
Roaming around the Multiverse

The mc got reincarnated in Noblesse as Raizel with cheats. ( I'll be writing a new one but it will have some similarities with the old one. Raizel older brother will be alove and will be the right hand man of Raizel so he will be the 2nd noblesse when Raizel is gone. There will be no rebellion but the betrayal will still happen and Raizel will be the one who suggest it. And as Raizel older brother is still alive he will be the Noblesse. And there will be no lemon scene as i am shitty in that department. And the system will be controlled by Raizel so he can go to any world if he want to. ) This fic is a harem. And lemon scenes will only appear after The Great Ruler is finished and when the mc go back to the world of Noblesse. More lemon scenes will only appear after the Great Ruler

Lazy_Coffin · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 31

" Damn, Thanks to my disciples, I got nothing to do now thanks to them and with that I can start traveling again. Oh right, You have learned the Shadow clone jutsu right? " I asked. " Yes, Master. " Frankenstein said. " Ok then, Go and tell Edian and the others except for my 12 disciples to come and gather here. I now don't have anything to do in this world anymore I'm gonna leave and start traveling around the universe. Edian and the others will also be coming with us. I will also be stopping time here too. So that once we come back here they will feel that we never have left this world to begin with. " I said and Frankenstein just nodded and took out his phone and called Edian to tell the others to come and gather at his house.

After that, He ended the call and sat down in the couch in front of me. " So, I heard you made a school? I'm gonna enter your school to pass time. And also buy me 10 PC with the latest specs I'm gonna play games. " I said. " Ok, Master. When will you start going to school? " Frankenstein asked.

" I'm gonna start going to school starting next week as it's today is Friday. " I said. " Right away, Master. " Frankenstein said. " Oh right, When we leave this world make sure to leave behind a clone that will run your school. And as my disciples are basically the guardians of this world against special races like the Werewolves and etc. They are needed here. What happened to the Werewolves clan if Muzaka is currently in Lukedonia? " I asked. " Muzaka is still the Lord of the Werewolves clan but you know how his personality is. So, Even though he's the werewolf Lord he's still lazing around at your Old Mansion in Lukedonia. Ashlyn also does not want to leave Lukedonia because she and the Current lord Raskreia is best friends. " Frankenstein said.

" Ok then, After Urokai and the others arrived at this place we will go to another world and have some fun there. But, I still want to have some kind of vacation while staying here so going to school will just do. " I said and told Frankenstein to lead me to my own room so that I can rest.

After that I just slept the whole night while waiting for Monday to come. Before I went to sleep I felt like I have forgotten something. Right, I forgot about Wen Qingxuan. Nah nevermind, The time in the world of the Great Ruler is currently stopped so even if I'm there for who know how long nothing will have passed and the time there is stopped.

And 2 days passed and Monday finally came. I'm currently in Frankenstein office in Ye Ran High and thanks to no Union. The world is now peaceful as it ever will be with no war going on. But, Competition between games in various countries became very famous thanks to both Counter Strike and Dota 2. I have also heard that my clone is planning to release PUBG and a game called Glory the same game as in the world of The Kings Avatar will also be released in a week from now.

Other than that, Nothing else matters. But, I'm also planning in releasing the first Virtual Gaming helmet in 2015. And games will be SAO but there will be no death game and the likes.

I should think about that in the future after I finished the world of Fairy Tail and the world of the RSSG. And with that out of the way, I am now currently heading to my classroom together with Frankenstein.

Frankenstein went inside to the classroom first saying that there will be now a new transfer student joining them today. Frankenstein also said that the new student can anything he wants as long as he doesn't interrupt the class.

After that Frankenstein went outside and told me to go and introduce yourself. I did just that and went inside the classroom making every girl looking at me blush while the boys got mad for me being to handsome. I just ignored them all and told them my name and they can just call Rai.

After that I just sat down in a seat at the very back of the class so that no one can disturbed me. I set up my laptop and connected it to the wifi of the school. I got access to the wifi thanks to Frankenstein. After that I log in into my steam account and started playing Dota 2 for the rest of the day.

Even though I only started playing Dota 2 two days ago. I can play ranked as I've been playing the game for 2 continues days without any rest and thanks to that. My rank is now Uncalibrated.

