
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

21th! summary and birthday!

ahh, feel good to be the narrator again, it's been a while, now let's start!

it's been less than two weeks since we brought the sisters and robin into our household, their integration is now our family have some foundation , mom decided to adopt the sisters who both happily agreed upon, she also asked robin but the latter politely refused , as her identity is special and it would be dangerous if she stands out...

still, that's didn't stop mother from treating her as if her own,tho she seems to putting some barriers on herself , or trying to at least , however mother skillfully shoot them off and making effort and open her up , same with the sisters.

I always pitted these girls when they were on paper, robin didn't get to have real friends until after 10 years from now , and that's cost her to have them go against the world to achieve that

another is Monet , she have been seen as cruel as sadistic and even letting children got experiment upon , but maybe this should be doflamingo effect on her , how pitiful that she was loyal to the wrong feller , even dying for him too, despite knowing the fact that he considered her a disposable pawn

even sugar , who was forced to stay 10 years despite being 22 , her devil fruit even stopped her mental age , this being easy to manipulate and easier to scare , hell usopp made her knockout cold from fear TWICE

I wasn't particular having my way to save them , I'm not a saint , and usually mind my own business, but since we were fated to meet , I will take them under my wing...

well , that doesn't mean I won't save certain characters or people I may say , since they all real , despite the fact the world looking mixing reality with anime, it hard to describe it since.. well I never been here before, but if I have to say something , it's better looking than both..

anyway , the three seems fascinated by the gadgets around the house ,yes gadgets I built up, before death I had degree in electrical and computer engineering , sadly I didn't get to use it.., well until my reincarnation , and it cannot be better , since now I'm an expert alchemist , I can mixing both to create perfect products

I created smartphone , tablets , computers , heating devices , thermal alarms..you name it

and since alchemy provide knowledge on matter and energy , every piece is cost efficient and no loss of energy whatsoever, basically superconductors

and these electronics takes energy from the sun , body heat , and if you can provide it , spiritual energy

sadly , I couldn't recreate the internet ,well it can't be helped, after all it's needs a net, and now my house have these technology, well at least to my knowledge , who know what vegapunk could created , sugar seems enjoying the the video games I stole- I mean borrowed from my previous life , I created them was easily , how? since in the end , games are information, the same logic on books I scanned in the past works her , I scanned video games from my memories to recreated them into programing language into the PC

Monet seems more interested in the massage chair I made, she is on all the time, I will I don't blame her , even me can't get enough of that thing, she loves to sit on it and relax , moreover she seems I awakened the scientist inside her , she asks how everything works , which I replied with giving her tons of math and physics books , I hope she survive this...

robin on other hand , while she seems intrigued how these things work , she didn't give it much interest, instead , like a sexy yet bookworm she are , she seems more interested the history of my world , of course I didn't tell her it's real , I just took my world history and put it in books

but what most amazed them is next thing I flashback into..


" ino~ tai-kun , can you tell us what this do?" robin ask while looking at helmet looking device connected to something

"oh? , well my dear robin , this is my greatest invention!" I declared with enthusiasm

"really? all your other inventions seems to be on their own league , you don't have to feed the phones like the denden mushi , and we can store thousand of books in small computer, what this can do?" Monet ask

"this my dears is virtual reality headset, it puts you it computer reality that in there , you can create anything with your mind , it's excellent for demonstrating destructive technique that damage the environment , it also great way to going all out without hurting the other party , with this all of us three could train without limitations , it can improve the technique or create new moves..but can't increase of physical strength, only spiritual and will , however it can it increase pain resistance by increase the sensitivity output and building it up from there , and best thing is you can train while sleeping! so basically you can have lucid dreams!" I finished my explanation with long breath

simply I made this with alchemy , technology and spiritual energy , perfectly mixing the three make this device , at his probable version too , but this best for relaxing , I yet to create time difference and in VR , but I believe I can do so in the future

well simply they blowed away ,robin begin to use it for creating the history she read about from me and the history she already know and analyze them more, while Monet use it for creating simulations for her experiments , she does hope to create her own invention someday, on the other hand , sugar use it to create GTA games...well I don't blame her..I always wanted to do the cj train mission...

*flashback ends*

well that's about it for now concerning the new additions, but enough of that time to display some status!

