
Robert Rosier: A Wizard's Tale (Dropped)

Robert "Rob" Rosier is a pureblood wizard, born out of a secret relationship in a backwards society. Follow him in his attempt to fit in and his adventures throughout the wizarding world. This is an Alternate Universe (AU) where Harry Potter doesn't exist, in his place there is one Rose Potter, The-Girl-Who-Lived. There will be other changes, this being the biggest one.

GusAReader · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

First Day

Robert woke up the next morning feeling rested, he had a very good night's sleep. The first thing he did was look around, he saw that he was the first to wake, so he tried to get prepared without disturbing his housemates.

He decided to take a shower, since he hadn't had one the past night.

By the time he finished, another boy had woken up, it was Theodore Nott. Robert only knew of his family name, he never had the chance to meet any of its members, thus just like the night before he introduced himself to the ones he didn't know.

"Good morning, we haven't met before, I'm Robert Rosier, I hope we can get along." he said when he crossed the boy while entering the dormitory.

Theodore looked at his housemate from head to toe, he didn't seem to expect to be talked to, regardless, he greeted back, "Hi, I'm Theodore Nott, I hope so too."

"Do you want to go get breakfast together?" Rob followed the greeting.

Again, the boy was surprised, this time it was clear by his expression and the fact that it took him a few seconds to realise that he was in a conversation.

"Sure, that'd be nice." he managed to say.

Robert gave a smile and passed the boy to get inside their dormitory, "I'll just put on my cloak and I'll be ready." he said from inside the room.

Their conversation was noticed by the sleeping members, they all woke up and it was Draco the first to talk, "Where are you two going?"

Before Theodore could respond, Robert cut him off by saying, "We're going to get breakfast, if you hurry up we might wait for you."

His words made Gregory and Vincent jump out of their beds and go look for their robes. Draco didn't like the way the boy had talked to him, but seeing as even Zambini was starting to get ready he chose not to say anything and simply started to change.

"Come on, we might get some of the girls to join us too." Robert said as he left towards the common room.

Theodore decided to simply go with the situation and followed the boy, once he arrived at the common room he saw that Robert was already talking with the girls from their year. He didn't know if he should approach them or simply let them talk. His indecision was terminated when he heard, "Theodore come here, let me introduce you to our new housemates."

That was what Robert said as he saw the boy getting to the door and staying there looking at him talk to the girls.

"Theodore, these are Millicent Bulstrode, Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson and Lily Moon. Girls this is Theodore Nott." he said pointing at each of them as he said their names.

This brief interaction was long enough for the rest of the boys to get ready and to get to the common room.

Making sure no one had forgotten anything they left their common room, and followed the same path that they took the previous night to get to the Great Hall.

The hall was much more empty than any of them had seen before, the Gryffindor table was the one with the least amount of students, the Hufflepuff had the most, it seemed as if all of them were already there. Ravenclaw and Slytherins were in similar amounts with more than half of their students already seated and eating.

The group of first years seated near the end of the table and began their breakfast, during which the owls came in and delivered their post to those that had any.

The only other disturbance was the arrival of the first year Gryffindors, they got there almost by the time that the food would be taken away and they arrived loudly.

The boys led the way, leading them was a round-faced blond haired boy, Robert remember him being the heir of the Longbottom family. He seemed to be a friendly person, he apparently was the one to make all of them go eat together, if what they were talking to each other was true.

Another interesting thing was a pair of girls who were walking close to each other were looking at the Slytherin table, they seemed to be looking for someone.

When they spotted Robert they gave him a smile and a wave, they didn't know if it would be a good idea to go and talk to him, but their actions had already gathered the attention of the majority of the people present at the hall.

"That's the Girl-Who-Lived and the muggleborn who was talking without stopping yesterday. Do you know them Rob? They were waving at you." Daphne said while looking at her friend.

Robert had given the girls a smile and turned to Daphne, "Yeah, we shared a compartment. That's why it took so long for me to go looking for you."

"So you already made friends with a mudblood and a blood traitor Rosier?" came in the voice of Pansy.

Robert knew about the view of these kids, he had grown up with them, so he wasn't caught as unprepared as when Draco insulted them. Instead he simply said, "Yes Pansy, I'm already friends with the Girl-Who-Lived and the smartest witch in our year."

He was awarded with a small punch on his arm by Daphne. "Do you mean to tell me that a muggleborn will be smarter than me?" she said looking angrily at him.

Robert knew how much the girl had studied before getting to Hogwarts, she was in a similar position as his, only she did have way more time to practice with a wand, since she didn't have a super protective mom.

"Well, I'm friends with the first and second smartest witches of our years, and, of course, you're number one." he said, giving the girl an apologetic look.

The small giggles coming from Lily, who was sitting in front of them made them break their glare contest, Daphne decided to just go back to eating.

Some of the other kids that were sitting there got to know some good information, Draco was angry because the boy had managed to befriend the Girl-Who-Lived, Blaise seemed to look at Robert with disgust now that he knew that the boy was friends with a muggleborn, Pansy was embarrassed with her failed attempt to make the boy look bad, Tracy was happy that her friend was having fun, Theodore didn't know what to do, he didn't know if he should still be friends with Robert, Gregory, VIncent and Millicent were eating their food and Lily seemed to be satisfied with the way things went.

The Gryffindors went to their table and questioned the two girls, all they said was that they were greeting a friend, they decided to ignore all the questions that they didn't want to answer.