Even though I can now start playing ranked mode in dota 2. I still didn't play it cause it was time for me to go to Ye Ran High with Frankenstein.

And now that it's finally time for the class to start and with Frankenstein saying that I can do whatever I want and no one should disturbed. I can now start playing Dota 2.

And in 10 games later I don't know if I can go from Uncalibrated to Archon or maybe a higher ranked than archon. And if you're wondering why how I got the laptop, Well it's because my clone owned the company that make and sells the highest specs of laptop, Phones, and PC in the Entire world. And thanks to him being my clone I can just go to the headquarters of his company and asked for a laptop or PC from him.

And I still have 4 more laptop in Frankenstein office. And 10 games later, My ranked finally got revealed and it's Archon with 5 stars. With me being the MVP and with also more than 30 kills above with no deaths at all.

10 more games and my ranked will go up again. And as it's finally lunch time I just left my laptop at my desk and went outside heading to Frankenstein office.

I went inside while being followed by Shinwoo and Ikhan, I didn't care about them and just asked for money from Frankenstein and after went back outside to go to the cafeteria of the school and just buy 1 coffee and 2 burgers. After that I went back to the classroom and continue eating while also playing Dota 2.

And after I started playing a lot of students started crowding around me watching me playing the game. Of course, majority of those students are boys who also plays Dota 2 and started teaching thinking that I'm a newbie.

Of course, I did not care what they told me to buy and do and just played the game on own pace. And 3 minutes into the game I was the one who killed the first hero. And after more than 40 minutes of intense playing I finally won the match with 38 kills 0 Deaths and 21 assist. Making me the most valued player in my team.

Everyone who was teaching how to play just went away quietly because of embarrassment. I just didn't care about them and started looking for another match in ranked mode. And thanks for my MMR being 2995 one more game and my ranked will now go up. ( It's been so long since I played the game so I forgot how many MMR I received in every win. So just go with the flow as this is merely fiction. And the Dota mentioned here is version where the turbo mode is already released and the talent tree is also released. )

And with that I started another match even though the teacher is already here I still didn't care and just answered the question when being asked and just continued playing the game after almost an hour of intense playing I finally won the match and my rank up went up.

My ranked is now legend with 1 star. And thanks to that I finally stopped playing to take a break and eat the remaining burger that I still didn't eat. After eating the border I started playing again and 2 games later class finally ended and I started packing my things and went to Frankenstein office to leave my stuff there.

After that I asked both Ikhan and Shinwoo if they want to play games with me in an internet cafe not far from school. I also said that I will be the one paying so the both of them agreed and we went to the internet cafe and we played for more than 3 hours.

We didn't play Dota 2 as they don't play the game so we just played CS:GO and with me playing together with we won more than 13 matches in a row. Of course, My enemies thought that i was teaching but I shut then up with me recording my own gameplay and posting it in YouTube with my username as my channel.

After that nothing happened and we left the internet cafe but I felt that we were followed so as it's already night I led those who is currently following near the park and just said come out. ( The same guys in the manhwa that wanted to beat up Raizel and the others for beating them in the game. Of course, In the manhwa Seira and the others was already there but as there are no more Union there will be no Seira to witness the fight but they will still go to Ye Ran High so that they can learn about the Human world much more. And of course, Gejutel will also pop up once in a while in our house. Seira and Regis won't know who Frankenstein is but they will know who Edian and the others once they arrived in Frankenstein house. )

After saying that a group of 7 guys with stupid looking hair came out near the trees and started laughing at us. Of course, I asked them why they followed us since we went out the cafe. The man leading them just said that they will beat us up because he lost a game against us.

And after hearing that I just laughed at his stupidity and just started walking in front of him and when I arrived in front of him I held him in the neck and lifted him up after that I slam him in the ground and started kicking his face breaking his jaws and taking out almost all of his teeth after that I lift him up again and kicked him in the ribs sending him to his friends while a breaking 3 to 4 ribs.

After that I just started fighting the remaining guys while laughing while Shinwoo just looked at me in awe while Ikhan looked at me shocked. After a few minutes of beating them I got tired and just said goodbye to both Ikhan and Shinwoo and went to the direction where Frankenstein house is.

