
ROB's Lottery Wheel

Alexios Komnenos is a teen with a surname which raises eyebrows. Does he have connections to Ancient Byzantine Emperors? Well, it doesn't matter. That empire is long gone. But such a surname has left a mark on him. Then one day he gets an APP with ROB's name in it! What could go wrong? A waifu from a lottery wheel? Maybe the world change? Or some powers from an anime? Just one of a few things. Oh... And he gets a dungeon based on Dark Souls and Monster Hunter

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

Stalker Devils

'I guess, I should have used something else for motivation…' Julis thought to herself as sweat started to run down from her forehead.

The girl was already sweating before the so-called battle had even started!

Two days ago Alex could barely create electricity around his hands, now, however…

There was a thin layer of blue energy around his body, his black hair slightly spike from all the electricity flowing through him.

What most unsettled the pink head was his blue eyes, the pupils were glowing blue.

"Well let's start, I don't want to disappoint you." He motioned with his hand to come at him.

Julis created several basketball-sized balls of fire and threw them at him.

Instead of dodging or something similar to that he just cut them with his electrified hand.

The Princess' eyes slighly widened upon seeing that, but she didn't stop, she threw another pair.

But, once again they were cut in half casually.

'Ok, this is not getting me anywhere, let's try a different approach.'

This time Alex's eyes widened as he saw Julis lunging at him.

"Hand-to-hand combat?" He said that while very casually dodging her punch.

"What? You thought I don't know how to fight?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

"No, I mean, I thought you used rapier with your Strega abilities." Once again he spoke while dodging her attempts to hit him.

"There will be moments when I would lose my weapon or be out of Prana or in this case Magic. So, I learned how to defend myself!" She explained herself as this time fire erupted from her hands.

'Oh, that one would be good if her stats were a bit higher.' Alex for a second marvelled at a fire punch, which he dodged casually once more.

"Not bad, I like the fact that you are that prepared!" Alex said with a praising voice.

"What? you thought that I wouldn't get my hands dirty?" She asked that with her narrowed eyes, waiting for the moment for him to 'slip' so that she could have reason to beat him, or at least she thought at that moment it was the right thing to say, for a second she forgot that he was much stronger than her.

"Not at all, in truth I like that! Still, it came as a surprise that you know hand-to-hand combat, I never knew that!" Yet Alex said something that made Julis forget about the so-called battle and start blushing, as she felt an increase in his affection the moment he learned that she doesn't mind getting her hands dirty…

"W-Well! I do! So, get over it!" She once again tried to hit him. But, frustration just kept on building up!

"Why don't you fight back!?" The girl started to use much more difficult methods of combat, like trying to grab him!

This time Alex decided to grant her wish, he grabbed their hand and dived in and her palm thrusted gently into her gut.

Even so, the gentle strike from someone who is four times more powerful than a casual supernatural was too much for Julis, who was a regular human at that moment.

The girl backpedalled a few steps before collapsing on the ground, her hair looked electrified as well, and quite a bit of electricity flowed through her body.

That moment Alex realised that he was using his Electrical Empowerment…

This technique became so second nature to him that he activates it subconsciously the moment he thinks there is a battle going on.

"Shit! Julis are you okay?" Alex turned off the technique and rushed forward, to her side.

Julis lifted her hand, it was twitching, the other one was on her stomach, and her legs were shaking.

"I-I-I am fine!" She very slowly was getting up, and trying to stand properly.

"I am not done yet!" The girl said that as she was fighting through the pain, while Alex didn't like seeing this at all, his Waifu should not be suffering at all!

"Julis…" Alex softly said to her as he was reminded that the girl has a stubborn streak.

"Alex… I need to do this! I need to get stronger! You suffered much more than I do now!" She lifted her hand and a fireball formed there and it started to grow as she looked at him with resolution.

"Maybe so, but that suffering was not inflicted by you." He resonated with her.

She narrowed her eyes and there was something there in her eyes, Alex that moment felt something coming from her.

