
Rob's Multiverse Guild

A board ROB decides to entertain himself by messing with the multiverse. Like all of my other books, I write stuff like this whenever I have a spark of inspiration or just for fun. If you want to read this, that's fine but don't expect this to be finished or even get that many chapters for that matter...

GH0STS · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

6 Quests

"My name is Grayfia Lucifuge and I..."

Grayfia told Rob about how she was retreating after being injured in battle against the Anti-Satan Faction. Apparently, they had killed her brother and she wanted revenge. '...That doesn't make sense... Euclid Lucifuge was supposed to fake his death after the Old Satan Faction lost the civil war and Grayfia had already defected to Anti-Satan Faction because of her love for Sirzechs.' Rob thought.

Grayfia continued: "Now that the war is lost I was going to do one last attack and kill as many as I could before they got to me but the Anti-Satan Faction knew I was coming."

"So why didn't they kill you if they knew an attack was coming?" Rob asked.

Grayfia cringed at the question but still told him. "Zekram Bael wanted me alive so I could be used as a... breeding tool in an attempt to make stronger pure-blooded devils. I heard them talking about it with others while I fought. So I did a large attack and escaped. I would rather die than be used as a toy for those bastards!" She said in anger.

"I see. Well, in that case, if you have nowhere else to go, I have a proposition for you." Rob spoke while staring at the silver-haired woman. She tilted her head to the side in confusion as if asking, 'What's the offer?'

"You see, I very recently adopted a daughter and she is very naive and needs a teacher and mother figure to help me take care of her. I also need a maid to-"

"I'LL DO IT!" Grayfia interrupted, abruptly standing up with stars in her eyes.

"Good. Let's get you cleaned up and I'll explain what you'll be doing and what this place is since you never really asked." Rob said as he snapped his figures, healing her injuries as well as putting a maid outfit on her. Rob proceeds to tell her the same things as the others. Afterwards, he explained her job. (Image here)

"Your job is simple. Other than your normal duties as a maid, you'll also help me as a waitress here" Rob said. Grayfia nodded her head in acknowledgment and asked: "May I address you as 'master'?"

"...Yes..." Rob wasn't gonna lie, he very much enjoyed it when a beautiful woman called him master. "Anyway, let me introduce you to my daughter. He said as he walked over to the little dragon loli currently stuffing her face with ice cream.

Grayfia went wide-eyed after finally noticing the little girl who was apparently sitting at the end of the counter the entire time. She knew this girl, in fact, everybody in the supernatural world knew this girl.

"Ophis, come here I want you to meet someone," Rob said as he lifted the headphones off her. Ophis stopped eating for a moment and looked over. "Ophis, this is Grayfia she is our new maid. If I'm ever not here for some reason and you need something just ask her okay?"

Ophis just nodded her head and reached for the headphones in Rob's hands. She wanted her silence back and Rob was holding it. He just sighed and shook his head while handing them back.

"Well, don't worry about her for today, she'll warm up to you... and me. To be honest with you, I only adopted her about two hours ago," Rob said to the still stunned Grayfia.

"Two hours? B-but Ophis has been missing for a year!" The shocked Grayfia said.

"So it's been a year there huh? Interesting. Time moves differently in the guild. In here, one day could be one year in another universe. But if it makes you feel any better, I'll set the time here to be similar to other universes that interact with the guild." Rob said, snapping his fingers. "Right, why don't you get some rest, in a few days is when I'll issue the first quest"

Grayfia just nodded her head and went upstairs to one of the rooms. She needed time to process everything that happened today.


A few days later, Rob was sitting behind the counter while rereading My hero academia. With a big grin, he thought: 'Yes, this will be a fine quest to start them off with.' He then stood up making the book disappear and snapped his fingers, sending out a signal to the guild members.

Soon the members of the guild started showing up and there were a couple of new faces that had joined in the past few days. They were brought along to join by previous members. The Justice League had many of its members join the guild in the past couple of days, this Included the two Green Lanterns, Hal Jorden and John Stewart, White Lantern Kyle Rayner, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Cyborg, Supergirl, and many more.

They also brought some of their sidekicks like Kid Flash, Aqualad, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Speedy. Batman even brought most of the bat family. As soon as everyone was gathered, Rob started his explanation.

"Okay, now that you're all here let me explain more about the quests. There are three types of quests that can be done, the first kind is called a member quest. These are quests that any member of the guild can give to me to be put on the quest board as long as I think they have enough GP to do it." As he said that, Grayfia pressed a button and a screen appeared above the bar counter that said 'Quests'.

"The second type of quest is called a personal quest. These are quests that will randomly be given to guild members to complete alone. Thes quests are optional and have no time limit so you don't feel pressured to complete them. But know that they will give you better rewards than just GP." Rob said with a smirk.

"The last type of quest is a guild quest. This type of quest will alert the entire guild but not everybody needs to do it. I will recommend who I think would be best for these kinds of quests but that doesn't mean they are required to go. You can also volunteer yourself to join these quests or can ignore them altogether, it's your choice."

Rob, was about to talk about the quest but he then remembers something. "Oh, One last thing before I explain the first guild quest. For those who don't take on the guild quest, there is a viewing room for you to watch from. Only guild quests can be watched, so no creeping on people doing Personal or Member quests unless given permission from the person doing that quest. Since this is the first guild quest, I called you here to explain but next time all the information will be given to you via your guild cards."

"Now, let's finally talk about the guild quest. Your quest, should you choose to accept it, is simple. Hosu city is under attack by a group of people called the League of Villains and your job is to stop them under any means necessary. The reward for this quest is 1000GP, for any villain defeated or any civilian, saved you'll get an extra 100GP. Also, some quests have hidden objectives, this is one of those quests. I won't tell you what it is for obvious reasons but I will tell you if a quest ever has one. My recommendation for this quest is Saitama, Wonder Woman, and Batman. If anyone wishes to join, then tell me."

A few minutes later it was decided that Saitama, Wonder Woman, and Batman along with The Flash, Kid Flash and Green Lantern John Stewart would go.

After a brief meeting Batman called with his team for this quest, Rob started explaining the Quest.

"Okay, word of warning before you go. The world you are going to is full of people with powers, but only those who have a superhero license are allowed to use them for crime-fighting, So try not to get caught, because remember, I'm only pulling you out after I deem the quest complete." Rob said with a smile as he snapped his figures and made them disappear.


So this chapter was supposed to be finished and out last Thursday but I got sick and decided to put it on hold till I was better. I'm not much better but I'm good enough to finish It and start writing the next one.

Anyway, the next chapter will be the start of the quest for real this time.

1427 Words.

GH0STScreators' thoughts