
ROB's Lottery Wheel

Alexios Komnenos is a teen with a surname which raises eyebrows. Does he have connections to Ancient Byzantine Emperors? Well, it doesn't matter. That empire is long gone. But such a surname has left a mark on him. Then one day he gets an APP with ROB's name in it! What could go wrong? A waifu from a lottery wheel? Maybe the world change? Or some powers from an anime? Just one of a few things. Oh... And he gets a dungeon based on Dark Souls and Monster Hunter

Dragon15681 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Rias and Afterclass Shopping

"T-That perverted devil! How dare…" Julis was utterly embarrassed. Bushing up a storm, the girl couldn't believe what she just heard from Sona!

How did that Devil even come to such a conclusion!?

"Relax, Julis, you'll only help to reinforce the idea…" Alex said with a sigh, trying to calm down the embarrassed girlfriend of his.

"If you had just said 'no' with a straight face, then the Sitri would have just realised that she was wrong, but, instead, you blushed up a storm to her false accusation." He explained to his princess who has, somewhat, calmed down.

"E-Even if you say so, it's embarrassing!"

Julis exclaimed while trying to control her blushing, she didn't want to enter the classroom blushing like a tomato!


"Let's just wait until you've calmed down."

She nodded hearing that. To be perfectly honest, right now she was even more embarrassed, but for different reasons…

While the princess tried to get over her embarrassments, which came from Sona's misunderstanding, and her inability to look past it, Alex was thinking about what he saw above the Sitri Heiress' head.

'So, Sona is a level 2, well that's disappointing, but understandable. Neither she nor Rias were strong before the canon events started.'

More importantly, this somewhat clarified that his dungeon and the app were developing on their own. Will this make future enemies stronger in the dungeon?

The moment he thought of that, he felt a shiver going down his spine.

He probably should not have jinxed himself...


A few minutes later they arrived at class, and, unlike yesterday, the day passed through more smoothly.

After half of the classes were done, Julis and Alex went outside to eat their lunch.

The reasons why they were eating outside are quite simple.

In Julis' case—apart from the great weather—the pinkhead wanted to keep Alex away from the clutches of the Devil kinds.

While all these thoughts went through Julis' mind, Alex only cared about the bento done by his lovely princess.

"So, when did you wake up to prepare all this?" Alex asked curiously, it took time to make proper bentos!

That means she started making it a few hours before he woke up!

The girl flinched when she heard the question…

"Only an hour earlier, don't worry." She said while looking away from him, it was a small lie.

"...If you say so…" He said with a shrug while continuing to eat it.

He will find out eventually, if not then he will just wait for the girl herself to tell him why she was lying.

Apart from that, the rest of the break went through normally. But, at the end of it, he felt someone's gaze on him.

Alex might not have yet developed his senses to a high level, but he was able to pick up someone who was blatantly staring at him.

He turned around and saw a building separated from the rest of the school, the window of the first floor was open and a redhead was looking at him curiously from the distance.

There was a small reaction from Alex before he returned to normal.

Julis. seeing the reaction, glanced at where Alex was looking.

"So, that's the other Heiress huh…" the pinkhead softly commented.

She then noticed her massive burst size, her eyebrow twitched seeing those.

"Yeah, the Gremory, anyways class starting soon, let's return." Alex gaze returned to the pink head and looked at her blue eyes.

Julis huffed slightly before grabbing his hand defensively, even though she sensed no change from her empathic link…

She just met another Devil Heiress, who was much more desperate than Sona Sitri, her reaction was natural.

Besides, in her eyes, the Gremory arsenal is much more deadly compared to Sona's…

But, when she remembered about herself, she was instantly a little bit relaxed, as she wouldn't even be here if her boyfriend was interested in assets of that size.

Alex could only sigh as he understood why Julis was behaving like that.

Rias' looks… Well, they were potent for people who cared a lot about burst sizes…

"Yes, let's go," Julis said while slightly pulling Alex's hand.

The guy in question only chuckled internally; he didn't mind when Julis was so… defensive with him, he could get more touchy with her that way!


"So, those two are the transfer students which everyone is talking about? No wonder Sona is so tight-lipped about them, that guy's magic is so potent it creates static electricity!" The redhead said with a slightly awed look, she had never seen a human like that before.

"Yet, that static doesn't affect his girlfriend, very fascinating…" Her queen commented on the phenomenon she saw.

The Gremory Heiress slowly nodded. She was interested in the power of this human, she wondered how powerful he was, and what kind of lightning he could generate. Was it stronger than her queen's?

Although that was quite doubtful to her, still, the Heiress knew that her queen refused to use her inherited lightning, it's something she despised doing, maybe the Heiress could get this one to join her, she still has one empty bishop spot, or even maybe as a knight piece…? To boost his speed even further.

"Are you thinking of trying to recruit them into your peerage? That would be two for the price of one, I still can't believe that there is an actual couple in our school, I thought I would be graduating without seeing one." The black-haired queen said with a soft giggle.

Their school was quite the unique place, as it was a girls only institute before, most of the girls in their school were very sheltered. While most of the boys who joined were perverts, in some way, thus making a very strange status quo, girls didn't like interacting with the boys as they are either too shy or think the boys were perverts, and the perverted trio didn't definitely help.