After a few minutes of walking I arrived and went inside and started heading to my gaming hub where there are 10 new computers with the latest specs. I went inside my gaming hub and booted up my own PC. I also made 4 clones that will also play Dota 2 with me for the entire night until 7 am.

Of course, I forgot that they still couldn't okay ranked as they just made a new account do I just let them play in a party of 2 and started playing turbo matches. While they are playing Turbo matches I am also currently playing ranked matches.

And after more than 10 matches. I stopped playing used magic to clean myself up and started riding my KTM Duke to school. After I arrived I went to the principal office and grab my bag and after that I went to my classroom and when I arrived I turned on my laptop and started playing Dota 2 for the rest of the day.

A lot of people still watched me playing the game as even though I'm already in the ranked of Legend nearing the rank of Ancient I still became MVP with no deaths and more than 30 or 40 kills with a minimum of 12 to 15 assist.

Of course, I also recorded my own gameplay and posted it in YouTube. Of course, My classmates already got numb with my continues rampage in every match I play.

My main heroes is Phantom Assassin, Phantom Lancer, Sven, Invoker, Monkey King, and Legion Commander. Other than those I also play other heroes when I'm bored. And with that, At the end of the day my ranked went up again and my current ranked is now Ancient with 2 stars nearing the 3 star MMR range.

And after that, Nothing else happened and 3 months later. Me and my clones currently monopolized the top 5 ranking in Dota 2 and even if we do play against a team of professional Dota 2 Players we still beat them up in the real good and thanks to that me and my clones got invited into Various team to play with them of course we just rejected them all.

And in this 3 months that has passed, Seira and the others finally met me 2 months ago. They didn't know who I am and I didn't introduce myself to them. The same as in the Manhwa Regis wanted to hypnotize Frankenstein so that both him and Seira will be enrolled to the school while also living in the same house as us.

My clones appearance already changed the moment they sensed both Regis and Seira arriving. And after that nothing else happened and in another Month that was 1 month ago. Gejutel visited both Regis and Seira and got shocked that the both of them is currently living with Frankenstein. Both Regis and Seira also got shocked that the principal knows Gejutel and when I appeared behind Gejutel and surprised him by putting my arm around his shoulders while smoking. He got so surprised that he started shaking and knelt down shocking both Regis and Seira.

I sighed when I saw him kneeling down in front of me and I just get back up I don't like people kneeling in front of me all the time. I also asked how Raskreia is currently doing and Gejutel that she miss me and she is doing a fine job on being the Lord of the nobles.

Of course, Regis finally interrupt our reunion by asking Gejutel who I am. Gejutel introduce me as the current Noblesse who disappear a few centuries ago Gejutel also said that the acting Noblesse is my brother and when I heard that I just smiled and said that I'm now the former Noblesse make my brother the Current Noblesse this is an order. Also tell Raskreia that I also missed her but I can't go back yet.

After that a day later Gejutel left the house and went back to Lukedonia while a week after Gejutel left everyone finally gathered together and in the present time. " Now that everyone is gathered together again. Are you all ready to go to another world and become even stronger than before. " I said and everyone nodded with excitement.

But, before we left this world we made sure to leave behind a clone that will act like us. Of course, I also deemed this useless as I will be stopping time here from flowing. " But, Before we go to the world of my choosing. I want you to met 2 people that will join us in our journey and I also want all of you to be ready as the world that we are going is currently ruled by someone who has the strongest fist. The world is also ruled using magic so for 500 years or so inside my inner world you all will be learning magic while also increasing your magic power reserve. You all will be learning slayer magic and other magic like time, Space or Gravity magic. I will also be sending Lagus, Roctis, Urokai, Frankenstein, and Zarga 100 years before the start of the story and they will join an organization called the Magic Council. After that in approximately 100 years after the founding of a guild called fairy Tail me, Ignes, Edian, and the 2 people that I shall introduce to you will appear and join the guild name Fairy Tail. No, We will appear again in the year 764, We will appear in that certain year " I said and sent all of them together with me to my Inner world where Qing Xuan and Nine Nether currently is.

Even though it's already been a few months since the end of the war, it's only been a few hours since inside my inner world. Nine Nether and Qing Xuan looked at the new arrivals.