
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Lubbock And Doctor Ema

"That's the only place we'll be safe", Lubbock led the way after we'd decided it was too dangerous to stay in town after all.

People kept coming after us no matter where we went. Even if we killed them, they would just respawn. There was no point in fighting.

"The one thing every program fears is corruption. If these dummies follow us to the mounds, they'll get exactly that. So I'm sure we'll be safe there", Lubbock educated me, though I can't say I understood everything.

"And you don't fear that corruption?"

"No, because my data can't be corrupted."

"And why is that? Didn't you say you weren't part of the system? So if anything, shouldn't you be more prone to this corruption?"

"Perhaps so, but my firewall is infallible. Even if I were to walk off this world, I'd probably end up creating a road of my own. It's even easier if I'm in a foreign system."

"Alright, well, how do we stop this?"

"One way would be to destroy the server, but I doubt we'll be able to make it to Doctor Ema like this. I can bypass the system and corrupt their data so we'd have a hole to jump out, but to be honest, I'm not sure what kind of effects it will have on you. You are human after all, and unlike the rest, you aren't using a link either. I have no idea what will happen to you. I tried to find out by killing that pretty lady but she seemed to have a link. Though, she can't reread her data to recover herself. So she's out for good."

I was incapable of understanding any of that. The one bit I did understand was his confession.

"So you did kill her!!!", I burst, as much as my lungs would allow, seeing as we were climbing up the mounds.

"Of course! But you already figured that out, didn't you?"

"So what exactly are we heading up there for?"

"Well, Seraph, seeing as we've escaped their clutches, isn't it already worth coming here? But of course, as long as we don't leave the system, we'll be a thorn in her side, so I'm sure, she'll come out herself."

"Doctor Ema would?! But wouldn't she get corrupted?"

"Trust in her capabilities a little more. If she can make something as good as Serena, she can pull this off...or so I think."

"And what if she doesn't come?", I had to wonder.

"She will."

"What if?", I was persistent.

"Then I'll go to her myself. I'll get you out somehow and go to her. It would take too long now because I have to make way for you but if it's just me, I can push through. It won't be the fastest thing though, it could take a long time."

"Would you win?"

"She can keep going forever but I'll still come out on top. That's a blessing I have, or a curse, either way, I'll definitely win."

Though I had no reason to not believe him, this statement sounded like a complete lie.

"As for you, when you get out on the other side, you'll find your sweetheart lady there. Make sure you tell her how you feel", he had a strange smile on his face, "To think I have to tell you this too!"

"You are talking out of your ass!"

"Oh come now! It's not like I can't tell. What are you so shy about? You absolute virgin!"

Not anymore, no, my dear Lubbock, is what I'd have liked to tell him.

"You are one to talk! You dumb machine!"

"I'm not that machine. I still have some human parts, unlike Serena. I'm not a robot, you know. And what are you so cranky about? I won't tell Lady, don't worry. But you won't be able to bring your sweetheart to Valhalla, either way."

"Who says I am worried about Lady? And I'm not bringing anyone anywhere."

Who knew Lubbock could be a nice guy too when he wanted to be. In any case, for a while our idle chatter went on, until he suddenly stopped midway. We weren't quite that far yet, although there were glitches all around us but not as much as before.


He turned around with a deadpan look and stared at someone behind me. I followed his lead and turned around. Doctor Ema had gotten there sooner than I expected.

She stood huffing and puffing, with a ragged appearance, her graceful countenance barely remained. That's the thing about charming women, they don't lose it even in life and death situations.

"Yo!", Lubbock seemed much more relaxed than he should have been, "I was expecting you."

"You...you are the Laughing Man, aren't you?", she spoke in a hoarse voice.

Lubbock maintained his grin but said nothing.

As for Doctor, she was standing on her own two feet. Her wheelchair was gone. I wondered if she'd been faking it or if a miracle had occurred.

"She's walking", I murmured, which Lubbock overheard.

"You got rid of all your dummies, did you? That must have been a load off the server. You truly have been carrying a huge burden all this time. I pity you", it was hard to tell if Lubbock was jesting or if he really did mean it.

"What do you want with us now? Haven't we suffered enough at your hands?", she seemed to be breathing really hard. It looked like she was having difficulty with it, perhaps due to such a vulnerable location.

"First of all, you are the first generation of Shamballa, aren't you? No ancestors passed on any stories to you, you built them yourselves."

"We are machine dependent, what else do you expect? You know it all, already. You just want a confession, is that it?"

"Your little experiment isn't very perfect, after all. Bio-machines aren't as capable as you think, Doctor. There's a massive cloud of fog on the mountain because of you. You think that's security?", Lubbock began walking towards her.

"I couldn't care less what goes on outside. I know people are dying because of us. But they should just leave us alone, just like they did back when Agartha was first attacked."

I grabbed Lubbock's arm, forbidding him from getting any closer to her. She seemed like a walking talking time bomb right now. I could not let anything happen here where I wasn't sure I could help.

"You should have learned a lesson back then", Lubbock assured me that he'd be fine and freed his arm.

"I don't care about that anymore. Why don't you just leave us alone? Never come back here, just...we just want some peace. You've had your turn, you've got your revenge. So just-"

"You've had your turn with Serena too, Doctor. Why don't you give up on her?"

"Don't you dare talk about her?! It's your fault to begin with that everything went to shit! You don't know a damn thing about our lives! You traitor, you scumbag!"

"There, there, you might bust a nerve."

"I've had it with your crap. If you just...leave us alone, I'll give you your memories back."


"Your memories...from before. The ones they took from you. I have them. I saved them in hopes...for just such a day. I knew you'll come back. So if you leave here and never come back, I'll give them back to you."

"Ah...is that so?", I wondered if that would be a bargaining chip, though it seemed unlikely to me. By that brief reaction, Lubbock was letting us in on his deep seated anger and hatred for everything that Shamballa stood for. I saw with my own eyes later on, how he enjoyed destroying that place.

"Afraid I gotta say no", he walked right up to her.

She stared at his face, with a look of bewilderment, as if she was sure she couldn't lose this negotiation in any case.

"You sure got tall, Ema", he grinned, with a distant look in his eyes, sending shivers down Ema's spine as she shuddered in disbelief, "I am still here."