
Road Tripp

Devin and Masha sitting with her ass in his lap as he powers through I don't know how many plates of food and she just keeps hopping up to get more and feed him. Jun and Lilly in quiet planning mode considering they are not going to be at school next year. Ben and Liz are kinda on the outside of the group and have been most of the time. I think things have been tense concerning the big trip but I'll ask about that when we are closer to leaving. Kyle and Hanna are chit chatting with everyone, Kyle being brought in still threw a lot of people outside of the group but we got him healed and while there could have been some sort of explanation I don't feel the need to do so to everyone in the school. Isaac and Allison are my second biggest concern this year as the two of them have been dating like it's a soap opera. They are doing fine then he fucks it up and comes to the group to talk to her then they get back together for a week or two before another blow up. Finally, my biggest concern is Natsuko. After everything that has happened and all we've been through after Kori 'settled the score' with Heather at Johnny's place my little assistant has been less involved and more distant than I've ever seen her. I'm still enjoying the personal time I'm getting with my crew all the while Kori and I have been planning for the trip. I've been working out the trip list. She's been on the more 'important' job of making sure it'll be a fun trip. I'm pretty sure a bunch of teenagers in a couple RV's driven by bikers being tailed by a U-Haul carrying two bikes is gonna be fun for all. The backyard party ends in the late afternoon and while most of the crew heads off to home, I wait till all the guests leave before putting on my coat and grabbing Katy by the hand and dragging her off to my bike. She's wearing a confused look as I hand her the spare helmet but she's not fighting me as we head off to my only true private spot nowadays, the shack at Johnny's. My bike is a regular feature and as soon as I'm off there is someone to walk it to a small garage Johnny had built for the equipment. The place has really changed, it's still got the trailers stacked up like ghetto apartments and teenage outcasts running around but once I get past the 'courtyard' and into the main section it's tools equipment and then the green houses. Still marvel at the work Johnny has put in becoming a 'legitimate businessman' but I've got more important things on my mind as I walk past it all and to my shack. A little expansion on the shack and the bed were done just so I could hold meetings there with my people but other than that it stays untouched by others. I get Katy inside and sit her down on the bed after closing the door. I take notice of my confused 'Bad' girlfriend, tight jeans that are torn up with hard black boots. I know she's got one of her tank tops under her leather jacket. I take my leather jacket and hood off and set it on the chair, then kick my boots off before slowly pulling my t-shirt off. Katy starts to pick up on what's happening and starts to undress taking her own coat and boots off as I get my pants down and kick them to the side. I move up to her and help her with her top revealing her large breasts clasped together in a purple and black bra, her pants come off to show me matching panties before I throw the former to the floor. I pull her up off the bed to sit up and kiss Katy gently on the lips which catch her off guard for only a moment before I have arms wrapped around my neck. Katy leans back, we keep kissing as she takes me with her to the bed, slowly we work our limbs tightly but tenderly around each other as I feel myself getting hard against Katy's covered mound.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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74 Chs


Katy looks up at me with her pretty green eyes and I can feel her humming as she speeds up. I'm groaning on the bed and I take Katy's hands in mine and feel her going all out. I'm hard and her mouth is wet as she keeps fucking me with her mouth more than giving me a blowjob. I can feel my orgasm building and I look over to see Natsuko is still staring at me and covered but she's going at herself frantically. I really want to fuck her, not like I fuck Katy or the other girls. I want to fuck here and let her feel used, I'm feeling really dark imagining me pounding her out while she's begging me to be gentle as I hit my orgasm. My body tenses and I groan as Katy keeps just my head in her mouth and jerks me as I coat the inside of her mouth with cum. I'm making a bit of noise and see Natsuko go rigid in the corner of my eye. I'm breathing heavily and I see Natsuko roll away from the bed as Katy finishes taking the last little bit out of me.

"Mmmm, baby that was really hot," Katy says after swallowing.

"Yeah I usually don't get 'that' far into a blowjob," I tell her as she crawls up next to me.

"Well maybe we can show the girls why I'm the BJ champ in the group," Katy jokes as I turn the TV off.

I cuddle up to Katy and sure enough she is off to sleep before I am. I almost want to just do it but there is a nagging in me that keeps me in bed. Nothing seems right with the situation and I shouldn't be thinking about punishing her like that, exile maybe but not a hate fuck. These are my thoughts as I drift off to sleep.

We left Washington last Thursday and I woke up for the first time in Texas on Wednesday the next week feeling wide awake and ready for the day. I rouse the girls and we head down to find that breakfast is in buffet form and Loretta has decided to start us off for our first day. We get fed and I discover that I'm gonna be by myself as Loretta has some errands to run and wants to take the girls shopping. Devin and Masha are looking to head out and see the sites and Jun and Lily decide to go with them. Bethany on the other hand decides she wants to head out on her own and Ben 'volunteers' to go with her. I shake my head at it when I realize that the only person to help me with my meeting is Natsuko until Rachael says she wants to bring her along. We get everyone set up and I discover that the girls got cars last year and while Abigail is driving the smart Prius Bethany is rolling around in a Ford F-150. I watch as everyone heads out and I get goodbye kisses from the girls and head back inside to see Mark getting ready to head out himself.

"Hey man I'm gonna go hit the gym and try to figure out what I'm gonna do for the next couple days," Mark tells me as he heads out," If parents ask, just say I have my cell if they need me."

I almost want to stop him from leaving but it's too late as his Charger peels out of the driveway leaving me in a house all alone. I'm at a loss for what to do, I can't carry two large bags on my bike down there and talk to the Old Man and I can't just take a bus or cab either. I'm scrambling when I remember I do have a couple solid friends down here and grabbing my phone to shoot a text message off to Hector. He responds with a welcome back and asks how I'm doing, my response of I have troubles gets me where are you and I tell him the house and he replies to stay put.

