
Road Tripp

Devin and Masha sitting with her ass in his lap as he powers through I don't know how many plates of food and she just keeps hopping up to get more and feed him. Jun and Lilly in quiet planning mode considering they are not going to be at school next year. Ben and Liz are kinda on the outside of the group and have been most of the time. I think things have been tense concerning the big trip but I'll ask about that when we are closer to leaving. Kyle and Hanna are chit chatting with everyone, Kyle being brought in still threw a lot of people outside of the group but we got him healed and while there could have been some sort of explanation I don't feel the need to do so to everyone in the school. Isaac and Allison are my second biggest concern this year as the two of them have been dating like it's a soap opera. They are doing fine then he fucks it up and comes to the group to talk to her then they get back together for a week or two before another blow up. Finally, my biggest concern is Natsuko. After everything that has happened and all we've been through after Kori 'settled the score' with Heather at Johnny's place my little assistant has been less involved and more distant than I've ever seen her. I'm still enjoying the personal time I'm getting with my crew all the while Kori and I have been planning for the trip. I've been working out the trip list. She's been on the more 'important' job of making sure it'll be a fun trip. I'm pretty sure a bunch of teenagers in a couple RV's driven by bikers being tailed by a U-Haul carrying two bikes is gonna be fun for all. The backyard party ends in the late afternoon and while most of the crew heads off to home, I wait till all the guests leave before putting on my coat and grabbing Katy by the hand and dragging her off to my bike. She's wearing a confused look as I hand her the spare helmet but she's not fighting me as we head off to my only true private spot nowadays, the shack at Johnny's. My bike is a regular feature and as soon as I'm off there is someone to walk it to a small garage Johnny had built for the equipment. The place has really changed, it's still got the trailers stacked up like ghetto apartments and teenage outcasts running around but once I get past the 'courtyard' and into the main section it's tools equipment and then the green houses. Still marvel at the work Johnny has put in becoming a 'legitimate businessman' but I've got more important things on my mind as I walk past it all and to my shack. A little expansion on the shack and the bed were done just so I could hold meetings there with my people but other than that it stays untouched by others. I get Katy inside and sit her down on the bed after closing the door. I take notice of my confused 'Bad' girlfriend, tight jeans that are torn up with hard black boots. I know she's got one of her tank tops under her leather jacket. I take my leather jacket and hood off and set it on the chair, then kick my boots off before slowly pulling my t-shirt off. Katy starts to pick up on what's happening and starts to undress taking her own coat and boots off as I get my pants down and kick them to the side. I move up to her and help her with her top revealing her large breasts clasped together in a purple and black bra, her pants come off to show me matching panties before I throw the former to the floor. I pull her up off the bed to sit up and kiss Katy gently on the lips which catch her off guard for only a moment before I have arms wrapped around my neck. Katy leans back, we keep kissing as she takes me with her to the bed, slowly we work our limbs tightly but tenderly around each other as I feel myself getting hard against Katy's covered mound.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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74 Chs


"Something is wrong Guy?," Peter asked me, noting my confusion.

"Oh nothing I was just wondering where Rachael's Mom is," I say concerned.

"But you've met Peter already," Randy says looking confused.

"Yeah we met months ago now I'm just wondering where her mother is," I say again.

"Okay are you being funny or something," Randy says to me standing up.

"Sir, I don't know what you mean," I reply, really confused as to how I made him mad.

"I told you that Peter is right here. You came here to meet me today so I could decide if I wanted to let my daughter go on a road trip with her boyfriend," Randy says, taking all the air out of the room.

I hear the threat of Rachael not going, I understand it but right now I'm confused as to why Peter is here but they're mad when I ask about where her Mom is…. Oh crap. Randy aka Dad is protective of his daughter whereas Peter aka Mom is always helping with her styles and is always around the house and works from home. I calmly stand up and without a word walk out of the house through the front door. I get about halfway through the yard and sit down on the grass. I'm a moron of epic proportions and now I've just made the biggest ass out of myself. And why did nobody ever fucking tell me before I jumped feet first into the shittiest situation for meeting parents ever. It takes a minute to say 'Hey my parents are a gay male couple'. I don't think I've been sitting there long but I can hear the footsteps behind me before Peter sits down in front of me cross legged.