'Her falna? Did she have one of those shonen moments?' The teen thought with awe and absurdity of this situation.

Before he can say something Julis just throws a massive fireball at him.

'Damn this girl! Does she want to burn her boyfriend? I already have enough scars!' Electricity instantly surrounded him as he quickly used magic to build a sword edge around his hand before coating it with lots of electricity.

Turning into a blade.

He only had a few moments before he swung the blade downward cutting the fireball in half.

This time Alex was impressed by the sheer power of the fireball.

'Shonen stuff is broken as hell, and my power was the one which created that!' He deadpanned at that when he realised it.

Talking about biting back at one's ass...

"You… really, are strong…" Julis said that before she collapsed on the ground, this time she was not going up.


"Silly girl…" Alex said while approaching the downed form of his pink-haired girlfriend, his powers were completely off this time, he didn't want her to get mad at him for messing even more with her hair.

He slowly scooped her up in a princess carry and then turned around.

"You ladies should stop with all that stalkerish behaviour," Alex said with a sigh at one of the corners of the building.

Moments later a glass-like shatter sound spread through the desolate building.

A pair of glasses-wearing girls in Kuoh uniforms appeared.

"Good evening Komnenos-san, that was an impressive display of skills." The Student Council President greeted him, while same time complimenting him.

"Well, thanks I suppose. So, what can I do for you two Devil ladies?" Alex decided to be as courteous as possible in this situation.

"So, you know then?" Sona asked curiously.

"That you are devils?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, and Sona slowly nodded to that.

"Heh, not really. But, you just confirmed that." He said that with a smirk, as he saw Sona's eyes widening for a second.

"You see, not long ago when I learned about my mysterious powers, I got an invitation to this prestigious school from someone whose name is Sirzechs L. GREMORY." He said the last part with a small deadpan look, while Sona just facepalmed, mumbling something about stupid older siblings.

"At first it was just simple curiosity, but then you ladies felt just different from the rest of the school, then the school itself, Victorian-style in the middle of Japan of all places, followed by supernatural looks, and of course Rias Gremory too…" He shrugged then.

"Culminating with how you just reacted to my previous statement."

"No wonder you are top of your class, and yes, I am a Devil. A Devil Heiress to be exact, and, I wish to talk to you two tomorrow after classes, if it's alright with you?" Sona said that while trying not to look too excited.

She always wanted someone with a similar mind to hers to be part of her Peerage, and she might have found it!

Same time she is slighly concerned if she will have enough power to resurrect him as one of her pieces, maybe she will need a mutation piece for such power…

The Heiress has no idea, how his power works, as his increase in power over the past two days was enormous, if this trend continues then he will be even stronger tomorrow!


"Very well, we will talk tomorrow. Now please stop the stalking… it's disturbing…" Alex said while starting to walk towards his house, leaving behind two somewhat embarrassed Devil girls.

"We should try finding other methods to observe our prospects Tsubaki," Sona said while trying to sound professional and hiding her embarrassment at the same time.

Her second-in-command just slowly nodded, before activating her teleportation circle and returning to their place.


Carrying Julis through the streets was not an option, especially in such a small community like Kuoh, so Alex used rooftops to travel it was much easier, and the setting sun helped him in that regard even further.

It was quite an amusing experience jumping from one building to another, much more interesting than doing that with the nearly identical trees in his dungeon.

While he was travelling from rooftop to rooftop he could only smirk at how his BS idea worked with Sona, it seems to mention Sirzechs and Gremory and having great grades can work wonders...

A few minutes later he was back in his house, the first thing he did was lay down the pink head on the couch.

Next, was to patch up her bruised knees.

As 'master' of first aid (self-proclaimed), Alex quickly disinfected and put plasters on her knees, then he put blanked on.

'Right, now for homework…'

Doing homework every day is bothersome. But, Alex realised that it's not every day for him!

The last time he did homework was around two months ago!

With such realisation, he kind of felt nostalgic.