[ name : lunar.d.taiger

[ age : today 12 (500)

race : human

bloodline : d clan

physique : none

physical power : peak-rear admiral (55.86%)

spiritual power : peak-rear admiral (65.73%)

will power : peak-rear admiral (44.96%)

EE : 25.64k

abilities : sticky fingers-s rank (85.35%)


mythical zoan yin-yang white tiger(advance (75.43%) :

{ basic : 3x physical stats

intermediate : 6x physical stats , body size control

advance : 9x physical stats , yin and yang control

yin : corrosive anything physical , can be countered by enough physical or spiritual resistance, cancels the yang

yang : heal anything physical aside from cut limps but can reconnect them , cancels the yin.

awakened : ???? , ???? , ????


skills : Cooking max level (upgradable)

cleaning max level (upgradable)

dexterous tongue max level (upgradable)

dexterous hands max level (upgradable)

martial arts max level (upgradable)

parallel thinking level 10 (75.34%)

enhanced physical lvl 5 (21.74%)

zipper gate lvl 15 (64.75%)

derivded/created skills :

space zipper : create two points connect by a zipper,spiritual consumption depends on distance

six powers-basic(100% need low-vice admiral physical to upgrade)

Rokuōgan : gained when reach 100% in badic six powers

Seimei Kikan : technique that grants the user complete control over all of their body parts and bodily functions

sperm control : create by Seimei Kikan and enhanced libido , can control everything concerned samen , taste , smell , color , density, quantity , quality , fertility , and gender, ECT..

telepathy : skill derived from CoO spiritual consumption depends on distance

photographic memory : skill created from the high spiritual energy

memories observation : from CoO and CoC , force your will on upon others and forcibly read their memories which can be stored for latter , doesn't work on strong will opponent , but works when they knockout

mind computer : make the mind store information from different sources and sorted in the priority order , removed useless information and much more..

armament force field : skill derived from CoA , make a spherical field which Similar to CoA, size depends on spiritual power and defense depends on CoA

psychokinesis : skill derived from CoC , use the will to control from distance , distance depends on spiritual power , control and pressure depends on will power

haki : CoC- intermediate (54.53%)

CoA- intermediate (21.67%)

CoO- intermediate (45.94%)

-An : I removed levels and make it only for normal skills-


finally, that was alot but there is more!

[ name : jewelry Bonney

age : 12(???)

race : human

bloodline : none

physique : none

physical power : mid-rear admiral

spiritual power : mid-rear admiral

will power : mid-rear admiral

sexual fantasy : vanilla ,love to be dominanted,bi-curious(only when Taiger involved)


[ name : lunar D Lona

age : 28 (170)

race : human

bloodline : d clan

physique : none

physical power : peak-rear admiral

spiritual power : peak-rear admiral

will power : peak-rear admiral

sexual fantasy : vanilla , incest , anything involved Taiger


you may wondering why my mother stats as Same is me? well it's meet six years since she trained, and her potential exploded , moreover she has no devil fruit to focus on , not to say 3 different abilities , skills to grind, and Don't say use EE , I'm saving from the next travel which would be soon, I need a place a can breakthrough my overall state, training without death matches can only goes this far, and I don't want to make my appearance known in this world just yet, so world travel is the go , I decided a world, it has the power and the waifus , what I can ask more?



return to the present


all of them at the same says with happily tone

"now blow the cake~ sweetheart~ today you officially make 12~ my little man isn't not so little anymore.." mother sedective and honey voice run into my ear

"I can't believe you only 12 , Taiger-san, your behavior and temperament doesn't suit your age at all" Monet remarks while eating her part

"Ara , your are right Monet , tai-kun do you want me to be your onee-san? fufu" robin smiles flirty

I gave her a be smirk and say " heh, I'm sorry robin, but your are late to try the big sister tactic on me to tease me, Bonney tried that a lot over the years and made me resistance to such attacks"

upon her this Bonney face become red" hey! you said you won't mentions this, I grow up from behavior 2 years ago!" she says with embarrassment

"fufu, Bonney is step or steps above me, not for long~" robin says with laugh

she become comfortable with us , try to flirt and joke but nothing too serious

"hmmm~ cake is so delicious thank you Mommy~!" sugar eats without caring in life which is adorable!


after the party we sit the couch surrounded by heater

"ahm! now the party is finished... Time to complete my promise to you tai-chan.." mother start to say

"mom...you don't have to share with us if you uncomfortable.." I try to assure her

"thank you...but this what I put my heart into..." mother smiles to me warmly...and begin to tell her tale "..it all started..13 years ago..."

but a cliffhanger stopped her from continuing...


