
Robber Abducts a Bride

Nia a newly wedded beautiful bride. Faced a tragic incident on her wedding day. She got happily married to her long time fiance and love of her life. Families of both bride and groom were happy. It was a lavish wedding ceremony. But suddenly, something happened which changed the entire scenario and damaged the life of both partners terribly. How both of them faced the problem and do they overcome the situation or not?Do the love won or the destiny?

Al_ain · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Trapped in Big Mansion

As she opened eyes, her head was spinning and heavy than usual. Slowly, she get into her senses and looked around in disguise. Either this was the bedroom she came into after being married or not. She could not find Shin anywhere. She called out Shin loudly by gathering up all her energy.

Suddenly, a tall, handsome man with broad shoulders and serious gestures came infront of her with a questionful face. She came into reality in a second of the moment. All the events occured in the last night started coming to her mind one by one. All of the sudden her eyes filled with tears and she started shivering with fear and anger as she realized that she was kidnapped by this man standing confidently infront of her.

On the other hand he came near to her. Stayed at a safe distance and told her that she can feel safe and free here. Asked her about her health and how was she feeling at this moment. She started shouting at him that why he kidnapped her and what he needed from her. How dare he took her here without her permission.

Facial expressions of "Xavier" changed in the next moment and anger appeared on his forehead. He came closer, chin her up with his one hand and started throwing flames of anger on her rosy cheeks. As he said, I am not the kidnapper, I am the one who saved you dumb cat from those scum people. You were the one who made troubles in my life since last night. Don't ever try to shout at me like this again, Otherwise, I will truly show you the taste of kidnapping and you will feel it in every inch of your skin.

Nia got terribly scared, she folded her knees put her face into them and started crying loudly and shivering badly. He shouted again, stop crying you crocodile and come to dining room in next 5 minutes otherwise you are going to face severe consequences.

She followed him silently. He was sitting on a large glass dining in a huge white hall. She took a glance of the full room and it just felt like a big mansion. She sat on the corner of the chair opposite to that big angry man. He looked at her, ask to come and sit next to him. First of all she thought not follow his instructions anymore but then she remembered his anger and in a minute took steps forward and sat near him.

He put some food in her plate, afterwards, put the food in his plate. Asked her to start eating, he ate his food in next 5 minutes silently, wiped his face with napkin elegantly. Took a look at the girl sitting next to her, she was just moving fork in her plate and staring the plate corners with eyes filled with questions and fear. His heart pounded heavily, sadness does not suit her face. He cleared his throat and made his tone polite. He asked her to finish her food, take shower, feel free to move in the house, he will be back in a few hours.

She looked up in a surprise. He was talking to her like they knew eachother for years. He said, I will answer all your questions and clear all your worries do not worry. Just don't try to escape from here. Wait for me and enjoy yourself, Takecare.

Tears started falling down in a flow on her cheeks as he left the hall. She felt herself badly trapped God knows till when. All of sudden she remembered Shin, his family and her parents. She wanted to run back home and hug Shin, ask him to hide her in his arms as she felt so much unsafe since last night, and faced a nightmare of her life. She started praying in her heart that Shin and all family must be safe and felt a strong hope that Shin will rescue her from here as soon as possible.

She stood up and wandered around the hall in search of something, maybe a way to escape this place. Large windows were covered with heavy lavish curtains. At the back of hall was a balcony connected to a veranda. She headed towards there. At the end of verenda was a lawn covered with greenery, flowers, vegetables and fruit trees. It was a large garden showing the skills of his gardner in its first glance. Greenery gave her fresh sight in this dark period.

She kept watching this paradise while standing in the middle of the lawn. Both sides of lawn had two fountains having fresh water running through them giving this beautiful garden a look of heaven. She was mesmerized with the beauty of this place. She sat on a bench there for hours and hopped for the best.

Hours passed likewise, and she sat there without knowing the time. He came home after a tiring day and a huge fight. Threw his things everywhere in anger. First thing came to his mind after coming back was her. Where was she? He searched for her everywhere in the hall, bedroom, living areas. She was no where, he felt worried maybe she tried to escape, he ran towards balcony. Felt relieved when saw her in the garden. Stepped towards her, she was buried in her deep thoughts and didn't felt his presence near her. He sat beside her on the bench and in a polite tone said, "Life is tough but one should deal with it's full strength. Weakness never leads you to your true destination".

She jumped from her place, feeling presence of someone near her. Badly scared she looked at him surprisingly. He said, Don't worry I will not kill you. Stepped close to her said, I am not this much cruel or foolish to kill an innocense like you. She looked in his eyes, there was some softness and warmth but she replied in a rude tone, I do not need your sympathy. Tell me the purpose of taking me here and what you need from me? How is my family? Why you attacked Shin and his family? How can you people be so cruel to attack a newly wed coulpe and his family for your own benefits.

He felt sadness going down deep in his heart. He knew, she was right in some facts and what happened last night was truly unjustified. But, it was written in their destiny so, it happened anyway. Nobody can escape the fate, he said in rough but clear tone because it is written by God. You should be thankful to God, atleast you are alive and safe. Listening to his words she felt something went down sharply in her spine. What do you mean by that, she screamed hesterically. What happened to Shin and his family? He stepped backward as a call rang on his phone. She ran behind him, please tell me that my husband is fine and you people did not kill him. Tell me, he looked back suddenly, gestured her to shut her mouth but she was bursted with the emotions.

He hold her mouth with one hand, and grabbed her wrist moved her fastly to her bedroom, while closing door turned and said, I don't know. Closed the door harshly on her face and went out.

She dropped her body to the floor and cried with all her strength. Her life was turned upside down in just one horrible night...