stand in the corner near the door. With a heavy sigh, he sat down at his table, opened the last drawer on the right side of the table and took out a half full bottle of Blishen's Firewhisky.

He poured the drink in the cup that was on top of the bottle while re-reading the letter that he had just received, 'Regulus, I hope that the girl you chose is as good as you said she were, life won't be easy for her, or for your son.' he thought unable to stop the tips of his lips from rising up.

'That boy reminds me of you, so small and so curious, I'll keep my promise and help him, I won't let him be led astray by lunatics like you were. He's a Rosier and a Black, the last of this combination gave us Cygnus' and Druella's three lasses, and they're strong.' he continued with his thoughts while taking sips of his drink.

After another sigh, Arcturus put down his glass and called for the family's house elf Kreacher. "Yes Master?", the elf said appearing on the other side of the table.

"Kreacher, this is a letter from Regulus to me and to that Rosier girl, in it says that you know what happened on the day that he disappeared. I want you to tell me about that day." said the Head of the House while looking straight towards the elf's eyes.

Kreacher flinched both from the tone of the voice and from the hard stare that he was receiving, he didn't want to talk about that day, the day that he failed as his master's servant, and instead of protecting him he left him in that cave.

It was clear that the elf didn't want to talk about it however, Arcturus couldn't let him stay silent, he had to know what was going on, so he ordered, "Kreacher, as the Head of the House I command you to tell me what happened to Regulus!"

That was it, he couldn't stay silent anymore, his magic was making him start to talk, even with him trying to shut his mouth with his hands, even if he was trying to close his eyes to hold the tears. He just couldn't, and so he talked.

He said how on that day his Great Master Regulus was really anxious because they were finally going to put his plan into action. His plan to go to a secret cave and steal a locket, a locket that he was ordered to destroy, but he couldn't. He told him about the emerald colored potion that was protecting the item and how Regulus had drunk it so he could switch the locket with a fake one.

"And you still have this locket?" was Arcturus' answer to the elf's report.

Kreacher only nodded his head and disappeared without a sound, appearing only seconds later holding a heavy gold locket with a serpentine S in glittering green stone inlay on the front.

Arcturus stared at the locket, it was in pristine conditions, as if the item had only been made, so he asked, "And how have you tried to destroy it?"

"Kreacher has tried everything that Kreacher could think of, Kreatcher tried braking with his fists, with a hammer, with a knife, by throwing at the wall, but Kreacher couldn't do it. So Kreacher tried to burn it, but the fire was too weak, then Kreacher tried using magic, but it didn't work." the elf said holding the locket tighter in his hands.

Hearing that, Arcturus stood up and said, "Kreacher take me to our house in France, take the locket with us, I'll see if I can destroy it."

Taking his master's arm he apparated at the french manor, both of them went to the clearing that was at the back and at Arcturus' orders Kreacher put the locket on the ground and stood behind his master.

"Fiendfyre" Arcturus said while pointing his ward towards the locket. What came out of it was a small sized serpent that dashe towards the locket, but nothing happened to it.

That made Arcturus stop, he was surprised. 'How could this locket resist fiendfyre?' he questioned in his mind.

He decided to try again, this time using a lot more power, "FIENDFYRE" he yelled. This time a gigantic dragon soared out of his wand and went rapidly for the locket, the whole clearing was affected, the closer grass combusted immediately while the ones within some distance started to catch fire a few seconds later.

Arcturus couldn't see the locket or anything near its position and with the spell growing stronger by the second he decided to extinguish it. He was surprised once more, he could only see charred black soil, but in the middle of it all was a golden locket, with it's green jewel and S shaped serpent, it was intact, as if Kreacher had just put it in there.

The man was stunned, he didn't know what to do now, if he used more power he would destroy his manor and himself. He couldn't risk it anymore than he already had, thus he decided to investigate the item, surelly for an item to hold against a fiendfyre that strong would have some sort of story, it was also very unic, he would now have to go look for some people in the business.

'Perhaps Borgin and Burkes could help him, but it would be best to wait, for people at Knockturn Alley would know of his inquiries.' he thought.

"Kreacher, take the locket and keep it safe, you'll only mention it with me or with anyone that only I give you permission to." he ordered his elf while trying to make his clothes more presentable in order to not gather looks when he gets back to his house. Kreacher did as his master ordered and took them back to Grimmauld Place.

'And I still have to take care of Evan.' thought the Head as they disappeared from the destroyed landscape.


Back at the women's flat, a couple of days had past since Arcturus' visit, Mary continued with her normal routine, while still holding on to the marriage contract of her friend, after all they had decided to wait, afraid that the Dark Lord's spies in the Ministry would get a hold of the document.

Susan on the other hand was ecstatic, she had finally received the letter from Dorea Black, she was one of the leading healers in Britain's only magical hospital, and she had given her the opportunity to become an apprentice.

She was glad to know that there was a space for young children to stay at while their parents work, and she would not be overworked during the beginning so she would still be able to spend some time with her baby.

The day had finally come, her first day at St. Mungo's, Susan was happy to notice that the other workers didn't mind her much, seeing as she was a nineteen year old with a baby, it appeared that the fact that she was a pureblood woman going to work was more of a shock than her early motherhood.

Now she found herself knocking on the door, at the forth floor, with a sign saying 'Dorea Black, senior healer'. Upon hearing the "Get in" on the other side she did so and came face to face with the woman who would help her reach her dream.

"Black wavy hair, shiny blue eyes, a pretty face and a very cute baby in arms. You must be Susan Rosier, I suppose?" said Dorea looking up from the reports that were on her table.

"Yes, that's me, I wanted to thank you for this opportunity and tell you that I'll not disappoint you." was the answer that Susan gave her.

With a small smile on her lips, Dorea continued, "I see that you are excited, I remember when I began, forty years ago, I was only twenty, but as lively as you're right now. If I may, calm down a bit, go and put your son in our day care and take a breath, we need to be focused, can't let excitement cloud our minds."

With a tinge of red in her cheeks, Susan left while trying her best to calm her emotions down. Upon getting at the daycare she noticed that it wasn't that full, she could only see a dozen children, of those one as small as Rob. It seemed that he would be too lonely. After begrudgingly let him there, she went back to Dorea's office so she could begin this new part of her life.