
Road Tripp

Devin and Masha sitting with her ass in his lap as he powers through I don't know how many plates of food and she just keeps hopping up to get more and feed him. Jun and Lilly in quiet planning mode considering they are not going to be at school next year. Ben and Liz are kinda on the outside of the group and have been most of the time. I think things have been tense concerning the big trip but I'll ask about that when we are closer to leaving. Kyle and Hanna are chit chatting with everyone, Kyle being brought in still threw a lot of people outside of the group but we got him healed and while there could have been some sort of explanation I don't feel the need to do so to everyone in the school. Isaac and Allison are my second biggest concern this year as the two of them have been dating like it's a soap opera. They are doing fine then he fucks it up and comes to the group to talk to her then they get back together for a week or two before another blow up. Finally, my biggest concern is Natsuko. After everything that has happened and all we've been through after Kori 'settled the score' with Heather at Johnny's place my little assistant has been less involved and more distant than I've ever seen her. I'm still enjoying the personal time I'm getting with my crew all the while Kori and I have been planning for the trip. I've been working out the trip list. She's been on the more 'important' job of making sure it'll be a fun trip. I'm pretty sure a bunch of teenagers in a couple RV's driven by bikers being tailed by a U-Haul carrying two bikes is gonna be fun for all. The backyard party ends in the late afternoon and while most of the crew heads off to home, I wait till all the guests leave before putting on my coat and grabbing Katy by the hand and dragging her off to my bike. She's wearing a confused look as I hand her the spare helmet but she's not fighting me as we head off to my only true private spot nowadays, the shack at Johnny's. My bike is a regular feature and as soon as I'm off there is someone to walk it to a small garage Johnny had built for the equipment. The place has really changed, it's still got the trailers stacked up like ghetto apartments and teenage outcasts running around but once I get past the 'courtyard' and into the main section it's tools equipment and then the green houses. Still marvel at the work Johnny has put in becoming a 'legitimate businessman' but I've got more important things on my mind as I walk past it all and to my shack. A little expansion on the shack and the bed were done just so I could hold meetings there with my people but other than that it stays untouched by others. I get Katy inside and sit her down on the bed after closing the door. I take notice of my confused 'Bad' girlfriend, tight jeans that are torn up with hard black boots. I know she's got one of her tank tops under her leather jacket. I take my leather jacket and hood off and set it on the chair, then kick my boots off before slowly pulling my t-shirt off. Katy starts to pick up on what's happening and starts to undress taking her own coat and boots off as I get my pants down and kick them to the side. I move up to her and help her with her top revealing her large breasts clasped together in a purple and black bra, her pants come off to show me matching panties before I throw the former to the floor. I pull her up off the bed to sit up and kiss Katy gently on the lips which catch her off guard for only a moment before I have arms wrapped around my neck. Katy leans back, we keep kissing as she takes me with her to the bed, slowly we work our limbs tightly but tenderly around each other as I feel myself getting hard against Katy's covered mound.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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74 Chs


I still speak no Spanish but I can tell Imelda is getting a bit of a lecture as her mother starts to pull food out of the fridge and starts cooking up some already prepared items and Imelda starts to help when her mother checks the clock and starts issuing more orders before grabbing her purse and addressing me.

"You eat what my daughter makes and I want my daughter to come see me at home tomorrow after my shifts," Mrs. Ortega tells me before heading out the door.

"Okay so apparently I have to make you food because mother said so," Imelda tells me while taking her riding jacket off.

I sit and casually watch as she starts to cook and I realize that I've never even seen her in a kitchen to do anything except pick up or put away a plate. She's got tight jeans and a white t sleeveless t-shirt that is showing off her figure very well. I see her start to panic about what to do as I move up behind her and take her hips in my hands. Imelda stops at my touch and I can feel her soften as she backs up against me.

"I don't hear any of the other girls around and I think you still have a bedroom here," I tell her quietly in her ear.

"Mom will be mad at me if I don't feed you something," Imelda says, trying to cook but barely.

"And I can't eat after," I say, reaching past her and shutting off the stove.

