
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

12! Lona resolve!

|Lona picture here|

we both had a question mark on our heads and stares at each eyes for good 10 seconds..

"mom, can you repeat what you said?" I ask

"mou..I want you to train me so I can become a super duper mommy!" she huffs her chest making it bounces

".. aren't you sad or depressed, ..mom?" I'm confused right now, since she let you feeling outburst a moment ago

"hmm~? not really no?" she as confused as me

bonney then asked " then what was that all about, making us feel complicated..."

"oh.. well..it's like a hidden feelings I wanted to deal it on my own, but since you already know, I feel much lighter and free, like a boulder was lifted on my shoulders... besides I wouldn't think ever of suicide..you two are my everything , how can I dare to leave you, don't you ever think you can ditch mommy got it~~" she smiles happily while her eyes full of infinite tenderness

"mom.., we would never leave you.." both of said and hugs her affectionately

after a minute of cuddling, mom voice rang again "but mommy is serious about training me"

"why mom?" I'm not it's not like I wouldn't , but training her would be a bit hard on her since her status are normal besides will power

"well , it's nothing I have something to do , since the time you bring the gold from who knows where , I'm still waiting to tell me how you do that by the way, I'm still teaching in the orphanage but stopped taking money , as we are well off, so I just go because I love the children." she give a wink smile , I'm sweated a bit about the gold situation..it's not like I don't trust her, but if she knows I can make gold from stones and wasted material , even she would freak out, hell I can turn shit into gold..but the smell doesn't go for some reason, so I ended up creating a stinky gold which no one will bother buying , tho it will be funny for the pranks

"also it's true I feel a bit useless for you.. tai-chan"

mom tell me a bit down

"I don't need you to be useful mom, just the way you are is perfect" I try comforting her with my genuine feeling

"I know you do not need me to be useful, but I want to be to use to you, at very least I don't want to be a burden in your way, so I can defend myself and not need to keep on eye on me worrying about my safety."

"...fine , mom , but my training will be strict! don't you think of slacking of!" I warned her , since she wants to be independent , I will respect her desire and groom her to stand on her feet proud!

"thank you tai-chan~~ I wuv you~~" she kisses my all over my face and neck until I was full of red lipstick

'hmph , damn vixen, you try to seduce him, don't you?!' Bonney thought jealously see her brother face full of kisses

"hey Bonney, since we doing this , you coming training with us too!" I tell her and the jealousy is obvious on her face which my mother notices too

"fufufu , bon-chan are you jealous? do you want to kiss tai-chan too?" mom laugh in typical milf fashion.

bonney snorts with a red face" who want to kiss hi-" I sneak attack on her and give her kiss on the cheek , she was silenced mid speak and rubbed her cheek while muttering "h-he kissed me..hehehe" she giggled to herself happily

"mou~ I want tai-chan to give me kiss my cheek too~" mom complain cutely which I did gladly "hehehe, tai-chan smooth~" she feels giddy

I never give them a lips kiss , since they want to save it for more romantic atmosphere..where I more mature..I don't really care , but since that's Thier desire , I gladly comply

"by the way tai-chan, why do you want bon-chan to turn with us? I don't mind , but you must have a reason right?" mom asks

bonney wakes up from her lovestruck expression ,she asks while her face still red but avoid eye contact with me "yeah, why should you train with you in physical training? shouldn't I be more focused on my devil fruit control?" she ask , ah yes the devil fruit syndrome , where people in four seas and even the paradise depends on them without training there body first "why should I train my body if I can do magic" or whatever specially if you are a logia user think you invincible 'looking at you smoker , crocodile, ace'

anyway I bonked her head with chop

"ouchh, why did you hit me!" a red ball thingy appears on her head while she pouts

"see? if you train this chop won't hurt you.., besides you need to trained you physical body to have more stamina to make your aging last longer!, ok get prepared you two , tomorrow will start your hell" when she uses it on herself she doesn't consume stamina ,but on everything else it does since two years she barely achieve the 10 mins mark before the willing test subjects return to normal, I tried to make her train , but doesn't response , too lazy for that matter , but if I were to spend time with mom while training , she would be jealous , but too embarrassed to acknowledge it , so I did her a favor and told her to come with us under the pretext of training

she nods grudgingly and accepts her fate 'but then I get to spend more time with him, and strengthen my body and devil fruit capabilities , 3 birds in one stone..' she thought , one would think if she wants, she can take Thier relationship with next level by ageing him , but first she isn't skilled enough to make him adult for long , second she knows that his first time is reserved for someone else who doesn't want to do that that way ..

"I didn't get to see you grow up normally,so don't you dare to do that on tai-chan, or I will reduce your food , young lady!" she shudder in the thought of her food being less than usual..

that's the reason she didn't make Taiger older, otherwise she don't care and didn't brother training 'if I can't age him why bother training..' she thought, of course he doesn't know that , it was part of Thier "girls talk"..…

later when bed Time came they cuddle extra hard since the family loving atmosphere and their bonds become even stronger and all of them slept happily...but when that morning , nightmare training start for mother-daughter duo..




