
Robert and Nathan

After finding out in the most terrible way possible‚ that his girlfriend cheated on him‚ Robert Eucliffe finds it hard to process all this on his own. He invited his best friend Nathan Cook over for gamenight and some drinks‚ but things take a huge turn of events when the two hunks get intimate with each other and wake up the next day naked in bed. What happens now? Will these two best friends finally admit that 9 year of friendship was all meant for something special to happen between them? Or will they just brush it off and see if as another fling?

Erotic_God · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 12

~Nathan's POV~

Robert saw my text, and I am grinning at myself right now. I wonder what the look on his face was like when he saw my threat. I can already picture it.

Sadly, I still have a shit ton of stuff to do. I mean, running a gym is one thing, but starting your fitness company is another. Robert always used to ask me why I chose this direction. I was never one who had big dreams as a kid. My parents crushed them daily but once I finally got away from them, I had time to think about my life and what I want to do with it. The gym played a considerable role in that.

I was angry as a freshman. My teachers used to acknowledge that as I got in many fights despite being in a boarding school. I tried out the gym and the moment I just let out all my anger on that punching bags, I felt better afterward. And so, I kept doing it. Every day, I would go out there use gym equipment to take out my anger and then always feeling less like shit in the end.

So, eventually, I wondered what if there were other boys and girls like me? Having angry issues because their parents neglected and mistreated them giving them the opportunity to go through the same anger management I did…in a way it gives me peace. I started my fitness and training institute which will soon be a brand. Sabertooth.

After everything that has happened I've never felt happier than I am now.

I lost contact with my family, and they don't bother contacting me either. Going to boarding school was my one-way trip out of that house finally one reason I can be thankful for the drama they had with Robert's family.

As soon as half the day is over I decide to cut it short seeing that I have no meetings and finished filing and signing all the paperwork that were on my desk. I gather my things and get ready to leave Sabertooth‚ but as soon as I walk to the door the door suddenly flies open and Joya—my secretary—comes storming in.

Grabbing me by my collar and shoving me against the wall. Luckily, I was right on time to turn my face away before she kissed me, and then he held her arms pushing her away.

"What are you doing!?" I can't help but get angry. I'm in a fucking relationship!

Joya looked rather surprised. Her red lips glossing as she clearly just added some lipstick. Her hair loose too and the top buttons of her shirt unbuttoned to expose her cleavage. She's trying to get fucked!

Now I remember. She and I used to have fucked a lot here in my office. I won't lie and say those times were not good but thinking back now on that and all the people I slept with, I can't help but feel grossed out. More disgusted of myself. I can't believe I went ahead and covered nearly this entire town in my nuts!

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Joya grinned as her arms cross above her chest. "But I know how to make you feel better." she grinned ear to ear.

I take a breath to calm down and move away from the wall because she is standing so close to me. "No, thank you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Joya. Not today. How leave." I clench my jaws, deciding to go on full boss mode this time. At least I should make the best out of using my so-called charms Robert normally refers to when he says I can often intimidate people.

Joya thankfully does get the message, only for her eyes to land on the mark on my neck. A mark Robert left there. "…oh wait. Do you have a girlfriend now? Damn she's lucky!"


I'm getting more annoyed with this woman. I am getting more annoyed with people making the assumption that I am into women. I am not.

Yes, I used to fuck a few women but any guy can stuff his dick inside a hole as long as it feels good. And that's all there truly was to it. I am gay.

"It's a he!" I clarify and then fold my arms keeping my gaze sharp. "I have a boyfriend now. I would appreciate it if you respect that and the next time you come to my office you do so with some respect. Know your place… Mrs. Abara."

As soon as I made myself crystal clear the woman finally leaves my office. I doubt bringing up the fact that she's a married woman even matters. Everyone knows her husband sleeps with the rest of the town's common whores.

Now that I am with Robert I will take our relationship seriously. I have waited for this for long enough, and I am willing to stay committed just as much as I was committed to this friendship. Nothing will stray me away from that.

I take the chance to leave the office and head out to get in my car. I normally only drive to work in my car because it's more appropriate, and it would look inappropriate if I came driving in here on a damn motorcycle.

I check the phone to see if Robert replied to my text, and I see he didn't answer yet. Must be busy or knowing who he is he probably is too much of a nervous fuck to answer me right now. Maybe I should visit him at work.

I turn left and drive down the road, heading straight to his work. It's a 20-minute drive from here and to kill the silence in my car I just turn on the radio. A random radio channel starts playing while I roll down the window, letting my arm rest on the window frame.

Arriving at Robert's workplace, I turn in by the parking lot before parking my car. I find it odd that I don't see his Jeep standing anywhere. Possibly it's parked somewhere else.

Sadly, as soon as I reached his office and opened the door Robert was not there. 'Did he leave?' I thought and then turned around, seeing the face of his bitchy sister. Robyn.

Robyn had a cup of coffee in her hand. Almost cautiously stepping closer as she had a frowning look on her face. "What are you doing here?" Her tone was cold. As I expected.

"None of your business." I say back before crossing my arms. "Where is Robert?" I can't help but feel suspicious about this whole business of her being here and not him.

"Didn't he tell you? I thought you were friends." Robyn continued walking. Her heels clicking on the tile floor as she went through the door of his office.

I walk in after her because I obviously don't know what she means by that and I find her sitting behind his desk. I'm about dumbfounded by that and look around at the place, seeing none of his stuff her either. What's going on?

"He doesn't work here anymore. I took his place. I mean, surely that what he will tell you when he sees you." The woman finally read my mind answering my questions.

I dart my eyes at her. Good thing the door went shut. Nobody would want to hear what I have to say. "What do you mean you took his place!?"

"My dad gave me the shares he owned in this company. So, I automatically got the position as the new owner. That means there is no place for Robert here. He isn't here. Now go." Next she stares down at her MacBook clearly busy typing something and I just stand there feeling like a complete idiot.

'Why didn't Robert tell me anything?'

I don't bother staying here any longer. I just storm out of there and while walking to the stairs I reach for my phone to call Robert. He's not answering, and I'm getting a little worried. I knew this wasn't how he wanted things to go. Anything but have his sister strip away everything he worked for…all because this father couldn't have his way. All because of me.

I haven't paid much mind to it but recently, I have seen the impact I'm having on Robert's life. I am creating a rift between him and his family. His dad is a dick, but I know he still has a bond with his mother and his niece. I would rather not be the reason he loses everything not when he has a chance to have a family who loves him. One thing I always wanted but never could have.

I try calling him again but his phone only rings. There is no answer, and I'm thinking that maybe I should give him some space and go to the gym. So, I get inside the car and buckle up my seatbelt and drive home first.

Halfway there, my phone rings. I check to see if it's him but only see that it's Dillan.

' What the fuck does he want!?'