
Road Tripp

Devin and Masha sitting with her ass in his lap as he powers through I don't know how many plates of food and she just keeps hopping up to get more and feed him. Jun and Lilly in quiet planning mode considering they are not going to be at school next year. Ben and Liz are kinda on the outside of the group and have been most of the time. I think things have been tense concerning the big trip but I'll ask about that when we are closer to leaving. Kyle and Hanna are chit chatting with everyone, Kyle being brought in still threw a lot of people outside of the group but we got him healed and while there could have been some sort of explanation I don't feel the need to do so to everyone in the school. Isaac and Allison are my second biggest concern this year as the two of them have been dating like it's a soap opera. They are doing fine then he fucks it up and comes to the group to talk to her then they get back together for a week or two before another blow up. Finally, my biggest concern is Natsuko. After everything that has happened and all we've been through after Kori 'settled the score' with Heather at Johnny's place my little assistant has been less involved and more distant than I've ever seen her. I'm still enjoying the personal time I'm getting with my crew all the while Kori and I have been planning for the trip. I've been working out the trip list. She's been on the more 'important' job of making sure it'll be a fun trip. I'm pretty sure a bunch of teenagers in a couple RV's driven by bikers being tailed by a U-Haul carrying two bikes is gonna be fun for all. The backyard party ends in the late afternoon and while most of the crew heads off to home, I wait till all the guests leave before putting on my coat and grabbing Katy by the hand and dragging her off to my bike. She's wearing a confused look as I hand her the spare helmet but she's not fighting me as we head off to my only true private spot nowadays, the shack at Johnny's. My bike is a regular feature and as soon as I'm off there is someone to walk it to a small garage Johnny had built for the equipment. The place has really changed, it's still got the trailers stacked up like ghetto apartments and teenage outcasts running around but once I get past the 'courtyard' and into the main section it's tools equipment and then the green houses. Still marvel at the work Johnny has put in becoming a 'legitimate businessman' but I've got more important things on my mind as I walk past it all and to my shack. A little expansion on the shack and the bed were done just so I could hold meetings there with my people but other than that it stays untouched by others. I get Katy inside and sit her down on the bed after closing the door. I take notice of my confused 'Bad' girlfriend, tight jeans that are torn up with hard black boots. I know she's got one of her tank tops under her leather jacket. I take my leather jacket and hood off and set it on the chair, then kick my boots off before slowly pulling my t-shirt off. Katy starts to pick up on what's happening and starts to undress taking her own coat and boots off as I get my pants down and kick them to the side. I move up to her and help her with her top revealing her large breasts clasped together in a purple and black bra, her pants come off to show me matching panties before I throw the former to the floor. I pull her up off the bed to sit up and kiss Katy gently on the lips which catch her off guard for only a moment before I have arms wrapped around my neck. Katy leans back, we keep kissing as she takes me with her to the bed, slowly we work our limbs tightly but tenderly around each other as I feel myself getting hard against Katy's covered mound.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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I stop and drop my boxer briefs on the floor again before moving back over to the bed and moving in front of her on my knees. Immediately Toni falls to her back again and pulls me down and inside her but barely before getting my attention.

"I don't need you to hit the spot every couple of minutes, I need it every couple of seconds," She tells me as I push in and at about six deep watch her head roll back," Right there."

I place my hands down next to her hips and only using my last four inches start to fuck her pussy rapidly. I'm up off her body and I watch as she's taking me but not reacting like I'm used to as I keep trying to rub the spot she showed me. Never had this much trouble with a woman and I get an idea and shift one hand on top of her pelvis and gently press down. The effect is immediate as my next few thrusts get her to squeak in surprise and start groaning as I go from rabbit to jackhammer still applying pressure. I feel like I'm on autopilot as I'm focusing on her and I can at least tell now she's not acting as I keep going for broke trying to get her to cum. Toni starts to shift her hips again but instead of rolling them against me it's turned into a rapid bucking and I'm almost losing my balance when she takes my arms and pulls me to her.

"Now I'm going, just move with me a little more," Toni instructs, almost growling like a hungry animal.

I'm rocking myself into her with hard punctuated thrusts and I feel Toni's arms wrap around me as she kisses me with passion again. I can feel her moaning and on

one thrust she shudders causing me to shake a little from the sensation. I speed up and Toni breaks the kiss, moaning.

"Mother fucker finally got that pussy to cum, get it boy get that pussy with your white dick," Toni growls as her orgasm starts to hit.

We're bucking and slapping against each other as the first big shock hits for her and instead of locking up I feel her lower her head to look down and her hips slowly grind on me like they're trying to milk my own orgasm. I'm not close yet sadly, being 'faked on' threw me off and now I'm just happy she came when I notice she's staring at me.

