
Road to Rogue Ninja

This is a story about a reincarnated person in the Ninja world. He has a happy life then suddenly tragedy struck one after another and he is forced to become a rogue ninja. An adventure of a rogue ninja and his survival. He also has a computer in his mind with cross wold internet. He is born in Konoha in a small declined family. A small happy family but third ninja war is still

UlTiMaTeNiNjA · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 031 Scholarship for Naruto

-Konoha Academy-

The teachers, along with the headmaster, received a notification from the Hokage about a new sponsor who wants to test the students and those who seek sponsorships. They were informed that this retired chunin is extremely wealthy and has also donated a significant amount of money to the Konoha Academy for additional books and infrastructure.

Most ninjas sponsor some children, but it is usually done among friends and relatives. However, very few donate to the Konoha Academy; most of the funding comes from the Hokage's office and sometimes Damiyo will donate. Retired or active ninjas rarely have time to donate due to their missions and securing the village. It is rare for someone like Menma to make such a generous contribution.

Shikaku Nara, Inoichi Yamanaka, and Choza Akamichi are also here to help maintain the order of the scholarship interviews. According to Hokage's words, Menma will be giving out scholarships to different students based on their respective categories.

Menma arrived at that time wearing his normal attire. The headmaster knew Menma because he had seen him many times while he was a student; he was also one of the best students in the academy.

The headmaster said, "Good morning, Menma-kun. You've grown up a lot since the last time I saw you."

Menma said, "Hello, Headmaster, and good morning to everyone."

He didn't show much expression as he also saw Inoichi among the crowd; that guy didn't know whom he was greeted with such ease.

He also saw many student parents there today. It's a school holiday because it's the weekend, but the children and their parents were still present at the school compound.

The headmaster noticed that Menma was looking at the parents. He said, "They are here to secure scholarships for their children. The news has been circulating about this scholarship opportunity. However, I informed them that only students can attend the interviews. Parents are not allowed inside."

Shikaku Nara said, "It's a drag. But it's a great opportunity for anyone who wants to take advantage of the scholarship." He could see some of his clan children were also interested.

Choza asked, "Are clan children allowed to participate in the scholarship? Does the clan's funds not suffice for their education?"

He saw many people in line - from the clan, orphans, and civilians - all waiting for the scholarship opportunity.

Menma said, "The clan can only support us, but even their resources are limited. And I forgot that many smaller clans also need more money. It is fine anyway. At least they can save more money. The war has taken a huge toll on many clans' budgets over the past decade. Let's see who gets the most out of this scholarship and who gets the least out of it."

Inoichi said, "You have a lot of money, Menma kun. Even my wife told me that it is a good move for small child development. At least they will know Konoha cares about their well-being. And money doesn't just come from nowhere."

His friends nodded in agreement with his statement.

Menma walked into a spacious room. The Ino-Shika-Cho trio also entered the room. The headmaster took a seat beside Menma, while Shikaku sat down on the other side as the Jonin commander. A few Jonin and Chunin were also present in the room to maintain order. Once everyone was seated, the interview began.

The village orphans came first, and Menma checked their chakra with his sensory jutsu. He asked them about their lives, and he also asked them some random questions about life. He inquired about their goals and what they wanted to become.

He evaluated each of the boys and girls. He awarded them various types of scholarships. For poor and orphaned children, he paid their school fees, provided books, and covered other necessary expenses such as food and clothing. However, the Hokage could not cover everything. The orphan scholarship fund was quite large. If a child showed exceptional talent, they would receive the best education possible.

Poor family children are only given education and school expense allowances. As they do not need food money. So only education scholarships for them.

Some small clan members also attended. They received scholarships as well. Families who were in poor conditions received more financial assistance than others.

At last, a blonde boy came inside. The Hokage sent Naruto as Menma had promised to help him in the form of a scholarship. And the Hokage also agreed.

Menma asked the small blond boy, "What is your name? And why do you need a scholarship?"

Many people frowned when they saw Naruto enter the room. The headmaster, Menma, and the Ino-Shika-Cho trio did not give any reaction. They knew about Naruto's origins.

Naruto said, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki; believe it. Jiji told me that if I get the scholarship, I'll be able to eat more ramen."

Menma and the others looked at the boy. Menma didn't know what kind of conversation the Hokage had with Naruto.

Menma asked, "You look quite small for your age. Have you been avoiding fruits and vegetables?"

His words made others look at him; most people do not pay attention to such details.

Naruto said, "The shopkeeper doesn't sell fruits or vegetables. What am I supposed to do?" Naruto was quite innocently blurting out his thoughts. Many chunins and jonins in the room felt sympathetic towards him. Shikamaru made a mental note to inform the hokage.

Menma asked, "Do you know the price of your clothes? And what kind of clothes do you like?"

Menma had asked such questions to every child. So they did not feel anything different.

Naruto nodded his small head and said, "I know that. I like orange-colored clothes." But soon Naruto started to talk about the price of his clothes. Many orphans knew about such questions. The price of Naruto's clothes was twice or thrice more expensive than those of other people.

Even Choza was sweating from all the questions Menma was asking Naruto. And the answers Naruto gave even made Shikaku frown.

After some time, Menma finished asking his questions to Naruto. He had already approved the scholarship for him.

Naruto asked, "Will I get a scholarship?" He is a hopeful little guy.

Menma said, "Of course, you will receive a scholarship. I have already approved your educational scholarship. You do not need to pay Konoha Academy. The equipment will be top-notch as well for you. If anyone deliberately gives you old equipment, you must inform the headmaster or Hokage. I am paying for you and others as a scholarship; therefore, students should not have to use the old equipment. Books are also brand new. The orphan scholarship has been approved by me for you. The third Hokage will send you extra money along with the usual funds."

Naruto looked happy after hearing it. Then he said, "I almost spent all of my money on ramen. Do you have any ramen scholarships?" Naruto asked curiously. The jonin wanted to say something.

But Menma stopped him and said, "Where did you eat ramen?"

Naruto said, "Ichiraku Ramen." He responded innocently.

Menma said, "You look like a real foodie. For you, I will grant you a Ramen scholarship for six years. You can only use this scholarship if you do not have enough money to pay at Ichiraku Ramen. I will discuss this with Mr. Teuchi and cover the costs. You can confirm with him later."

Naruto signed the scholarship document and left happily afterward.

The headmaster said, "Naruto is the last one for the scholarship. Now I can take my rest."

Menma signed some documents with the headmaster. He paid everything in advance by check. The funds will directly go into the Academy's fund. He even paid an additional one million ryo to the academy. The scholarships will be paid directly from a separate account to the recipients.

Shikaku said to Menma, "I have to go a little early with Choza and Inoichi to report something to the Third Hokage."

Menma nodded his head and the trio left that place. Meanwhile, Menma visited Ichiraku Ramen. He told Teuchi about the new Ramen scholarship for Naruto. Teuchi agreed without hesitation. As he had fed Naruto many times for free.

Menma paid for Naruto for another six years. Teuchi knows that Menma is helping him and Naruto with this. The Ramen Scholarship is just another bullshit of Menma to shut up other people. He already explained the rules to Teuchi about when Naruto can use the Ramen Scholarship; it's when he doesn't have any money. Teuchi agreed with him. Teuchi received a lot of money from Menma. So he can feed Naruto for six years without a problem.