
Road To Pradisja 1

Quasar Crystalion, the strongest recorded in history from the planet of Cristala is captured, the protector of seventy is doomed for execution a year after his farewell letter to his son Asars Crystalion, will his son face the challenges of the seventy, the heavenly chain of seventy planets to arrive in Pradisja, Heaven above Hell, face the Empress and Eternals and release his father, he has one year, Time is clocking, three days in,

WrittenArt · Sci-fi
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How did the first war start? How was the first weapon created? Was it designed to protect or to defeat? Was it out of competition or mischief? When the need arises, whether for a better future or personal gain, anyone, everyone, regardless of birth, will choose to be on the winning end, even if someone's death is involved, this is the fight for survival, to ensure your longevity, your security, your inviolable power, some may commit acts that do not belong to the moral code at all, but what is the ethical code, it is a book that we find on the street, it is a feeling inside the chest that someone could translate literally, or just a myth for global control, a glass wall that a small stone can break, but it would take thousands of years for someone to test it,Above them, like a north star stood a Bloodhound, one of them, one of the 14 Bloodhounds, a creature clad in metal armor, painted in brown war paint, and 4 stars tattooed on his body, 4 stars on his back, every star for every impossible task that the empress gave him and he did it when the way of life is threatened by uncontrollable situations, natural disasters or chaotic people, he does not send the strongest soldiers, nor the divine guards, nor even the guardians of the gate themselves, but sends out a Bloodthirsty, eyes full of flames, a user of a firepower, brown hair as well, and a chain that was tied like a scarf around his neck,Daring- What are you looking for in our lands?Like a rusty mechanism, he moved his head in their direction, slightly raised his right hand, and the ground began to shake,Ksedra- His statistics must be outside the normal norms,She touched him on the back, and with a worried look she saw, the two of them together wouldn't even be able to bite him,TrMet- You're not the reason I'm here, stay out of this, it's not for you,A sound like an iceberg breaking into billions of pieces rang out from behind them, an attack of purple crystal, the most beautiful color in the history of crystal power users, the power of Asars Crystalian, like an ascending domino, an attack that if you are not aware, it can destroy your entire physique, but not something that someone like a Bloodthirsty has not been used to before,Only a hand movement was needed, and the whole crystal collapsed faster than a sandcastle on the beach, but no fire, no explosion was seen, and nothing was felt, but the earth shook again,Asars- You are on our back here, and you are not a guest,Hands in vapor with light like the aurora borealis, eyes in the same vapor but in purple color, the comparison in power was clearer than the surface of Cristala itself, but not a sign of fear in the eyes of Asar or Daring, Daring left to go near Asars, a surprise in her eyes, at times like this you have to be logical, then she saw that he was going, he stood next to Asars, she smiled, they are a sword and a shield, she thought,TrMet - I came today just to say goodbye, he's fine, we're keeping him as someone of his caliber deserves before things go down, I wasn't his captor, it was someone else, today I bring the news from your Empress, the path you will follow will bring many consequences for your peaceful planet, lay down your weapons, ask for forgiveness, obey the imperial order and leave this behind your arms if you decide to follow this idiotic goal, it will mean that you are a traitor to the nation, you and your whole family, every person who comes to your aid will be declared a traitor and their family for 8 generations will be sent to work in Spaci camps, think about it. Look around you, you come from a family with a bright history, don't tarnish it, not like your father,Daring's right arm turned from a stone-brown color to a rock-gray color, but Asars stopped him,Asars- Do you send word back?TrMet nodded and smiled.On Asar's hand, a crystal was forming in the shape of a bullet, like a pendant diamond, it looked so clean but so sharp, with the dimensions of a pistol bullet, threw it towards his face, caught it, and put it in his pocket,Asars- Throw it at the door of the Empress, tell her, Asars the first of his name is coming for you, for your family, and everyone who will raise arms in your name, whether alive or dead,TrMet- Now I'm happy, I was expecting a clever coward, an intriguer since you look exactly like a woman with these diamonds, but you're a complete fool, I raise my arms in the name of the empress, I'll take your head Asars, your friend's, his wife's, your fiancee's, your mom's, anyone else I am not aware?With a smile on his face, he flew off the planet, like a comet he disappeared, no one felt how he came and no one saw where he went, the level where they are and where they should be is extremely far, only disappointment on the face, the hands weren't trembling but their hearts were beating abnormally, how can you face someone like him, it seemed quite clear that he was manipulating the fire, but the fire was not seen at all,Daring- Along the way we will have to face them, Asars, it's lucky that today he didn't decide to take our head off.Asars- 1 year, time to leave Daring, better stay and create a family, we saw clearly where we are, death was only a second away,Ksedra- The decision is yours, Daring, I am with you until the end,Daring- A man should stand for something, if not, what's the point?Asars laughed since they met, he hadn't changed at all, how rare is this in society, who has a friend who hasn't changed, even a tree changes color depending on the season,