
Robert Crow in the world of magic.

What do you get when suddenly an otherworlder gets swept into the world of magic? Hopefully a wholesome story. Let's follow the steps of Robert Crow and see how much chaos and laughter can he bring to the world filled with sorrow

ShinXResolve · Book&Literature
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44 Chs



Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




"Hmm. Looks like this is the place." Said Robert standing in front of a building with an owl sign plastered on the front wall. He opened the door and heard a bell chime. The smell of owls and parchment hit his nostrils. He went to the front desk and there he saw a familiar face.

"Mrs Thunberry, its a pleasure to see you again this soon." Robert said with a grin.

"My, if it isn't the young grasshopper. Are you fine, my dear child?" She asked with concern

"Much better Mrs Thunberry. All thanks to you." He said

" Oh pish posh, there's nothing to thank for. How may I help you young man?." She asked having finished relocating some letters into different boxes.

"It's Robert Crow, Mrs Thunberry. Unfortunately I may need your help once more." He said with an embarrassed look on his face. Who wouldn't? It seems that he was balancing on the edge of thoughtful hospitality and being a nuisance to the lady. After all she didn't have to help him.

"What did you do this time?" She asked with a hint of playfulness in her voice. A little exasperated with the young man. Misfortune probably made him its target today.

"Nothing too serious." Robert laughed. "I just got my acceptance letter from Hogwarts after you left."

"Hogwarts letter? But didn't you graduate already young man? After all you don't look like an eleven year old." She said with a shocked expression. She couldn't recall this situation happening ever in her life. Or even hearing that this was possible.

"But I'm a child at heart." Robert stated with a wink. "Anyway, because I accidentally sent off the owl without my response I need to deliver it another way. And that's how I found myself in your lovely establishment Mrs. Thunberry." Flattery can take you everywhere seemed to be his preferred motto. It's yet to fail him. He ought to look for other ways before he crashes and burns miserably.

"Aren't you a charmer?" Joked Mrs Thunberry. She couldn't get angry with this young man. Although she was poking fun at his expense, he truly was a somewhat charming young man with dashing looks. If she only was a couple years younger and didn't have a husband.

"I try." Said Robert with flushed cheeks. Almost trying to hide from her eyes. "Unfortunately I don't have any money. So I'd be grateful if you'd open up a tab for me. I swear I'll pay after I pull myself together. I'll probably need a job anyway to pay for Hogwarts." Sadness poured down on his spirit.

"Balderdash, I won't take your money for this. It's hardly a trip for my owls." She said with pride. That uplifted Robert a bit. Thankfully he won't have to search for another way.

"Thank you Mrs. It means a lot to me." Robert bowed to show his gratitude. "Could I get a pen and parchment, please?"

Mrs Thunberry gave him a quill. Robert looked at it and sighed. Modern education failed him tremendously. Nevertheless he had to buckle up and get with it. Beggars can't be chosers and all that nonsense.

After ten painful minutes the letter was finally done. The only thing left was to wait for the reply. Hopefully they'll come here today. It isn't a normal situation after all. And he didn't exactly have a fall up plan. Everything rode on this.

"I have asked the staff for help. So I'll be waiting for them at the station." He said

"Hopefully everything will be alright my child." She said with concern. "However if not than you're more than welcome to come by again. We'll figure out something together for you."

"Thank you, I'll be in your care." Robert said and after stating their goodbyes he left the building. His goal the station. His awkward place of origin in this world.

"I wonder who'll come to see me." He said with anticipation. Hopefully not Snape. He doesn't want to face any ridicule today. Already there was too much on his plate.

Hi. The author here. Thank you for coming this far. I know this may seem as tedious and no action but don't worry. Action and comedy goodness is coming soon.

See you next time

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