I'm waiting for about an hour when the gate buzzer goes off and I see Hector's car come pulling up with a few trucks and almost twenty of his homies all over the place. I almost want to laugh but the situation has me being thankful for last summer. Hector exits his vehicle and I see some familiar faces and some new ones as I get a handshake and hug from Hector.

"Man it is good to see you back. Really glad you decided to come down again," Hector tells me, breaking the hug.

"Hector you are a mind reader man," I say looking at his crew," Carlos is with Abigail I take it?"

"Yeah he still runs the show but people have a little bit more respect for me now," Hector says, showing me the stabbing scar.

"Yeah it's funny how people try to kill you and when you come back others just fall in line," I joke.

We both laugh and he has his boys relax for a minute when I tell him about the bags of drugs and we head up to see it with a skinny little fucker who I almost mistook for a chick by the face. I let them see and the skinny guy lets out a low whistle.

"Dude you are holding Union goods, that Old Man is gonna skin you alive. Patch or no you stole from them," he tells me as Hector dismisses him.

"So what are we doing," Hector asks, falling in line for me.

"I need to talk to him but just me and him so I'm gonna head to the tattoo parlor and do that but I need you to stay nearby and hold the bag as it were," I explain getting a nod," If everything is cool then we give it back and everyone goes about their lives. If not, you get out and you take it to the police."

"You want me to get you in trouble with the cops," Hector asks as we get outside with the bags.

"Either the Old Man and I come to an understanding and things are cool or he guts me and I am dead," I explain," I just don't want him profiting off my death."

Hector doesn't like the plan and I can tell but with him and almost twenty boys hanging around I figure the bags are safe enough. I watch as both get loaded into Hector's car and get my coat and helmet on as I lead them assembly out and into town. It's a bit of a drive and I wave off Hector to break from the line with his boys and watch as he does before I cover the last couple blocks and park my bike in front of the tattoo shop. I see Vinnie and Marcus out front waiting for me and both are not happy to see me. I have my hood up and tip it towards them as I step inside. It doesn't take me long to figure out everyone knows who I am as I'm staring at what looks like a slow day in the shop as I see nobody but Smitty and the Old Man. I pull my hood back and as my eyes adjust I can see the Old Man sitting in his chair for a moment before standing up and heading towards me.

"You really bothered to show up but I don't see what you were supposed to bring," the Old Man asks, a little impatient.

"Yeah well after yesterday I figured we'd talk first and then if things were fine I'd have it brought to you," I explained calmly.

"That shit isn't for you kid and this isn't a fucking game. Return what you took right fucking now," the Old Man growls.

"No we talk and then I will decide what to do," I say looking at Smitty," Can we be alone please?"

"Kid I'm not leaving you alone with my father after the shit you pulled," Smitty says with a bit more anger than I've seen in him.

"Boy, head out, I'll be fine," the Old Man says, heading back to his seat.

I watch as Smitty nods to his Dad and bumps past me out the door. I let it get closed and head over to sit down in front of the Old Man when I hear a familiar clicking. I slowly look and see he's got a fucking hand cannon of a piece casually gripped and aimed right at me. I put my hands up and see him smirk a little.

"You wanted to talk so we talked but this is so you realize that I've got six little friends and they are a lot faster than you are," the Old Man says waving me to a chair," and put your damn hands down kid this is for my safety."

I lower my hands and sit down slowly and the both of us are silent as the only thing I can seem to stare at is the large firearm pointed right at my chest. It's really the only thing I can focus on as he starts talking.

"Kid I like you, I trust you more than I should which is why we're talking but you are pissing me off by taking from me," the Old Man starts," Now I figure you have a counter argument for why you took MY things?"

"You hid it from me, that's lying. You put my girls and my friends in danger, that's you being careless with MY people. I respect you a lot and when I asked you for a simple favor you hid a giant bullseye on my back without me knowing. What if I came in here and was carrying Vicki in my arms as she bled out on your floor. Or if I got Smitty busted because I decided to play fun and games and the police found an illegal firearm on him," I say as I watch the barrel of the gun before looking the Old Man in his eyes," That is the very real threat you put my girls and my friends under. You had Marcus and Vinnie hide it from me because you thought it was best. So what would you have done if something happened to us?"

"Shit kid I don't know, you're a paranoid little shit but fuck you have a point," he says as he lowers the barrel of the gun," It wasn't planned from the start it was an opportunity and I needed to take it, it's complicated but it's a peace offering for some friends and a little something for me."

"I get that but we're both in the shit with each other from where I stand until something gives and we can agree," I say looking down at the gun and back up," Or you can shoot me and this gets a lot worse for everyone."

"Yeah well worse is my three marriages, better is the Union so I wronged you and you get some petty revenge against me and that's supposed to make it even," Old Man asks plainly.

"No, you were wrong and I don't steal from people I respect. It's in holding but if you respect me then I need something from you. Not the Union or your family, just

you," I tell him, getting a raised eyebrow," And I need safety from what I did, I know that there are probably people who know outside of us here so I want no blowback since I'm giving everything back and clear."

"Kid the only people who know in the Union are here now," He tells me laying all his cards out," Personally kid you're an odd negotiator, you could ask for a payment or a handout. Hell you could ask to get patched in honor and I'd go for it but a favor from me, not the union?"

"Yep and sadly I have no clue what it will be but I swear that I can turn it all over and that's it," I say, being as honest as I can.

"Deal kid, the worst you can do to me personally is knocking up my granddaughter and running," He says laughing.