Imelda puts down her attempt at cooking and turns in my hands before wrapping her arms around me and giving me a soft kiss. I back her against the stove for a brief bit as we kiss when she breaks it and grabs the front of my jeans leading me to her old room. It's a lot different than I remember. Most everything is folded up like she was moved out and never coming back and I can see her freeze at the sight of it.

"It's packed up to keep it clean baby," I tell her as she sits on her barren bed," See everything is in the closet."

"Mom didn't know if I'd come back," Imelda says to me with some sadness.

I can't bear to see her like this and I pull my coat off and drop it to the floor, she's a little emotional as I get on my knees on the floor in front of her and between her

legs. Imelda looks lost right now and I move in and kiss her again softly and tenderly. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me up off the floor and onto her as she leans back on the bed. We take our time slowly exploring each other's mouths and bodies like we're remembering the first night together almost a year ago. Soft and tender turns to more emboldened touching and I break away from Imelda and start to peel off my clothes with assistance from Imelda before we strip her down till both of us are bare to each other. Imelda backs up the bed further and I crawl up after her. Imelda spreads herself for me and gingerly starts to stroke my member with her hands helping me get harder. I kiss Imelda again with a little more eagerness and she replies in kind as our bodies pressed together. I don't need any guidance from Imelda as my head finds her slit and we gently press against each other.

"Mmmm maybe this time Rachael won't barge in on us," Imelda jokes quietly.

I smile and press myself inside her and we both lock up at the sensation of me invading Imelda's warm folds. I take my time slowly pressing till my length is buried deep inside and I rest my hips against hers. Softly we grind against each other kissing and exploring as we grind together finding a deep and steady rhythm. It's a slow and tender thing but I back up a little pulling just a few inches from Imelda before sliding back in and feeling Imelda tense up as I get rooted again. I take slow and short thrusts in and out of her making sure to savory her body wrapped around me. I am savoring every single thrust and Imelda is responding to me with approving moans and I feel more anxious about the feeling burning its way through the base of my cock.

Imelda feels it as well and we grip each other tightly as my thrusting speeds up and my body feels more intense as we press harder against each other. I want to release so badly but love making is trickier than sex, you have to feel it out. Imelda can feel my swelling inside her and to my surprise she stops moving herself all together and just lets me do the work. I feel her hands gripping my ass and our mouths locking together as I work myself at a more anxious pace when I feel Imelda's body, more specifically her pussy just relaxing around me. The whole thing catches me off guard and my body betrays me by making me cum hard into Imelda. The first shot goes off in her and suddenly she locks up around me holding me in, milking me for everything that I have. I break our kiss and groan out my orgasm and Imelda kisses any part of my flesh she can find till I relax on and inside her. We lie there for what feels like hours but is probably minutes when Imelda starts kissing me again sweetly. I kiss her back and we separate our bodies and head to the bathroom to clean up. Cleaning up isn't easy when we're both pawing at each other and kissing but I feel just as spent now as I did with Kori the night at the motel.

We dress and head back to the kitchen where Imelda looks at her new problem, making me a meal because her mother told her to. I'd like to say it was an easy fix for my Latina girlfriend but let's just say I know baking soda can put out a fire and once I started helping her things went a little smoother. It's nothing fancy mind you but it's spicier than hell and while she's loving it I'm drinking more milk now than I would in a week just to survive. We get done and she locks up her old house before hopping back on my bike and cruising back to Loretta's home.

We've only been gone for a few hours but when I get in Mark is ready to go and apparently Devin moved the tour bus and the RV around so that their access points are facing each other. Imelda takes one side and Mark takes the other as they start taking the panels off and get into the more disgusting portions of the vehicles. The smell alone is enough to make us gag and even with masks I watch Mark nearly puke on the drive. It takes us almost twenty minutes but we get all the bags out and Mark is staring at me with a level of shock on his face.

"Dude you smuggled drugs down here," he says dumbfounded.

"No, our drivers did and we found out about it after we were almost here," I tell him as we bag it up," now we put these back and go about everything like nothing happened."

"Except I know a couple guys from college who will pay for that man," Mark tells me as I look at him with some shock," Dude it's college if you don't know people who are getting drunk and high you are doing something wrong."