"You gonna finish," She asks politely and quietly.

I shrug a little as I start to move slowly in and out again but Toni pushes me off and onto my back before straddling me and reinserting my cock in her in very quick fashion. She's leaning over me and wasting no time riding me hard and with a purpose, I'm treated to her massively beautiful breasts swaying in front of me and start to suck on them alternating between the two while gripping her hips with my hands. Toni is moaning again but it's less fevered and more controlled this time and since I'm on bottom I can feel her lightly rough walls hugging my cock a little tighter than before. I focus on one breast and groan as I feel Toni continue to take me with a vigor she has only shown in kisses to me so far. It's getting better and I'm helping by pushing my hips up into hers and the light slapping noise in the room is punctuated by her wetness as our hips connect. I moan letting her breast fall from my lips only to have her own placed on mine in a mad rush as our tongues play at each other hard. I can feel myself swelling and Toni's eyes widen a second and I feel her stop and pull off suddenly and then crawl off the bed quickly.

"Get over here," She tells me and I urgently comply wondering what she has planned.

I get seated on the edge of the bed with my legs spread and Toni makes sure to get right in between them before wrapping both of the big beautiful breasts on either side of me and starts alternating her rubbing. Up on the left and down on the right then reversed as she takes what was once a mutually controlled orgasm into her own 'hands'. I watch as she leans down to lick her head and the second her tongue touches me I'm riveted in place as my orgasms shoot out from between her brown flesh. Rope after rope of my seed blasts Toni's face before settling on her breasts and neck. I start to come back to my senses when I see her staring at me.

"Why would your girlfriends send you to a strip club that they knew you'd get some at," She questions a little sternly.

"They like me to get action from where I can because what I learn I use on them. Also I come back to them always," I tell her plainly while catching my breath.

"They told you to screw a stripper," She says, starting to get a little annoyed.

"Yes but they are fine with it and honestly I think you are a much nicer person here than you would have been in the club," I say being brutally honest.

"You need a souvenir or something," She says as I give her a surprised look," I'm not new to the girlfriend games."

"Like panties or a wig, I don't need one," I say, getting a shut the hell up look from her.

I watch as she gets into my coat and pulls out my phone before turning on the light, our eyes adjust to it as I see her holding a pair of her very skimpy and lacy pink panties. I chuckle as she makes a recording and 'gives' me the panties before grabbing my underwear and putting it in a drawer.

"You get mine and I get yours. Now I'm gonna clean up and you can get out of here," Toni says, stating her plan for me.

"Okay but why mine," I say, pulling on my jeans carefully.

"You are THE only white man I have ever let in here and had sex with, and you're the one of the few men EVER to actually take the time to make me feel good too. I want something to remember that shit by and that means I get your underwear," Toni says, finishing wiping me off of her and putting on a pajama top.

I finish getting dressed and see she's ready for bed herself before I get a kiss on the lips and shown out the door. I give her a smile and get one in return as I head back to my bike and check my phone. Apparently the guys are home and relaxing while wondering where the hell I am. I send a message saying mission accomplished and head back towards home feeling a bit better about who I am.

I get parked in the garage and creep inside the house which is quiet at eleven plus change in the evening. No girls are camped out in the TV room which means I'm doing a long walk up to the room and once inside I can see they are all awake and waiting with rollers and hair nets and robes on like they're waiting for the people to come back and finish. I smile a little and Kori is the first one to talk.

"Alright you got home last so did you not get some from a stripper in the back," Kori asks me a little concerned.

"I actually have a message for you," I tell all of them by pulling out my phone and handing it to them.

I watch as all the girls gather around Kori as I stand there waiting as she loads up the video on my phone.

"Hey there, my name is Toni with an I and this is for Korinna, Katy, Mathilda, Imelda and Rachael. Thank you for letting Guy out tonight. I wasn't stripping tonight but your man found my wallet, gave me a ride home and two hundred bucks just because I needed the help. This is him you see all over my face because I wanted to give him something for all his effort and he actually made me feel good too. Hold onto him and you'll find that he made it back with my underwear but you'll have to search him for them. And don't go looking for him, I'm keeping those as a reminder about nice guys," Toni's recording tells them as they are giggling and smiling," Thanks for helping me out by sending him my way."

The video cuts off and all my women are staring at me as they wonder where the 'trophy' is. I take off my coat, shirt and boots before moving to the edge of the bed and expectantly wait as Kori does the honors on my pants. I let her tug them down and she sees that I have no underwear on until she frees my member which has Toni's lacy pink panties tied around it like a wish knot. I'm glad the door is closed as all my girls are howling with laughter and Kori takes a picture with her phone before Imelda takes the panties off me and I get pulled naked into bed so I can relax and get some sleep.