"How are you holding up their sport," he asks concerned.

"Currently trying to find the ways to apologize," I reply feeling really stupid.

"Apologize," Peter asks, still concerned.

"I honestly had no clue you were the Mom in the family, I just thought you were the house husband," I reply, still living in dumbass mode.

"I'll take that as a compliment to my manliness," Peter says, helping me up," Let's get you inside and see how Rachael is doing with Randy."

I get back inside and re sit down on the loveseat with Peter and the four of us go about piecing together what happened and how I got confused.

"No I really thought he was a stay at home Dad and that Rachael's Mom worked a lot," I explain getting a laugh out of Randy.

"Well technically I'm her Dad. She's from my first marriage and divorce," Randy says reminiscing.

"Yeah apparently my bio-Mom is a she bitch from the frozen depths of hell," Rachael says getting a look from both her parents.

"And that she learned from me and the other girls," I tell Randy and Peter, explaining my relationship with all the girls.

It's only a couple hours that we spend talking and going over relationship dynamics and the 'nonconventional' stereotyping that comes with it. I get a blessing to take Rachael on the trip and a kiss before I leave and head back home to check on everything before going and seeing Kimiko and Natsuko. The ride over gives me a bit of time to think, I will be trapped in an RV or whatever my mother has bothered to spend her money on just so I'll come down and visit my way. Initially it sounds awesome but I get this doubt, we all have had our space before, now we won't have any and we'll have to deal with each other and make things work. It's a chilling thought to have to play mediator between five women. Mercifully I pull up to Natsuko and Jun's house before my thoughts drift any further. I kill my bike and discover that most of the lights are out in the house. I think I might have missed Kimiko or I'm really early when I see movement inside. I knock on the door and am greeted by Kimiko in a plain skirt and flowery blouse top that hug her features a little too well.

"Hello Guy, what brings you around today," Kimiko asks confused.

"I actually was coming by to talk to you about letting your daughter come with us on the trip," I reply a little confused.

"I told her she could go but she's… hesitant to leave," Kimiko informs me, letting me inside.

I can tell nobody is home and considering it's the first day of summer and we're all either getting ready to head out to Texas tomorrow I can understand why nobody is around. We get inside and I follow her to the kitchen where I can see she's been working on whatever they're having for dinner tonight.

"So I'm here to talk to you about letting her go but she really doesn't want to leave," I say just putting the thought in the air.

"Something to understand about my daughter, she's alone at the end of the day. She doesn't sleep with someone at night like you do sometimes or your friends or even her brother. Part of the price she pays for being a free spirit. Now while she's a part of your group and your friend with benefits," I see Kimiko smirk at the term," Nobody is there for her when the worst happens like a partner can be. Again it's she who doesn't want a relationship but with everything that happened it's sadly where she is right now.``

"I can understand that but she's like my sidekick, I have my buddies and my girls but she's just different for me," I explain with some confusion," She's like a sister I have sex with."

"From what I heard you've already got one of those," Kimiko says coyly.

"I swear this is why I don't talk about you to people either, shit spreads way too far," I say with a little frustration.

"It's alright, it's actually a more common place in Japan than people believe and for me it's not as much a taboo as you would think," Kimiko says finishing her dinner preparations.

I still marvel at how when I first met this woman I was told about how she's a domineering dictator of her household and while she is the ruling authority here we've gotten along better than we should considering how I lied to her when we first met.

"So will you talk to Natsuko to get her to come," I ask, bringing the conversation back to the reason I'm over," If you're not saying no then maybe you can help me and get her to come and have some fun with us."

I watch Kimiko think quietly for a moment before washing her hands in the sink. When done she watches me intently for a moment. I wish I could know what she's thinking as she tries to decide how to answer.

"My room, my bed, strip down and wait for me," She tells me leaving the kitchen and walking up the stairs.

Now I'm confused but considering Kimiko is a wet dream for the average male my age I'm a little excited to see what she has planned. I follow her up the stairs and watch as she steps behind a changing screen in her room. I almost want to peek but if this gets me Natsuko for the trip I'm not gonna risk it. I get my coat and boots off as she starts to speak to me from behind the screen.