A few minutes later, the Head of Houses alongside the prefects gave out the students time table, the prefects were also tasked with taking the first years to their classes during their first week at the school.

Their first class was Charms with professor Flitwick, he was a part-goblin wizard, he was a happy fellow, he seemed to like teaching magic, as proven with his excitement when a good portion of the class already knew the first spell that he wanted to teach, the Wand-Lighting Charm. That class ended with the professor promising to bring a challenge for the students for the next one.

The following class was History of Magic with professor Binns, he was a ghost, his class was a complete opposite of the Charms one. One thing that made that class interesting was the house pairing, it was a Gryffindor/Slytherin class, as such, there were some glares thrown around by the students, the professor didn't seem to notice.

During said class, Rose tried to sit close to Robert, so she could talk with him about the train incident. She had considered him her first friend and she wouldn't let their friendship end just because she was in the same house as someone who disliked him.

She managed to sit next to him and said, "Hey, how was your day?"

Robert didn't notice the girl until she started talking to him, so after getting over the surprise of having someone sitting next to him he answered her, "It was fine, I managed to get to know my other housemates. What about yours?"

"Me too. I just…" she started saying but stopped seeming uncertain as to what to say, after a few seconds she continued, "I just wanted to say that you were my first friend and I don't agree with Ron. I don't really understand what happened but I think that you're a nice person and I'd like it if we could continue being friends."

She said the last part so quickly that Robert had to take a moment to understand what she meant, after doing so he showed her a smile and said, "Don't worry, I know that it was only Ron's opinion, I just thought that it'd be weird if we both stayed after that." he lowered his head and murmured, "And I'd like to be your friend too."

Rose beamed at him, so much so that they caught the attention of the rest of the class, minus the professor and Hermione, the only two who were following what the class was about.

Rose and Rob both realized that they had the attention of the whole class so they decided to feign ignorance and focus on the class, professor Binns was now talking about Uric the Oddball and Emeric the Evil, it sounded confusing.

The other students saw that nothing would happen so they went back to dozing off or trying to pay attention to the lecture.

After a few minutes of silence, Rose whispered still looking at the ghost professor, "How was your class this morning?"

Robert barely heard her, but he managed to understand and replied, "It was awesome, we had Charms with the Ravenclaws, our professor was realy cool, he made the class really fun, nothing like this one. And yours?"

"We had Herbology, professor Sprout is nice. She taught us about some plant called Devil's Snare, and said that if we managed to learn enough we'd see one up close." she answered him.

They stayed silent for a bit, they knew now that the other might be paying attention to them, so they tried to be more careful.

Rob was the one who started the conversation next, "So, did you make any new friends yet?"

"Yeah, the girls are pretty nice. At least they don't stare like the rest of the school." she said with a slight forced smile.

Robert couldn't help but look at her when she said that, "Is it that bad? The staring?" he asked not bothering if the others were looking or not.

Rose just gave him a nod, still looking forward, she realised that he might not have been looking at her and was about to say her answer when she heard him talk again, "What about the boys? You only said the girls were nice."

This time it was her who turned to look at his face, he was facing forward and seemed like he had been paying attention this whole time.

"They're fine, Neville is nice, Oliver and Dean were talking about sports all the time and Seamus seemed to get along with Ron. I didn't talk with him, really, he tried to badmouth you after you left yesterday, so I got angry at him and ignored him, I don't know what to do about him." she said.

Silence ensued between them again, this time for some minutes, but Robert broke it again, "I don't mind if you become friends with Ron, he's in your house, it wouldn't be nice for you if you had someone in your house that you don't like."

Rose smiled at his words, she liked that he wanted her to have more friends, even those that disliked him. She eventually said to him, "Well, you have that blonde in your house and you don't like each other, so I don't think it would be that bad."

Robert had to work hard to hold the snicker that threatened to come out at her words, his words didn't really hide the amusement, "That's true, Draco's a prick." controlling himself even more he continued, "I just want you to know that I'll be your friend as long as you'll want to be mine as well. I don't want to make you feel weird because of our houses, we were supposed to hate each other after all."

"Yeah…" Rose answered absentmindedly, suddenly she had a flash of inspiration and continued saying, "You said that you'd answer my questions about magic, right?"

Robert answered her with a small affirmative, which prompted her to continue, "So how about we study together? Then you can answer my questions and improve on yours."

The boy didn't expect that, he looked at her only to see that she was also looking at him, sapphire met emerald and they both blushed, Rob managed to say a small "Ok" and turned to pay attention to the rest of the lecture.

They didn't talk from that point onwards. When the class ended they simply smiled at each other and went their separate way with their housemates.

"You weren't kidding when you said that you were friends with Potter." Robert heard when he caught up with Daphne.

He chose not to comment on that and simply continued to the common room.

When they arrived there, they were stopped by Draco and Pansy who were blocking the entrance to the first year dormitory.

"Mixing yourself up with blood traitors Rosier." Draco said as he held his best attempt at a sneer.

Robert stopped and looked at the duo, he thought about what to say in the end he decided with, "Yes, so what Malfoy? Are you going to do something about it?"

Draco didn't know how to respond to that, so he decided to go with what he normally used to, "When my father hears of this you'll see what I'll do about it."

That earned him a scoff from the other boy, "Yeah and what would your father do about me being friends with a girl? Try and make it illegal for boys and girls to be friends?"

"Remember what I said at the train Draco, your father isn't here for you to go running to. Deal with your problems yourself." Robert finished and shoved Draco out of the way as he entered the dorm.

Thanks for reading.

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