That's why the trio were hated that much, by the girls because they were massive perverts, and by the boys because they give a bad image to males in general, and, to top it all off, the faculty office didn't do anything to change that, for a very simple reason…

The red-haired heiress's inactivity.

Rias wanted Issei to join her peerage, that's why Sona wasn't doing anything, which was also the reason for the faculty office that was under their control.

"Yeah… same…" Rias agreed with her queen thoughtlessly as she continued to watch the two until they left.


"So, where are we going?" Julis asked curiously as they were not heading home even though school had already ended.


Her eyes brightened when she heard what they were going to do.

"That's great? Where specifically?" She asked even more curiously.

"Pharmacy, then maybe a bookstore…"

All her curiosity evaporated.

"Are you getting some sort of medicine?" She asked offhandedly.

Before realising that, as his girlfriend, she should learn if he was allergic to anything…

Since Kuoh was not that big of a town, both of them quickly ended up in the shopping district.

Julis closely observed what kind of shopper Alex was, was he one of those who likes to spend time in the shop inspecting products and comparing prices?

Or, was he someone who has a mission in mind and gets what he needs and then just leaves.

Thankfully, Julis realised that Alex does not stay long in shops…

As, the moment he arrived he took the basket and made the beeline to first aid kits…

But then her jaw dropped slightly as she saw him taking almost the whole shelf…

'What in the world does he need that many first aid kits for!?'

This was not the end either, as he went over and picked up a bunch of painkillers and disinfectant bottles…

"Are you thinking of treating the wounds of a small army with this…" Julis asked curiously, as she looked at the already-full basket…

Not long after that, Alex got a second basket… since it was not a supermarket, they didn't have any trolleys.

Other people started to notice that too, as they all were looking weirdly at the teenager, it looked like he was either stocking up for something, or he was going outdoors for several years…

Not that they were wrong. In a weird way, they were right with their latter guess. He was going outdoors for a long time.

After he was done, he went to the cashier who was looking at him with curiosity.

"Outdoor activities…" He clarified with an omitted excuse for the excess buying while trying not to sound too rude.

She raised an eyebrow before starting to scan his items.

Soon enough, Alex saw numbers continuously increasing on the screen, he will be splashing quite a bit of money here.

"That will be 82 thousand yen."

Alex nodded as pulled out his golden master card and paid for the medkits.

Eventually, they left with two massive bags.

"Won't your parents notice this in your bank account?" Julis asked curiously, she had no idea how much 82 thousand was, but it sounded quite a lot in her head.

"Not really, it's just slightly above 600 euros…" He shrugged at her.

"I see… I will need to learn about the currencies of this era." Julis said with a sigh, 600 doesn't sound much.

"Yeah, you probably should. You know, I never learned what kind of currency was in your place." Alex curiously said, he doesn't remember it being mentioned either, or maybe he just missed it.

"We have a universal credit which is used worldwide," Julis explained to him, happy that he doesn't just know everything and that she could tell him something from her place.

'Maybe he can use that lottery wheel to get us back to my Earth, I've always wanted to win that Fiesta.' For a moment, the pink head had a wistful look before Alex motioned for her to follow him.

A few twists and turns later, they were between buildings.

"Can you check that no one is watching us? I am going to store these in my inventory."

Julis slowly nodded in understanding, the girl was quite impressed by the inventory, it sounded very convenient and would be quite desirable for a lot of people.

It only took a couple of seconds before Alex was back to her.

"Let's go get something to eat and then check out more shops." He casually said, now that his hands were free.

"Okay…" She gladly agreed to his proposal. Now that he mentioned it, Julis was feeling quite hungry after having to watch all that crazy shopping from just one store!

Even if she was just an observer, she still felt tired.

He smiled and offered his hand to her.

"Date it is then." His smile turned into a smirk.

Her eyes widened into a realisation, then her mouth twitched.

"That...was impressive and very underhanded…" She said in a resigned tone.

"I spent an entire year in a forest infested with man to horse-sized wolves, and who knows what else, I think that I learnt a few tricks…" He said, somewhat jokingly.

"I suppose you did… Well then, lead on." She gave him her hand.

"Not this time. We'll be exploring together. I have no idea how I even found that pharmacy in the first place."

He said while internally marvelling at how soft her hand was, and how much smaller it is compared to his.

While Julis thoughts were the opposite of Alex's, his hand was much rougher and she could feel that it had multiple healed cuts and scars.

"After dinner we are going shopping for clothes, you said that you used a bow right?" Julis asked him sharply, he needs to get some gloves as soon as possible!

"Yes, now that you mentioned it, I do need some leather gloves." He remembered how annoying it was when his bleeding hand interrupted his perfect shooting streaks…

"Good, then it's settled." She pulled him forward. Now they have another mission.

"Hmm, Julis… do you even know where we are going?"

She stopped walking when she heard that. Then she looked around for any boards or signs…

All the girl knows is that the town was quite small, and it only had one massive shopping district. So, they were not that lost…

"Let's ask some people first, then…"


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