A few minutes later he brought his book bag and started doing his homework, he knew that Julis would probably want to copy from him, or at least use it for reference to do her homework.

'This stuff is easy… is Kuoh Academy truly world-class? Or is this because of my Electrokinesis?' For a second Alex thought about this.

He remembered that Espers naturally are more smarter, did it already affect him? or just that he expected much more from Kuoh?

Either way, he finished everything in under an hour.

Then he noticed that his cute waifu was having a nightmare, this made Alex think about Julis for a bit.

He quite early realised that his waifu is what fanfiction readers call an OOC, he knows that Julis can be quite violent and can burn people with her fire powers.

Yet, she has not done any of that, even with their first meeting being something similar to a Harem anime show.

Yes, the first meeting like that was probably because he was in DxD and 'accidents' like that happen.

That led him to the conclusion that the App did something or she ended up meeting R.O.B before she was sent to him…

Either way, something has happened which led his Waifu to experience nightmares…

With a sigh, he walked over and sat down next to her then he stroked her hair, he slightly chuckled realising that he would probably end up listening to a rant about electrifying her hair in the morning.

Still, his presence did help her to calm down.

He did have some time to kill meantime, so he pulled out his phone and went to the Lottery Wheel app.

The first option was blinking, he remembered that he gets a free spin for each time he dies.

'Hmm, what this?' On the right corner of the screen, there was something new there.

'DC:3? Yeah, I have a feeling that the admin of the app is just messing with me, as these letters and numbers are either here to piss me off or just to annoy me.' Alex slightly frowned, as he tried to press on it but there was no reaction.

It was like a counter of some sort…

Ignoring that for now, Alex pressed on the Lottery Wheel option and he saw the same notification as last time.

[You have died! But, don't worry! R.O.B's Lottery Wheel has your back covered!]

[You Get: Free Spin!]

Alex pressed [OK] and then he pressed the spin button.

Just like last time, there were only 3 Epic slots and no Legendary, the rest were the same as last time.

And just like before, he realised that he only has DxD stuff in these spins, the three Epic slots have one Holy Sword, one Demonic Sword and, a single ticket for Devil Magic…

If he gets any one of them it would mean big trouble for him… either from Angels or Devil or any other pantheon from where the weapon has originated…

All of these have baggage he is not interested in carrying…

Thankfully it ended up in a rare slot…

[You Get: Sacred Gear Removal!]

'Now that's nice!' Alex's eyes sparkled with excitement as he knew what this means!


For advanced chapters (+37 chapters) my pat : pat reon.com/DragonsFics


Discord: discord.gg/denoffanfics


P.S.: I do weekly voting on Patreon if you want more chapters for this fic (or other fics ) vote there.


[Alexios Komnenos]

[Lv 1]

[STR: F 317]

[VIT: E 403]

[END: F 372]

[AGI: E 429]

[MAG: F 320]









[Julis Alexia-von Riessfield](Before Training)

[Lv 1]

[STR: I 1]

[VIT: I 2]

[END: I 2]

[AGI: I 1]

[MAG: I 4]




[EMPHATIC LINK: Alexios Komnenos]



Northern Wolf Pelt (Common Rank) x48

Northern Wolf Fang (Common Rank) x48

Northern Alpha Wolf Pelt (Uncommon Rank) x6

Northern Alpha Wolf Fang (Uncommon Rank) x6

Multiple encyclopedias on Ancient Fauna and Animals (Outside Item)

First Aid Kit (Outside item) x10

Disinfectant Bottles (Outside Item) x10

Painkiller Packs (Outside Item) x8

Spare Clothes (Outside Item) x7

Duct tape x5

Sharpening Tool Kit x2

Common Lottery Wheel ticket x51

Uncommon Lottery Wheel ticket x5

Gajau Skin x5

Gajau Whisker


[Card Deck]

New Ak-47(Common Rank)[No Ammo]

Naruto Volume 5 (Common Rank)

Sacred Gear Removal