"When you are naked I want you to wait for me on the bed. There are rules boys and you will owe me after this," Kimiko tells me with a little authority.

I get completely naked and crawl up onto her bed and lie down on my back patiently waiting for her to get done. My next view is one that has me half hard and ready to play. Kimiko comes from behind the screen wearing a silk American cut kimono that just barely covers her well sculpted behind, it's black with pink trim and a matching sash keeping it closed in the front. Her black hair is held up with a simple clasp which she lets go as she reaches the bed letting it fall around her shoulders. I can only marvel as I watch Kimiko crawl up her bed then up me like a predator getting personal with its prey. I feel a little nervous when Kimiko does something we've never done in the near two years we've known each other and the last year where we have had some quasi-active sex, she kisses me on the lips. It's a soft and tentative kiss at first and while our mouths are open and active we're both calm and taking our time with it. Kimiko lets her body rest on me and I trail my hands up and down her body marveling at the smoothness of her skin. It's a few minutes or days as far as my brain is concerned when Kimiko finally breaks the kiss and goes back to watching me intently.

"You are going to stay still while I show you what a grown woman can do. You will not be allowed to orgasm until I'm ready and you will have to answer me when I ask you a question, do you understand," Kimiko informs me of the terms as opposed to asking me.

I lightly nod my head and feel her slide shift lightly before the head of my member meets her, the opening of her womanhood. I watch her push back getting the first couple inches inside her, Kimiko's face is calm and almost no reaction I can gauge from her as she puts her hands on my chest and pushes her body up at an angle to ride me. I slip further inside her but keep my hips in place so that I'm not doing any of the work. It's a slow methodical pace to her movements as she finally gets seated upright on my hips with me buried inside her. Kimiko is still looking at my face and I watch with a level of anticipation as she undoes the sash and opens the kimono so that I can see her breast and where we're connected a little better. Slowly Kimiko begins to move, not up and down but around in an almost circular hip swaying that doesn't have me moving in and out of her much but the sensation with her warmth and the grip she has on me has me groaning a little in pleasure. I don't let her keep the pace out of my want to not do anything but more out of wondering what she will do next. I keep my hands off as she continues to grind the circles around my hips, her gaze is still intent on my face but her expression is still one of calm control.

"Do you want to touch me," Kimiko asks quietly as she works, getting a nod from me," Good boy, place your hands on my hips only."

I do as she lets me and grip Kimiko's hips lightly as she grinds me inside her like she's dancing to some music that only she can hear. The sensation is intense for me; I'm usually moving and doing so much more but with me focusing on just what Kimiko is doing and my trying to keep from moving at all. It's a warm and tight swirl of sensations as she keeps a long rhythmic pace, I'm having to keep my control on my orgasm which I can feel building but I'm holding it as far back as possible.

"Do you want me to cum for you Guy," Kimiko asks me, gasping the word 'cum'.

I nod my head lightly again and feel her speed up, I marvel as she tries her hands up her chest and down to her hips. Kimiko moves one of my hands to her breast and I gently squeeze it. Finally she shows some reaction and I watch her head roll back slowly while she moans for my enjoyment. I can feel her tightening up a little when she turns her attention back to me, no longer calm but almost eager and anxious.

"Guy, I want you to tell me that you want me. Tell me what you would do to have me if there were no girlfriends," Kimiko tells me, making me scramble to think.

"I would beat your husband into submission and make him watch as I got you pregnant then I'd move in so that he could support me and my new family while I took care of his wife," I tell her almost blurting the words gasping.

Kimiko speeds up at my answer and starts moaning louder, her hips doing the circles at a more anxious pace. I'm getting really close and I see Kimiko make eye contact with me for a moment to say 'Don't you fucking dare boy'. The dead look is so hot on her but I tighten my abs and grit my teeth. Kimiko leans forward and pulls me into a sitting position with her still on my lap and clutches me to her chest tightly.

"Yes Guy, you are making me cum so hard. I haven't felt like this since before my marriage," Kimiko moans in my ear," Keep holding on and let me finish first."